Summary of findings IPPS code analysis:
1) The IPPS Core Clinical Data Elements use the ONC Administrative data set for sex which specifies male or female. The ONC Common Clinical Data Set uses HL7 which has male, female or unspecified.
2) The IPPS data elements have a heart rate grouping value set and a systolic blood pressure value set which use SNOMED codes. The ONC data set uses LOINC codes. These should be standardized.
3) The IPPS data elements have a body temperature value set which contains multiple routes (rectal, oral, axillary, etc). The ONC data sat only has an oral route. Most hospitals no longer use oral temperatures and more commonly use tympanic or temporal temperatures. Both value sets should include temporal as an option and the ONC data set should include all other options as well.
4) The IPPS data elements have LOINC codes for O2 saturation in both capillary and arterial blood. The ONC data set only has the LOINC code for O2 saturation in arterial blood.
5) The IPPS data elements have several LOINC codes for body weight measure, with clothes, without clothes, etc. The ONC data set only has a LOINC code for body weight measured.
6) The IPPS data elements list individual lab results using both mass in volume and moles in volume. The ONC data set does not have elements for the individual results.
7) There are no data elements in the IPPS rule for height, BMI and mean blood pressure; however these elements are part of the ONC data set.