Present:Messrs:The President (JM) ,Chairman (PD),Hawkes (MH),Hinshelwood(DH), Rose (DR),Steggall (RS) , Boraston (AB) , Strawbridge (IS),Trueman (PT),Turner (MT), Davies (DD).
1.Apologies: Messrs : Healy (TH) , Read (SR), Thomas (WT),Sutcliffe (CS)
Mrs Veacock (SV).
2. Matters brought forward at the discretion of the President:
The Minutes of the EGM -08 March 17 and the Grading Meeting – 03 May 17 were approved and signed by the President.
4.Matters Arising:
- A letter was sent on behalf of the Society to Ilfracombe RFC congratulating them on their plans to improve their clubhouse and facilities.
6. Chairman’s Time:
The newly elected Chairman (PD) raised the following points:
- The Society has received a letter from Mr T Rice informing them that he wished to resign from his role as Grading Secretary and for the time being all contacts with rugby . The Committee thanked him for his service over many years and wished him a happy retirement. The role of Grading Secretary, in the short term, will be a joint effort. The Assessor’s Meeting (30 August) will be run by MH and PD. With the reports on referees being forwarded to MH for collation. RS / DD / PT will appoint Assessors via WTR. PT via WTR will inform all Assessors/ MOs and coaches of Mr Rice’s decision.
- The Chairman outlined his proposals to streamline the Executive Committee. He suggested that a Management Committee – consisting of President , Chairman , Vice President, Secretary , Treasurer, Appointments Secretary and players Representative meet in October , November , January and February. The full Executive Committee would meet in August, September, December, March , April. All Executive Committee members would submit their reports as normal for all the meetings. DR questioned the function of the Management Committee ( MC). PD explained that the MC would have more time to discuss core issues in more depth. This would facilitate the day to day running of the Society to be separate from the operational aspect. Although the MC is a smaller body any Executive Committee member could attend the meetings as appropriate and communication between all members of the Committee would remain. MT informed the Committee that a similar system was put in place by DRFU and it has worked well . He highlighted that there needed to be good communication between the sub committees.
c. The Chairman enquired whether there had been any more offers of sponsorship as there was an outstanding invoice for £7980 for the new kit. JM stated there could be sponsorship coming from Team Tours – DD to confirm sponsorship. There is also provision within the ordering of kit to have a small contingency stock for incoming referees. The kit could be ready for 20 September 17.
7.Current Membership:
CS forwarded a report to the Committee.
CS has had enquiries from 5 players / coaches on being trained as referees. They have been invited to the Training Meeting at Crediton.
There was a discussion concerning the lack of information being supplied by the RFU on new referees who complete their courses. DR assured the meeting that the trainers ask the aspirations of the new referees on the courses and forwards the information to the RFU. Unfortunately there seems to be a breakdown in communications as the Societies do not receive the information. DR will raise the matter with the RFU.
DR also enquired when the 150 Year Dinner will be held as the proposed guest speaker Mr Tony Spreadbury is only available on a few dates. It was agreed that the proposed date for the dinner was 25 May 2018 at a venue in Exeter.
8.Appointments Secretary:
RS thanked PT for his help in setting up the appointments on WTR. There were a few clubs without referees for fixtures - mainly Exeter University. RS stated that all pre –season matches have appointments. RS also highlighted that 23 referees were not available for September, a further 28 referees were not available for October and 54 not available for November. He stressed that availability must be done via WTR. For September 173 appointments have been made including three exchanges with Warwickshire RRS but there are still 51 matches requiring referees. PT confirmed that he has tested the system with the members but is unsure whether the clubs are providing the correct addresses for their liaison officers. RS and PT will also have the ability to text and email members on their appointments. RS will update the members at the meeting at Crediton.
Reappointments Secretary:
DD submitted a report. There was a discussion on shortages of suitably qualified referees in Cornwall and the knock on effect of providing Launceston RFC with suitably qualified referees from the Society. Concerns were expressed over re payment of fees and who was responsible for ensuring their payment. JM was to contact his opposite number in Cornwall, together with RS, formulate a policy.
