Baby Likes To Rock It
Description: 2-Wall Line Dance, 48 count, Beginner
Choreographed by: Hillbilly Rick
Choreographed to: Baby likes to rock it by The Tractors (160 BPM)
Hips Right Twice, Hips Left Twice
1-2 Swivel heels right and bump hips twice
3-4 Swivel heels left and bump hips twice
Twist Down, Down, Up, Up
5-6 Swivel hips right and down, left and down
7-8 Swivel hips right and up, left and up
Back R, Clap, Back L, Clap, Back R, Clap, Back L, Clap
9-10 Step diagonally back right, clap
11-12 Step diagonally back left, clap
13-14 Step diagonally back right, clap
15-16 Step diagonally back left, clap
Shuffle R, Shuffle L, Step R, ½ turn L (Repeat)
17 & 18 Shuffle forward right
19 & 20 Shuffle forward left
21-22 Step forward right, ½ turn left
23 & 24 Shuffle forward right
25 & 26 Shuffle forward left
27-28 Step forward right, ½ turn left
Jazz Box Twice
29-30 Step right across left, step back left
31-32 Side step right, stomp together left
33-34 Step right across left, step back left
35-36 Side step right, stomp together left
Scuff R, Scuff L, Vine L With ½ Turn L, Scuff R, Vine L, Stomp R
37-38 Side step right, step left behind right
39-40 Side step right, scuff left
41-42 Side step left, step right behind left
43-44 Side step left, pivot ½ turn left and scuff right
45-46 Side step right, step left behind right
47-48 Side step right, stomp left