CHEKLIST - Updated 31 August 2015
__Use CALIBRI font, 11pointsize for all text, including the Title and References
__Use Left justification (not fully justified) and single line spacing for all text
__Use Bold font for Title,AuthorNames, and Section Headings only.Never Use UPPER CASE.
__Use with A4 or Letter size paper with approximately 1” margins on all sides.
__ Leave the Header and Footer sections empty. Do not include page numbers.
__Format your references using the APA format, as summarized in these guidelines:
__ If you are using any figure, tables or quotations from other sources, you must READ the SpringerPermission Guidelines and use the Lombok Permissions Form to obtain permission form from the copyright holder.
__Maximum length is 5500 words, including Title, Authors, Abstract, Keywords, Text, Tables, Figures and References Cited. Please contact the Conference Committee (email below) if you need to exceed this number.
___ Provide complete information for all of the authors. UNDERLINE each author’s family or sur name.
__ The Corresponding Author must complete the Lombok Consent to Publish form. A scanned copy must be sent to the email addresses below.
__Submit your Paper, Permission Forms (scanned) using the Online Submission Form on the Conference Website.
For All Authors: Use lower case. Bold the author names. Do not bold the other information.
First Author’s Full Name (Do not abbreviate the primary given name and surname/family name; Middle names may be abbreviated; Underline author’s family name)
Department and Work Place (e.g., university or agency name)
City, Province/State, Country (of your work place)
Email address
Second Author’s Full Name (do not abbreviate first and last names; Underline author’s family name)
Department and Work Place (e.g., university or agency name)
City, Province/State, Country (of your work place)
Email address
Third, Fourth, Fifth, and other Author’s Full Name (do not abbreviate first and last names; Underline author’s family name)
(same information as above)
ABSTRACT: (200 to 50 words. Use plain text – do not use italics; Please use the same abstract that you submitted to the conference; you may revise this abstract if appropriate)
KEYWORDS: (4 to 8 keywords - Use plain text – do not use italics; You may add additional keywords from those submitted to the conference)
BIOGRAPHICAL NOTES: Two to three sentences about each author.
-Pleaseuse the same font size throughout the entire paper.
-Please do not include images, figures or tables that are copyrighted.
-Please left justify all text – do not use full justification.
-You may use Bold font for headings, but do not use UPPER CASE.
-Do Not use Color in your images, tables or figures. We cannot print color imaged in the proceedings book.
-Place all Tables and Figures at the end of your paper, after the References Cited.
Tourism and Sustainable Development on Lombok, Indonesia
Akmad S. Sulaiman
Associate Professor
Department of Tourism Studies, University of the Islands
Princetown, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia
Susan B.T.S. Sharma
Senior Lecturer and Director
Centre for Island Studies, Southern Ocean University
South Perth, Western Australia, Australia
This is a sample abstract. Your abstract should be a summary of your paper, including your research objectives and conclusions. It should be at least 200 words long and less than 1000 words. It should also be left justified, not full justified.
Keywords: abstract, tourism, Lombok, sustainable development, Indonesia
Biographical Notes
Akmad S. Sulaiman is an Associate Professor in the Department of Tourism Studies, University of the Islands at Princetown, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia where he teaches courses on tourism development and tourism economics. His research focuses on sustainable community based tourism in Southeast Asia.
Susan B.T.S. Sharma is the Director Centre for Island Studies at Southern Ocean University, Australia, where she oversees a multifaceted research program covering islands around the Southern Ocean region. She received her Ph.D. from the University of Hawaii and recently published Ocean Island Tourism, published by Routledge (2014).
This is the body of the full paper. Remember: Pleaseuse the same font size (11 point Calibri) throughout the entire paper, except the title can be 16 point. Please do not include images, figures or tables that are copyrighted (Lew, 1999). Please left justify all text – do not use full justification. You may use Bold font for headings, but do not use UPPER CASE. Do Not use Color in your images, tables or figures. We cannot print color imaged in the proceedings book.
This is the body of the full paper. Remember: Pleaseuse the same font size (11 point Calibri) throughout the entire paper, except the title can be 16 point. Please do not include images, figures or tables that are copyrighted (Lew, 1999). Please left justify all text – do not use full justification. You may use Bold font for headings, but do not use UPPER CASE. Do Not use Color in your images, tables or figures. We cannot print color imaged in the proceedings book.
This is the body of the full paper. Remember: Pleaseuse the same font size (11 point Calibri) throughout the entire paper, except the title can be 16 point. Please do not include images, figures or tables that are copyrighted (Lew, 1999). Please left justify all text – do not use full justification. You may use Bold font for headings, but do not use UPPER CASE. Do Not use Color in your images, tables or figures. We cannot print color imaged in the proceedings book.
References Cited
Author, A. A. (2012)Tourism Today: A world view. Abingdon: Routledge.
Author, A. A. (2012)This is a chapter. In J.J. Jones, P.P. Peterson, & B.B. Bibi (Eds.), Book Sustainable Tourism: New Ideas (pp. 300−316). Abingdon: Routledge.
Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (1987) Title of article. Title of Journal, 22, 123–231.
doi:xx.xxxxxxxxxx (or website, if available)
for more examples, see:
Table 1. Tourists Behavior Pre- and Post-Education Sessions
Group A (uneducated)10%60%50%
Group B (educated)80%15%5%
Source: author’s field observations.