I.15015/GS(AR CAP)/06/01Dated : 03 Nov 2017
1.Online e-tender with tender fees are hereby invited on behalf of President of India from Assam Rifles approved contractors and enlisted contractors working with other Central Government department/organization meeting eligibility criteria for selection of contractor for the following items :-
S/No / Name of Wk / Approximate cost (in lakhs) / Earnest money / Tender fee(a) / Provn of Water Supply Scheme at B Bongjang, Tengnoupal Dist, Manipur / 9,50,000.00 / 19,000/- / 500.00
2.Last date uploading the tender documents by bidders duly completed in all respect is at 1030h on 24 Nov 2017and opened on 1030h on 25Nov 2017(21 days from the date of publish of E-tender).
3.The lump sum amount to be quoted for the entire contract by the tenderers shall
including of GST, WCT and labourcess as applicable at the time of awarding of contract and during the execution of contract till completion.
4.Tender fee is required to be submitted with the application by Bank Draft/Treasury Challan only in favour of Commandant 11th Assam Rifles under Head of Account 46 Major Head ‘2070’ Police 00.109 Assam Rifles, Sub Head 03.01.50 Other Charges (Civic Action) for the FY 2017-18.
5.The Deputy Inspector General Assam Rifles, SenapatiRange AR (HQ 26Sect AR) as the CFA reserve the right to reject or accept any application/tender without assigning any reasons.
6.Any inquiries by the tenderer may be obtained from the undersigned on any working day from 0830 hours to 1730 hours. This tender notice is also available on the Assam Rifles website at
Note:The complete tender documents can be accessed & downloaded from CPP Portal Please check regularly the website for any change/ modification/amendment in the Tender Enquiry. This TE is being issued with no financial commitment and DIGAR reserves the right to change or vary any part thereof at any stage. He also reserves the right to withdraw the TE, should it become necessary at any stage.
Sd/- xx xx
(Adarsh Dubey)
for Commandant
Fwd to :-
1.HQ DGAR- You are requested to pub NIT in the three national /
(PRO Cell) local newspapers. Soft copy fwd through ARMS pl.
2.HQ DGAR- You are requested to pub NIT in the AR web site.
Sig Branch (EDP Cell) Soft copy of this tender fwd through ARMS.
3.HQ IGAR(S)- for info and wide publicity pl.
(CAP Cell)
C/o 99 APO
4.HQ 26 Sector AR- for info pl.
(GS Branch)
C/o 99 APO
5.A Branch (Internal)- You are requested to detail a bd of offrs for opening of tender on 25 Nov 2017.
PIN-932560, C/O 99 APO
I.15015/GS(AR CAP)/06/01 Dated Moreh : 03 Nov 2017
1.For and on behalf of the President of India, the Deputy Inspector General Assam Rifles, (26 SectorAR), Pallel, invites online tenders under Two Bid System (Technical & Financial Bid) on the prescribed form, for the purchase of the following stores as detailed in this schedule to tender :-
Ser No / Nomenclature / A/U1 / Supply, Installation commissioning and testing of electric motor centrifugal pump of 3 HP, 230V, 50 Hz, AC three phase 2550 RPM, inlet 50 mm outlet 40 mm, Head 161 mtr multistage pump with induction moter (Make - kirloskar) / 02
2 / Supply, Installation and testing of factory made 1.5 mm thick mild steel sheet painted and finished panel board, 230V, three phase, 2 wire system and writing with suitable size copper conductor and comprising with following (1) RYB indicator lamp-01 set (ii) Ampere meter-01 Nos (iii) MCCB, 3 Pole & copper wiring-01 set. / 02
3 / Supply and fixing of PVC armored UG cable size 25 sq mm 3 ½ core, 230V grade with stranded aluminum conductor for service line connection to panel board from nearest transformer, incl excavation of trenches, sand cushioning and topping with dray bricks and refilling as specified. / 1850
4 / Providing and fixing of GI pipes complete with fitting like union, flanges, bend, elbow etc for 40 & 50 mm dia bore incl clearing of sties and excavation of trenches. / 1780
5 / S & F PVC flexible reinforced suction pipe, 50 mm bore. / 02
6 / S & F foot valve for 50mm bore suction pipe, cat iron, with washer complete (ISI). / 02
7 / S & F gate valve, cast brass heavy duty 40mm non-return valve of cast brass (ISI). / 04
