Term 1 Week3 Thursday 12 February 2015
Quote for the Week: The person who makes a success of living is the one who sees his goal steadily and aims for it unswervingly. That is dedication – Cecil B. DeMille.
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School Priorities for 2015
Continued implementation of the Australian Curriculum
Improved student performance in reading, spelling and writing
Improved performance in numeracy
Strong Community Partnerships
Footsteps Dance Company
On Monday 16 February, our students will have the opportunity of participating in this lively presentation. The dance group will work with the students to teach basic skills of coordination, rhythm, movement to music and enjoyment of dance. This is a free demonstration.
Christian Religious Instruction
CRI is offered to all families attending Minden. Lessons are held from 2:00-2:30 on Fridays and will commence in week 5 (27 February). All students wishing to participate this year will need to complete a registration form (available from the office) and pay the $2.50 book levy.
We continue to have high levels of
attendance with the current average daily attendance rate sitting at 97.5%. Education Queensland’s target is 95%. This year, each class is running their own incentive program to encourage every student to attend school unless there is a genuine reason to be absent. We will also implement end-of-term rewards for students who have attendance rates of 95% or greater.
Election Day Sausage Sizzle
A huge thank you to the parents who were able to work on the BBQ held on Election Day.
Book Lists
It is very pleasing to see most of our students with all the requirements on the Book Lists. Teachers would appreciate all workbooks being brought to school to ensure there are “spares” for when books are full.
Excess Stationery
Do you have a pile of old exercise books, crayons, felt pens and such that you can’t make use of at home? The school graciously accepts these donations to support new enrolments and families in need.
Arrival and departure from school
For safety reasons, students should be dropped off and picked up using the bitumen “ring” car park on the southern side of the school. There is ample parking space in this area to ensure that parents can park their vehicle and either drop off or collect their child at the gate. In the afternoon, this is a supervised departure point and students are only allowed to leave the grounds when an appropriate adult has been identified.
If it is necessary to bring your child to school prior to 8:30, there are two options available. The OSHC operates from 6:15 each week day; alternatively, students are to go directly to the Blue Shelter Shed on the northern side of the Administration building and wait for dismissal by school personnel at 8:30. The OSHC personnel are unable to supervise children not enrolled in their care.
2014 Uniform Policy
It was decided at the end of last year (and confirmed at Monday’s P&C meeting) that the 2015 Uniform Policy would have a major change. We are phasing out the lemon/blue polo in favour of the blue / gold polo. This transition will take place over the next two years. This means students are able to wear either polo to school and for off-campus events. For school photos in May, we would prefer all students to wear the blue/gold shirt.
School Parent Information Calendar
The 2015 calendar will be available for collection from the office as of next Monday 16 February. It contains a range of important information regarding our school as well as dates for various events that will occur during the year. They are free of charge, one copy per family.
Commonwealth Banking.
As many of you would be aware, Minden school accesses the Commonwealth Bank School Banking Program. Students are able to open an account with the CBA at school and make deposits here at school. Students who make regular deposits are rewarded for doing so. The P&C receives $5 for each new account. This is an easy and fun way to encourage children to save.
This week on Junior Assembly, a representative will talk about the school banking program and be available after assembly for those wanting to sign up. A CBA representative will also be available at the school car park shelter shed on Wednesday 18th February 8.30am - 9am for those who missed the assembly.
Healthy eating for children and young people – as per The Department of Health QLD
It is important that children and young people get the best nutrition possible to ensure their health and wellbeing. Good nutrition can help children to: build healthy bodies and minds; stay alert in class and be energetic all day; maintain a healthy weight; and fight infections. For optimum growth and development, theAustralian Dietary Guidelinesrecommend that children and teenagers eat a wide variety of nutritious foods from these five food groups every day:
plenty of vegetables, including different types and colours, and legumes/beans fruit
grain (cereal) foods which are mostly wholegrain, such as breads, cereals, rice, pasta, noodles, polenta, couscous, oats, and barley
lean meat and poultry, fish, eggs, nuts and seeds, and legumes/beans
milk, yoghurt, cheese and/or alternatives, mostly reduced-fat
and drink water.
Limit intake of foods containing saturated and trans fats, added salt, added sugars. Children and teenagers should eat sufficient nutritious foods and drinks to grow and develop normally. They should be physically active every day and their growth should be checked regularly.
Foods to limit: discretionary choices
Source: Australian Government, National Health and Medical Research Council
‘Discretionary choices’ are called that because they are not an essential or necessary part of our dietary patterns. Discretionary foods sugars, added salt, or alcohol. If chosen, they should be eaten only sometimes and in small amounts.
