In English, homework is given to help and support pupils:
- to develop independent learning skills
- to develop skills in researching and organising
- to develop confidence to overcome difficulties and solve problems
- to prepare for assessments and examinations
- to work on areas of English and Literacy which they need to improve in or are experiencing difficulties
- to catch up on work missed
Homework in English can take the form of: Finishing off work begun in class, Extension work, Worksheets, Redrafting, Research for a Writing task, a Talk or Presentation, Individual reading, writing, spelling or language programmes, In S1 / S2: Homework programme tasks, In S3- S6: as appropriate, examination and assessment practice at National 5, Higher and Advanced Higher
In S1/S2, homework is provided on a regular basis. When there is no written work set, homework takes the form of private reading (see below). There is a Homework Programme which involves a major piece of work or research five times per session.
In S3/S4, homework will be given by all teachers to classes at all levels. For pupils to be presented at National 5 and National 4 at the end of S4, there will significantly more homework than in S1/S2.
In S5/S6, again homework will be given by all teachers to classes at all levels. At Higher and Advanced Higher, there is a high level of expectation from pupils and often they will be expected to devote over an hour per week to homework, depending on what stage in the course they have reached. Pupils presented at National 5 and National 4 can also expect a significant amount of homework over the course.
Depending on the homework set, teachers will either mark, check or go over in class the work done by pupils. Should a pupil regularly fail to produce homework or be regularly late with homework, parents/carers will be informed by letter.
Private Reading: St Joseph’s College encourages all pupils to read as much and as widely as they can. The School Library is well-stocked and lends out a large number of books and other resources. Pupils are encouraged to take advantage of this invaluable asset.
All pupils are expected to have a book or appropriate reading material available to read at any time during the school day. Regular reading is vital to help pupils develop the language skills and focus necessary for success in most subjects, not just English. If a pupil has no WRITTEN homework for English, there is an expectation that he/she is reading at home. Parents can help by encouraging the reading habit and can seek advice from the English Department about how this can be developed.