8 / Materials and labor cost for making of water storage tank with brick 150mm thick for foundation and walls, base in plain cement concrete 150 mm thick in RCC 1:2;4 with 75 mm thick inner wall, Internal size of tank 3.0 m x 3.0 m x 1.2 m height, covered with CGI sheet (0.35m thick) for roof on timber frame work and 30 cm mild steel jalli net in all one side of air circulation, one man hole on top size 60 x 60 cm, over all plastered and finished with cement mortar 15 mm thick in cm 1:3 with net floating coat. / 04
9 / Materials and labor for construction of pump house of CGI sheet on timber frame work on roof and wall, foundation and flooring of RCC/PCC with reinforcement and m/s nut bolts arrangements for fastening, 1 nos wooden, paneled door and 0 nos windon Z-type (size of pump house 5 feet x 5 feet). / 01
2.If you are in a position to quote for the supply of these stores in accordance with the requirements stated in the attached schedule to tender, all documents attached herewith should be filled in, signed and submitted through e-Procurement site All documents are required to be uploaded. No hard copies will be accepted except for tender fee, Security deposit and lab test certificate.
3.In case any foreign manufacturer is quoting directly against this online tender but has appointed any Indian firm/individual to represent it or facilitate its tender, manufacturer’s authorization on its letter head must be uploaded on CPP Portal by the foreign firm.
4.You are requested to study the tender document completely and ensure all documents pages and annexure to the tender are completely and correctly filled in, signed and stamped where applicable and then uploaded on CPP Portal.
5.This online Tender is NOT transferable.
6.This tender enquiry has the chapters and appendices as given in Schedule of Tender.
Sd/- xx xx
Signature of the tenderer & Stamp(Adarsh Dubey)
For & On Behalf of the
President of India
Page -1 of 27
PIN-932560, C/O 99 APO
Tender No.I.15015/GS(AR CAP)/06/01Dated, the Moreh:03 Nov 2017
Schedule to online TenderChapter I / : / Instructions to Bidders / Page- 3 to 12
Chapter II / : / Schedule of requirement / Page- 13
Chapter III / : / Specifications / Page- 14
Chapter IV / : / Compliance Statement / Page- 15
Chapter V / : / Standard Form to be uploaded by bidders / -
Appendix-A / : / Performance Statement Format / Page- 16
Appendix-B / : / Bank Guarantee Format for Furnishing Earnest Money (EMD) / Page- 17
Appendix-C / : / Scanned copy of EMD / Page- 18
Appendix-D / : / Certificate to be signed by tender / Page- 19
Appendix-E / : / Performa for “e-payment” / Page- 20
Appendix-F / : / Black listing certificate / Page- 21
Appendix-G / : / Financial stability cert / Page- 22
Appendix-H / : / Guarantee/warrantee cert / Page- 23
Appendix-J / : / Undertaking for no use of undue influence / Page- 24
Appendix-K / : / Details of service centre / Page- 25
Appendix-L / : / Check list for tenders / Page- 26-27
Appendix-M / : / List of docus reqd to be att
Annex-(i) / : / (a) VAT/CST of last qtr with PAN & TIN No
Annex-(ii) / : / Photocopy of PAN Card
Annex-(iii) / : / Auth dealer cert
7.All tender documents attached with this invitation to tender including the specification are SACROSANCT for considering any offer as complete offer, it is therefore important that Tender Acceptance Letter which is a written undertaking that all the terms and condition of the tender are understood and accepted should be signed as given in chapter V appx ‘D’ and submitted only through e-procurement site .
8.Tenders are advised to carefully go through all the conditions and documents attached with this tender enquiry, before uploading the tender.
9.All tender documents attached with the tender are sacrosanct for considering any offer as a complete offer.
10.There is no requirement of uploading this tender. Only the documents required are required to be uploaded.
11.In case of any difference between the condition mentioned in schedule to tender and the specifications /QRs, the condition given in the specifications will be binding.
12.The tender can quote product /products of one OEM only.
