Fire Department - Life Safety Bureau
Home Day Care Inspection Application
Inspections performed within the City limits of Houston only. Make check or money order payable to the City of Houston –Fire Department. (Fees are not refundable) Mail to Code Enforcement; Permit Office, P. O. Box 3625, Houston, Texas 77253 or bring to 1205 Dart St. Houston, Texas 77007. Credit Cards are accepted. Please call the Fire Marshal’s office at 832-394-6900 or the Permit Office at 713-247-8557 for additional information.
Application Date:Application Type: (Please check one) / Licensed / Registered
If the inspection is not needed, please indicate and return signed and dated application. Please provide details.
Please type or print
Applicant Name: (Care giver)Address:
City /State: / Zip Code:
Telephone Number: / Emergency Number:
Fee / Fees: / Amount Paid
Inspection Fee: If a fire hazard is identified; the care giver shall remedy any problems within 30 days of the initial inspection or earlier. There shall be no charge the first follow-up inspection. / $100.00
Administration Fee / $ 25.00
Re-inspection Fee-If any problem remains after the follow-up inspection and a third inspection is required , a re-inspection will be assessed / $ 75.00
Method of Payment : (Check One)
Check/M. O. # / Credit Card: / Cash:
/ Total / $
I understand that the inspection I have applied for may be revoked at any time for violation of the terms and conditions under which same is granted or for any violation of the City of Houston Fire Codes and Ordinance pertaining thereto. I understand that this inspection must be available at the location indicated.
Care Giver: (Signature): / Date: