Solar System Report/Project Guidelines:
You will be completing a report and project about the solar system. The topic is your choice, but must involve the solar system. Some suggestions might be- black holes, any one of the eight planets, the sun, the moon, the asteroid belt. There are 2 parts to your task.
The Written Report:
The body of your report should include three paragraphs:
1. Description- Write a detailed description of the solar system object, which might include its location in the solar system, temperature, moons, atmosphere, distance from the sun, a physical description, etc.
2. History- Write about the history of the solar system object, which might include who discovered it and when, the origin of its name, any symbol that might represent it, and the meaning of the name/symbol.
3. Interesting Facts – Write about 3-5 interesting facts of your choice about your topic.
The report must be typed and double spaced in a 12 point readable font. Please include a cover page with the title of your report, your name, and the date. You should include pictures, but please limit it to one picture per page of your report.
The Project:
The project must be a display of your topic. The project can be constructed out of anything EXCEPT food. Please remember your project will be on display in the hallway, so your project building materials must last. Your project must be sturdy so that if it is moved around, it will not fall apart. The project should be colored accurately (ex. Don’t make your display of Mars green!)
If you have questions, please ask.
The report/project will be completed at home and brought to school by ______.
Reports/Projects are ______
Dear Family,
I need your help choosing a topic for my solar system report/project. We need to fill out the bottom half of this page and return it to Mrs. Nugent by ______ so that I have plenty of time to do my research and get my report/project finished.
My report/project is due on ______.
Child’s Name ______
Project Choice: ______
Project Due Date: ______
child’s signature adult signature