9.Grading Secretary:
No further discussion took place.
10.Exchange Secretary:
All points were covered in previous discussions.
11.Training Secretary
DR submitted a report. DR highlighted that the fitness test was going well and the level 16.1 has been attained. He also suggested that he would be getting guest speakers to come to the Society’s Training Meeting to talk on different aspects of the game. DR and CS are still considering organising Development squads but at present are concentrating on the new referees. DR agreed that having feedback from Assessors on common weaknesses would be helpful as he could therefore include these areas of weakness in his training sessions. He highlighted there has been some initial conversations on whether the SW Peninsular Group could hold training sessions for all the Societies, therefore forming a common policy on certain aspects of the game. DR attended the recent PRRS meeting and they agreed to collate feedback from assessors and referees on the new Global Laws Trials. This would be discussed at their October meeting and they would share feedback with the clubs. DR suggested DRRS could follow suit.
12. Discipline:
IS informed the Committee there was nothing to report during the close season.
IS would address the Society at the next Training Meeting at Crediton to highlight the Abuse Code and the reporting procedure. IS and DR are to email PT in order that the Abuse Code and the Introductory letter from IS can be circulated to the members prior to the meeting
13. Finance:
TH in conjunction with DH submitted a detailed report. TH will remain as the bank signatory for the Society as part of DRFU , until such time as DRRS operates their own bank account. DH will be handling invoices in conjunction with TH to arrange payments. The report highlighted three clubs were in arrears on payment of fees for last season DH was initially tasked to contact the clubs , informing them that non- payment would result in Society referees not being appointed to some matches.
There was a lengthy discussion on the breakaway from DRFU and the Society becoming a separate organisation under the RFU. PD informed the Committee that he attended the DRFU meeting in June 17 it was agreed by DRFU that DRRS would be given £10k and there would be no further discussions. CS, at the time ,proposed the Society should seek advice from the RFU and go to arbitration as he thought DRRS was entitled to £40k. Therefore DRFU’s offer should not be accepted. PD suggested the Society takes the £10k and it was a fair offer which was acceptable to both sides. If necessary the Society could go back to DRFU , if unforeseen problems surface. With the £10k the Society could function for the start of the season and as DH suggested clubs would be invoiced on a more regular basis so that there is a regular income. DD stated that we could manage our cash flow and if the Society did not require the outstanding £30k it should go back to the clubs. PD discussed with MT that the sums for the shirts and the comms kit would be part of DRRS ‘normal’ spend and as such would be paid for before or after the DRRS £10k DREXIT dowry took effect.
DH proposed that as the motion for the Society to leave DRFU was agreed at the AGM , accepting the £10k and a date agreed. After a short discussion 31 December 2017 was agreed.
The motion was proposed by DH and seconded by RS. The Committee voted in favour with one abstention.
DH then instigated the process of the Society registering with Company’s House so that DRRS would become a Company Limited by Guarantee . On signing the appropriate forms the Executive Committee in attendance (with the exception of IS) would be Directors of DRRS. It was agreed that the Registered Address would be the home address of the Secretary. DH then collated and checked the forms prior to despatch.
DD raised the question as to whether the Society could claim back VAT. DH stated in order to claim VAT back the Society would have to charge higher fees.
14. Website Manager:
No points raised.
14a Who’s The Ref Website (WTR).
PT had no further points to raise, as WTR and its implications were discussed under previous headings.
15. DRFU.
- MT informed the Committee that a DRRS member should sit on the DRFU Game Development Committee. DR agreed to represent DRRS.
- MT thought that a DRRS representative should always sit on the DRFU committee. PD would contact DRFU to formalise the DRRS representative and agree to a DRFU representative sitting on the DRRS Committee.
SWG / Federation
- Mr A May and Mr S Smith are going on the US exchange.
- A short discussion took place concerning two members of the SWG.
17. RFRU:
18. AOB
- Angus Coleville – A meeting will be arranged in late August to continue the planning process for a formal function.
Meeting closed at 21.30hours.
Next Meeting of the FULL Executive Committee : Wednesday06September 2017 at 1900 .