Sd/- xx xx
Signature of the tenderer & Stamp(Adarsh Dubey)
For & On Behalf of the
President of India
Page - 2 of 27
13.Name of Wk:
14.Tender Fee:500/-
Those who download the tender set from the CPP website must submit the cost of tender (non refundable) through a Bank Draft /Bankers Cheque in favour of Commandant 11th AssamRifles, payable at Morehat the time of submission of e-tender. E-tender documents submitted without the fee will be rejected. Price per tender set Rs. 500/- only (TENDER SET IS NOT TRANSFERABLE) Tender fee with validity of at least 2 months from date of tender opening will be submitted prior to tender opening.
15.Earnest Money :19000/- (Rupees nineteen thousand) only
16.Date of issue/publishing : 03 Nov 2017
17.Document download start date: 03 Nov 2017
18.Document download end date: 24Nov 2017
19.Last dt & time for uploading of online tender: 24Nov 2017
20.Technical bid opening: 25Nov 2017 at 1030h
21.Financial bid: Subsequently
22.Dt & time for opening of online tender: 25Nov 2017 at 1030h
23.Place of Submission of Tender Documents:Original payment instruments in respect of tender fee and EMD are to be deposited either by person in the tender box placed in tender Room of 11th Assam Rifles or by post to the Commandant 11th Assam Rifles at least 24 hour prior to the time of opening of tech bids. Late/Delayed/non submission of original would result in rejection of bid during online bid opening.
Note:The onus of ensuring that the tender documents dispatched by post reaches the above said office address is that of the bidder.
24.A power of attorney in favour of signatory and signatories or the tenderer in case the tender is signed by a person or persons other than the actual tenderer or on behalf of a firm company and his/her/their / signature attested by Notary/Class I Gazetted Officer.
25.Financial Stability Certificate issued during current financial year from any schedule bank as per Appx’G’ of Chapter-V (Format attached).
26.Distributor/Sole Selling Agent/Authorised dealer will be required to submit a scanned copy of dealership certificate with a min one year authorization validity (from the date of tender opening) issued by manufacturer with date of issue and validity. The dealership cert issued by the OEM/distributor should not be for this tender only.The tenderer should have adequate infrastructure/ set up for rendering repair service back up in the north east and affidavit to this effect to be submitted by the tenderer alongwith complete details as per Appendix ‘K’.
27.VAT/DVAT/CST clearance certificate issued by concerned authority must be produced of last qtr with supporting PAN No and TIN No –Annexure (i) of Appx ‘M’.
28.In a tender, either the Indian agent on behalf of the Principal/OEM or Principal/OEM itself can bid but both cannot bid simultaneously for the same item/product in the same tender.
Sd/- xx xx
Signature of the tenderer & Stamp(Adarsh Dubey)
For & On Behalf of the
President of India
Page - 3 of 27
29.If an agent submits bid on behalf of the Principal/OEM, the same agent shall not submit a bid on behalf of another Principal /OEM in the same tender for the same item /product.
30.Full name and status of the person signing the tender documents must be clearly mentioned in the tender.
31.Rates quoted by the firm should be on firm price basis inclusive of all taxes/duties and freight up to consignee location.
32.The successful tenderer will be intimated by a letter of acceptance of his/her/their tender by the Commandant 11thAssam Rifles. Till then no tenderer has any right to assume that his/her/their tender has been accepted and if any tenderer disregards this warning and makes any arrangements or ensure any expenditure in anticipation of issue of letter of acceptance. He/she/they will have no claim whatsoever for any compensation at a later stage.
Delivery Period
33.Supply of aforesaid item is urgently required by the Force. Delivery of above mentioned items are required to be made within 15 days from the date of issue of supply order. No credit will be given for earlier deliveries and delivery beyond the acceptable range will be treated as unresponsive. As such tenderers are requested to make advance suitable provision action keeping in view of urgency. Extension of above mentioned delivery period will not be allowed in normal circumstances. However extension can be granted by the Indenter on levy of LD. The item should be in conformity with the required specification above.
34.Payment Terms.
(a)It will be mandatory for the Bidders to indicate their bank account numbers and other relevant e-payment details so that payments could be made through ECS/EFT mechanism instead of payment through cheque. A copy of the model mandate form prescribed by RBI to be submitted by Bidders for receiving payments through ECS is attached (Ch V Appx ‘E’). The payment will be made 100% on delivery and acceptanceby the user.
