Name:_________________________________________________ Ecology Unit, Chapter 14 Notes

14.1: Habitat and Niche

Key Concept: Every organism has a habitat and a niche

What’s the difference between a habitat and a niche?

¡ ______________________: All of the biotic & abiotic factors in the area where an organism lives (i.e. grass, trees, watering hole)

¡ ______________________: Includes the same as the habitat. (All of the physical, chemical, and biological factors that a species needs to survive, stay healthy, and reproduce), ______________________________________________________________ (i.e. type of food species eats, temperature it can tolerate, time of day it is active, how it interacts with others)

¡ Habitat is where a species ___________________ (“address”), niche is _______________ it lives there (“job”)

14.2: Community Interactions

Key concept: Organisms interact as individuals and as populations.

Competition & predation are two important ways in which species interact.

1. Competition: Two organisms fight for the same limited resources.

¡ Intraspecific: members of the __________________ species

¡ Interspecific: ____________________________ species

2. Predation: One organism captures and feeds upon another organism.

Symbiosis is a close ecological relationship between two or more organisms of different species that live in direct contact with one another.

Three types of symbiosis:

¡ _____________________________: Both species benefit from one another. Example: bat & cactus

¡ Commensalism: One species benefits from the other, the other is neither ___________________________.

Example: Humans & demodicids

¡ _____________________________: One organism benefits while the other is harmed. Ex.: Tapeworms

¡ _______________________________: Live in the tissues and organs of the host

¡ Ectoparasite: Lives on the _________________________ of the host

14.4: Population Growth Patterns

Key concept: Populations grow in predictable patterns

Population size changes. Why?

¡ Increased Population

1. __________________________: Movement of individuals into a population from another population

Ex: fruit flies and banana

2._____________________: increases the number of individuals in a population. Ex; additional flies born

¡ Decreased Population

3. _______________________________: Movement of individuals out of a population and into another population

Ex: some flies get out.

4. ___________________: the size of the population decreases when individuals die. Ex; fruit flies get squashed.

¡ The rate of growth for a population is directly determined by _________________________________________.

Types of Population Growth

¡ Exponential Growth – occurs when individuals reproduce at a __________________________________________________________________; population size increases dramatically over a period of time.

*J-curve, human population

¡ Logistic Growth – population rises exponentially and then growth slows when it reaches its ______________________________________________.

*Carrying capacity: The maximum number of individuals of a particular species that the environment can _______________________________________________________________.

*S-shaped Curve

What affects the carrying capacity of a population?

¡ Factors that have the greatest effect at keeping down the size of a population are called ___________________________________________________.

¡ They can be ________________________________________or ____________________________________________________.

Density-dependent limiting factors:

*Affected by the number of _____________________________ in a given area.

*Examples: Competition, __________________________, parasitism, ______________________

Density-independent limiting factors:

*Aspects of the environment that limit population growth _____________________________________. *Examples: Unusual weather, natural disasters, __________________________________.

14.5 Ecological Succession

Key concept: Ecological succession is a process of change in the species that make up a community.

Succession occurs following a disturbance in an ecosystem.

¡ Succession: the sequence of biotic changes that regenerate a _______________________ community or create a community in a previously ___________________________ area.

*Primary succession:

¡ The establishment and development of an ecosystem in an area that was previously __________________.

¡ Can begin due to melting glaciers, ______________________________, or landslides.

¡ First organisms to live in a previously uninhabited area are called pioneer species.

¡ Examples: lichens and mosses that can break rock down into smaller pieces.

*Secondary Succession:

¡ The reestablishment of a ____________________ ecosystem in an area where the soil was left intact.

¡ Plants and other organisms that remain start the process of regrowth.

¡ Small disturbances start the process ______________________________. Example: forest fire, tree falling