Member Resolution
A resolution authorizing the (Name of Tribe) ______to join the California Tribal Families Coalition, as a voting member, to appoint delegates, authorize the California Tribal Families Coalition to advocate for and otherwise advance issues consistent with enhancing the rights of tribal children and families on behalf of (Name of Tribe) ______and to authorize donations to the California Tribal Families Coalition.
WHEREAS:The (Name of Tribe) ______(“Tribe”) is a federally recognized tribe, organized pursuant to the Constitution of the
(Name of Tribe) ______adopted by the Tribe on
(Date) ______and approved by the Secretary of the Interior on (Date) ______(“Constitution”); and
WHEREAS:The Constitution, at Article ______, Section ______, provides that the governing body of the Tribe is the Tribal Council, with the power to ______[e.g. conclude agreements or consult with federal, state, local and tribal governments; promote the health, education and general welfare of the members of the Tribe]; and
WHEREAS:The California Tribal Families Coalition is nonprofit social welfare organization, which is an independent and tribally-owned and operated entity incorporated pursuant to the laws of the state of California; and
WHEREAS:The mission of California Tribal Families Coalition is to protect the health, safety and welfare of tribal children and families, which are inherent tribal governmental functions and are at the core of tribal sovereignty and governance; and
WHEREAS:The California Tribal Families Coalition was formed to carry out the recommendations of the 2017 ICWA Compliance Task Force report, to seek compliance of the Indian Child Welfare Act, and to further the goals of Indian tribes as they relate to tribal families; and
WHEREAS:The (Name of Tribe) ______hereby authorizes the California Tribal Families Coalition to advocate in the name of and on behalf of
(Name of Tribe) ______to advance legal and policy issues consistent with enhancing the rights of tribal children and families to include but not be limited to; litigation, legislation, engagement and tribal consultation with federal, state and local governments and governmental agencies to advance the mission and purpose of the organization as articulated in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws; and
WHEREAS: The California Tribal Families Coalition may engage in consultation with the California Department of Social Services on behalf of(Name of Tribe) ______pursuant to the express terms of this tribal resolution designating the organization as the Tribal Designee; and
WHEREAS:The (Name of Tribe) ______hereby appoints
(Name of Delegate) ______as the Tribe’s delegate and
(Name of Alternate Delegate) ______as the alternate delegate and therefore joins the California Tribal Families Coalition as a voting member; and
WHEREAS: Each federally recognized California Indian tribe is eligible for membership as a voting member. No tribe shall hold more than one membership. Membership must be renewed, by the filing of a duly adopted tribal government resolution, every two years; and
WHEREAS:The (Name of Tribe) ______recognizes the need to assist the California Tribal Families Coalition financially, with recognition that the work accomplished by the California Tribal Families Coalition will directly benefit our tribal children and families and therefore the (Name of Tribe) ______is committed to authorize donations to the California Tribal Families Coalition in the amount of $______each year this Resolution is in effect, to assist in its mission and objectives; and
WHEREAS:As a voting member of the California Tribal Families Coalition, the Tribe does not waive or intend to waive its sovereign immunity; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the (Name of Tribe) ______, as a federally recognized tribe, hereby joins the California Tribal Families Coalition as a voting member.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Tribal Council hereby appoints
(Name of Delegate) ______as the Tribe’s delegate and
(Name of Alternate Delegate) ______as the alternate delegate.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Tribal Council hereby authorizes the California Tribal Families Coalition to advocate for and otherwise advance legal and policy issues consistent with enhancing the rights of tribal children and families to include but not limited to; litigation, legislation, engagement and tribal consultation with federal, state and local governments and governmental agencies to advance the mission and purpose of the organization as articulated in the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws, on behalf of (Name of Tribe) ______.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVEDthat the Tribal Council hereby designates CTFC as a Tribal Designee to represent
(Name of Tribe) ______in consultation with CDSS.
BE IT ALSO RESOLVED that the Tribal Council hereby authorizes donations to the California Tribal Families Coalition in the amount of $______each year this Resolution is in effect, to assist in its mission and objectives.
As Tribal Secretary of (Name of Tribe) ______I certify that at a meeting of the Tribal Council, called and convened on the ______day of ______, 2017, at which a legal quorum was present, this Resolution was duly approved by a vote of ______For ______Against, and ______Abstaining, and said Resolution has not been rescinded or amended in any way.
(Name) ______, Tribal ChairpersonDate
Attested to by:
(Name) ______, Tribal SecretaryDate