(b)100% payment will be made on completion of supply of constructed quantity in full and in good condition subject to checking and acceptance by the authorities so detailed for this purpose by the Commandant 11thAssam Rifles or his authorized representative. The payment of suppliers’ bills will be made within a reasonable time from submission of bill, subject to availability of budget. In this regard the decision of Commandant 11thAssam Rifles will be final and binding. No advance payment will be entertained in any circumstances. Payment will be made on supply of complete qty to the consignee. CORE Banking account No and /PAN Number should be mentioned in the bill for making of payment.
(c) PAYMENT WILL BE MADE THROUGH “E-PAYMENT” ONLY. All firms are required to fill up the Performa attached with this tender and get it duly endorsed from concerned bank & submit with the tender.
35.Paying Authority.
Pay & Account Office Assam Rifles
(Old DGAR Complex)
Laitumukhrah, Shillong-793011
Sd/- xx xx
Signature of the tender & Stamp(Adarsh Dubey)
For & On behalf of the
President of India
Page 4-27
(a)All firms who are not registered with NSIC or DGS&D for the subjectstores for which the offers are being invited, are to deposit EARNESTMONEY equivalent to the amount as mentioned in the tender schedule.Registration of a firm under NSIC/DGS/D shall be considered if registered for the specific item under procurement vide this tender enquiry after duly verifying the particulars from NSIC website and will be considered only for those items exclusively reserved for procurement from small Scale industries. Photocopy of NSIC/ DG&S registration certificate will be attached with the tender documents.
(b) Earnest money can be deposited in only any one of the following forms:-
(i)A Fixed Deposit Receipt/Term Deposit receipt drawn in favor of Commandant 11thAssam Rifles, Moreh, Manipur.
(ii) An irrevocable Bank Guarantee (BG) in Indian Rupees in theformat supplied with the tender of any Indian Scheduled Bank.
(iii) Bankers cheque.
(iv) EMD should be valid for 135 days from the date of opening thetender.
(v)The earnest money should be valid and will remain deposited with the purchaser for the period the offer is valid. If the validity of the tender is extended, the validity of EMD document submitted by the tender shall also be
suitably extended by the tenderer, failing which has tender, after the expiry of the period shall not be considered by the purchaser.
(c)No interest shall be payable by the purchaser on the EMDdeposited bythe tenderer.
(d)The EMD deposited is liable to be forfeited if the tenderer withdraws oramend impairs or derogates from the tender in any respect within the period ofvalidity of his tender.
(e)The EMD of the Successful shall be returned after the security deposit isfurnished as per AT.
(f)If the successful tenderer fails to furnish the Security Deposit asrequired in the contract within the stipulated period, the Earnest Money shall be liable to be forfeited by the purchaser.
(g)EMD of the unsuccessful tenders shall be returned after finalization oftender. Tenderers are advised to send a pre-receipted challan along withtheir bids to facilitate refund of Earnest money in time.
37.Security deposit. The successful tender will be required to furnish security deposit of 5-10% of the contract value within 30 days of receipt of acceptance letter. Failure on the part of the supplier to deposit the security deposit within the stipulated time will make the order null & void. Security deposit will remain valid till two month after the expiry of warranty /Guarantee period which will be counted from the date of final acceptance of stores by the Commandant 11th Assam Rifles.
Sd/- xx xx
Signature of the tender & Stamp(Adarsh Dubey)
For & On behalf of the
President of India
Page 5-27
38.Offer Validity. 02 month (60 days) from date of tender opening. In the absence of any indication in the tender documents submitted, of the date up to which the offer has been kept valid, it will be taken that the offer will remain open for acceptance for the period specified in the Schedule to Tender.
39.Eligibility for Responding to Tender:
(a)Only OEMs /agents/auth dealers/distributors should respond for the specified stores. An OEM can authorize only one dealer to participate in this tender.
(b)Indian Agent of Foreign Manufacturers / Principal are allowed to participate in the tender subject to the following conditions:-
(i)The Indian Agent must be enlisted with the DGS&D for the tendered stores, on the date of opening of technical bids, under the compulsory registration scheme of the Department of Expenditure.