Northwest Florida State College

Administrators, Supervisors, and Professional Council


Article I. Organizational Name: The organization shall be known as the Northwest Florida State College Administrators, Supervisors, and Professional (ASP) Council.

Article II. Mission: To provide a forum whereby administrators, supervisors, and professional employees have an interactive role in creating and maintaining a cohesive work environment for all college employees. Through open communication, we will strive to promote quality services and programs for employees, students, and the community while supporting the college mission and values.

Article III. Purpose:

Section 1. The ASP Council will serve in an advisory capacity to the College president and administration.

Section 2. The ASP Council is committed to promoting and encouraging communication with the College president, administration, faculty, staff, and students.

Section 3. The ASP Council will foster an environment that embraces the concept that every voice throughout the college departments can be heard.

Article IV. Organization:

Section 1. Membership

1.1 Membership of the ASP Council shall include all full-time employees who are not members of the Staff Council, Faculty Assembly, or the President’s Executive Council and the president of the SGA or his representative.

1.2 Voting membership shall include all full-time college employees not represented in the voting membership of the Staff Council, Faculty Assembly, or the President’s Executive Council who have been employed at NWFSC for at least six months.

Section 2. Leadership

2.1 The name of the governing body of the ASP Council shall be “Steering Committee of the ASP Council” hereinafter referred to as “Steering Committee.”

2.2 Membership of the Steering Committee shall include at least one member from each of the six groups (academic support, arts/athletics, business/admin services, the centers, IT, and student services/activities) and the officers of the ASP Council. If the group has more than five members, then membership will be one representative per five members.

2.3 The members of the Steering Committee are responsible for sharing information with their constituents and bringing their concerns to the Council.

2.4 Term of office shall be at least one year beginning July 1 through June 30.

2.5 No officer shall serve in the same roll for more than two consecutive years.

2.6 Dismissal of a representative may occur if they miss three consecutive meetings without just cause or 50% of the total scheduled meetings

2.7 One half of the at large members (non-officers) shall serve one (1) year terms and the other half shall serve two (2) year terms.

2.8 Those founding members of the ASP Council selected for a one year term may serve until July 2012 as their initial term. To ensure continuity of the ASP Steering committee, the members will chose by lottery whether they serve a one or two year term in office.

Section 3. Officers and Duties

3.1 The officers of the ASP Council shall be: Chairperson, Vice-Chairperson, and Recorder. The officers shall be elected by the membership at the annual meeting and shall serve for two years.

3.2 Chairperson: Shall assemble the distributed agenda and preside over all meetings. The term of the Chair shall begin upon expiration of the term of the current Chair.

3.3 Vice-Chairperson: Shall preside over the meeting of the ASP Council in the absence of the Chair.

3.4 Recorder: Shall be the official recorder of all business of the organization and shall be responsible for publishing minutes and announcing meetings.

3.5 Term of office shall beginning July 1 and run through June 30.

3.6 No officer shall serve in the same roll for more than two consecutive years.

3.7 The Council has the right to recall an officer if that officer fails to perform the duties of the position.

Section 4. Voting

4.1 A simple majority of 51% of the ASP Council present at a meeting shall constitute a Quorum for the purpose of transacting business. A majority vote is also the simple majority of 51% of the quorum.

4.2 Elections to the ASP Council

4.2.1 The Chair shall solicit the ASP Council members for nominations for all open representative positions prior to the first scheduled meeting of the academic year.

4.2.2 The Chair shall complete the regular election before the conclusion of the June regularly scheduled ASP Council meeting.

Article VI. Meetings: The NWFSC ASP Council shall meet for one hour unless otherwise announced. Meetings shall be held at least eight times a year, more if needed. Notice of meetings shall be received by the membership via e-mail at least three (3) days prior to the scheduled meeting. When necessary, the ASP Council will go into Executive Session. Executive session will be open only to the membership of the Council.

Revised and approved, this the ______day of ______

Signed by ______

Chairperson, NWFSC ASP Council