Examples of discretionary choices include:
• Sweet biscuits, cakes and desserts
• Processed meats and sausages
• Ice-cream, confectionery and chocolate
• Meat pies and other pastries
• Commercial burgers, hot chips, and fried foods
• Crisps and other fatty and/or salty snacks
• Cream and butter
• Sugar-sweetened cordials, soft drinks and sports drinks.
Assembly Gotcha Awards
Jazmine, Keira, Bella, Skye, Riley and Jade.
Parents and Citizens Association News
The first meeting of the year was held on Monday 9 February. It was great to see new members come along. The next meeting will be the AGM on Monday 9 March. Under the P&C Constitution, we need 10 members present for the meeting to go ahead. After the election of the executive, we will continue with our normal meeting.
At Minden, the P&C and school work in unison to support the children and together we have achieved a lot over the last 12 months. Becoming a member of the P&C is a great way to participate in your child’s education and the life of the school. There is no requirement to attend every meeting.
Please contact Sharon for uniform purchases - 0430751491
General School News
School Chaplain
How is your child enjoying school? Have they settled into the routine? Do not be concerned if your child is not in routine, or is still taking time to settle, it takes some children a little longer to feel comfortable, especially when starting at a new school. Some parents (including myself) have a tricky time finding out what their child did at school all day. Often the children are tired, or just don't want to talk, but it is important to encourage our children to talk, and learn how to communicate how they are feeling. I found these questions to help prompt conversation with your special little person at the end of the school day. Remember to not use all 21 at the same time, and choose a time that works for your family, often sitting at the dinner table for the evening meal, is a good opportunity to allow each child a time to speak and be heard.
1. What was your favourite subject at school today? Why?
2. What was your favourite part of school today? Why?
3. What did you learn at school today?
4. What did you do during lunchtime today?
5. How was your teacher today?
6. What was the most interesting thing your teacher said today?
7. Did anything funny happen at school today?
8. How much homework did you get today?
9. What was your favourite food in your lunchbox today?
10. If you could pack your own lunch tomorrow, what would you pack?
11. What books did you read at school today?
12. Did you write a story today? Tell me more about it.
13. Did you play any sports? What did you play?
14. If you could change one thing about today what would it be?
15. Did anything upset you at school today?
16. Is there anything you learnt at school today that you need extra help with?
17. Which friends did you play with today?
18. Which kids did you sit with at lunchtime?
19. Who are you looking forward to seeing the most tomorrow and why?
20. Who was the friendliest person in your class today and why?
21. Who did you hang out with the most today?
Thank you to our whole school community for supporting our Ice Block Day for Chaplaincy. It was a great success raising over $120. It is wonderful to see the way the chaplaincy program is supported in Minden State School.
I am available for a chat on Thursday and Friday for students and parents, if the need arises. Please call the office on 5425 7222 or send me an email on the address below.
I am looking forward to seeing your smiling faces, over the coming weeks.
Mrs Hewett
Rebecca Hewett
School Chaplain
Mt Tarampa, Fernvale & Minden
Health Issues
Head Lice
There has been a reported case of head lice.
· Could all parents please regularly inspect your child’s hair to detect the presence of lice or lice eggs and treat accordingly.
· Ensure that children do not attend school with untreated head lice.
· Notify the school if your child is affected and advise when treatment has begun.
All students (girls and boys) with collar length hair must have it tied up at school at all times.
Outside School Hours Care (OSHC)
Operating hours: Monday – Friday before school opening at 6.15am and after school closing at 6.00pm.
If you would like further details please contact OSHC on 0408-409572.
Classroom News
Prep Parent information:
*Thanks to all those parents who have brought in family photos. I am still waiting on a few parents to supply a family photo. They will be used in our class presentation on Tuesday 24th February at 2pm. We look forward to seeing all those parents that are able to attend at our first presentation.
*Munch/Crunch time is a short break! Please make sure your child has a fruit or vegie snack that is easy to eat during this quick break.
*Thanks to all those parents that have volunteered time to help prep students. Your help assists students to learn…
*Students do not have to be at school until the first bell. It is great to allow students a little time to settle in the mornings, arriving at around 8.40am allows students to unpack bags and have a quick play.
*Please help your child concentrate and learn in class by providing a healthy lunch every day. Lots of sweet foods make it hard for a young child to sit and concentrate
*Homework and Library books are due back every Friday. If you choose to return library books earlier containers are located in the classroom.
*Please ask if you are unsure about anything…
Thank you
Mrs Williams and the Prep Students.
James, Benjamin, Hunter, Aden, Ava, Tyler, Jy, Kiara, Arden, Mikayla, Mia, Cody.
Happy Birthday from everyone at Minden State School.
Community Notices
Quick And Easy Mower Repairs and Sales
Qualified Small Engine mechanic
Servicing Push Mowers & Ride on Mowers.
Wally Ulph
Mob: 0428573070
26 Hinze Road Minden 4311
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