General histories of Ireland
Atkinson, R. Ed.1896.The Yellow book of Lecan : a collection of pieces prose and the Irish language.. .Dublin: Royal Irish Academy House. Held at Special Collections W1.Q.2.
Cox, R.,1689-90.Hibernia Anglicana : or, The history of Ireland, from the conquest thereof by the English to this present time. London: J. Watts. Held at Special Collections 8.O.3
Grose, F.,1791-5.The antiquities of Ireland.London: S. Hooper. Held at Special Collections 21.W.3.
Gwynn, J. ed. 1913.Liber Ardmachanus : the book of Armagh. .Dublin: Hodges & Figgis..Held at Special Collections 31.G.19.
Keating, G.,1723.The general history of Ireland.Dublin: Printed by J. Carson. Held at Special Collections 26.L.8.
Mac Firbisigh, D.,2003.,Thegreat book of Irish genealogies. Blackrock, Co. Dublin: De Burca. Held at Special Collections 19.D.12-16
Moryson, F .,1735.An history of Ireland, from the year 1599, to 1603. With a short narration of the state of the kingdom from the year 1169.To which is added, a description of Ireland.Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, for George Ewing. Held at Special Collections 24.X.9.
Mulchrone, K. ed. 1937.The book of Lecan : Leabhar mór mhic fhir bhisigh Leacain.Dublin: Stationery office of Saorstát Éireann. Held at Special Collections 31.B.13-15.
Ware. J.,1705.The antiquities and history of Ireland...Dublin: printed by A. Crook for E. Dobson and M. Gunne. Held at Special Collections 26.K.15
17th Century History, 1641, Civil wars, Cromwell, Williamite Wars.
An abstract of certain depositions, by vertue of His Majesties commission, taken upon oath, concerning the traiterous intention of the rebels in Ireland, in rejecting the government of His Majestie …,1642.London: Printed by Robert Barker. Held at Special Collections 43.J.1/4.
An abstract of the unnatural rebellion, and barbarous massacre of the Protestants, in the kingdom of Ireland, in the year 1641. Collected from the most authentick copies., 1689. London: Printed, and are to be sold by Richard Janeway. Held at Special Collections 34.U.4/7.
An account of the victory obtain'd by the King in Ireland, on the first day of this instant July, 1690. 1690. London: Printed by Edward Jones in the Savoy. Held at Special Collections W1.C.3/3.
Anno regni Jacobi II. ... quinto: at the parliament begun in Dublin the seventh ... May ... 1689.,1689. Dublin: by A. Crook and S. Helsham. Held at Special Collections 39.W.18/7.
Cattermole, R. 1846.The great civil war of the times of Charles I. and Cromwell.London: Fisher, Son, & Co. Held at Special Collections 10.X.19.
Charles I, King of England.1856.Charles I. in 1646 : Letters of King Charles the First to Queen Henrietta Maria .London: Camden Society. Held at Special Collections 50.F.25.
Clarendon, E. H. 1719.The history of the rebellion and civil wars in Ireland, with the true state and condition of that kingdom before the year 1640.Dublin: Printed for P. Dugan, bookseller on Cork-Hill. Held at Special Collections24.W.7.
A collection of certain horrid murthers … committed since the 3rd Oct 1641…,1679.London: Printed for Henry Brome. Held at Special Collections 34.WW.1/9.
A declaration of the lords and commons assembled in parliament concerning the present lamentable estate and miserable condition of Ireland.,1879.Dublin: Reprinted by P. Traynor. Held at Special Collections 34.R.5/11.
The false and scandalous remonstrance of the inhumane and bloody bloody rebells of Ireland, delivered to the Earl of St. Albans and Clanrickard, the Earl of Roscomon, Sir Maurice Eustace Knight, and other His Majesties Commissioners at Trim, the 17 of March, 1642.1644. London: printed for Edw. Husbands. Held at Special Collections 39.Z.6.
Gilbert, J. T. ed. 1879-1880.A Contemporary history of affairs in Ireland, from 1641 to 1652: now for the first time published with an appendix of original letters and documents. Dublin: Irish Archaeological and Celtic Society. Held at Special Collections 39.Y.1.
A history or brief chronicle of the chief matters of the Irish warres. With a perfect table or list of all the victories obtained by the Lord Generall Cromwell Governour Generall of Ireland.,1650. London: Printed at London for R. Ibbitson. Held at Special Collections 34.U.3/6.
King, W., 1691.The state of the Protestants of Ireland under the late King James's government … London: Printed for Robt. Clavell. Held at Special Collections 8.YY.18.
Leslie, C., 1692.An answer to a book intituled The state of the Protestants in Ireland under the late King James's government … London: [s.n.] Held at Special Collections 30.I.11.
McKenna, J. E., 1908.Heber MacMahon in the confederate wars 1641-1650. Dublin: Catholic Truth Society. Held at Special Collections 34.G.10/3.
Meehan, C. P., 1846.The confederation of Kilkenny.Dublin: J. Duffy. Held at Special Collections 44.U.20/1.
A perfect narrative of the Battell of Knocknones, within the county of Cork.,1647.London: Printed for Robert Bostock. Held at Special Collections 27.B.4.
Story, G. W., 1693.A continuation of the impartial history of the wars of Ireland.London: Printed for Ric. Chiswell. Held at Special Collections 30.E.5.
Strafford, T. W., 1641.The tvvo last speeches of Thomas VVentworth, late Earle of Strafford, and Deaputy of Ireland… London: s.n. Held at Special Collections 39.Z.8/3.
Webb, A., 1887.The alleged massacre of 1641.London: The Irish Press Agency. Held at Special Collections 35.C.7/10.
19th Century Irish Social History
Content includes:
Carleton, W., 1847.The black prophet : a tale of Irish famine. Belfast: Simms and MIntyre. Held at Special Collections 28.Z.26.
Corrigan, D. ,1846.On famine and fever as cause and effect in Ireland. Dublin: J. Fannin & Co. Held at Special Collections 44.R.18/4.
The Great Irish famine of 1845-1846 : A collection of leading articles … reprinted from The times., 1880. London: The Times office. Held at Special Collections 35.F.1/9
Hughes, J., 1847.A lecture on the antecedent causes of the Irish famine in 1847... New York: Edward Dunigan. Held at Special Collections 44.W.5/1.
Martineau, J., 1847.Ireland and her famine : a discourse preached in Paradise Street Chapel … London: John Chapman. Held at Special Collections 44.U.17/2.
O'Brien, L., 1848?Ireland in 1848 : The late famine and the Poor Laws. London: sold by Hatchard and Son. Held at Special Collections 45.B.17/10.
O'Herlihy, T., 1947.The famine, 1845-1847 : a survey of its ravages and causes.
Drogheda: Drogheda Independent Co. Held at Special Collections 39.Q.34.
Pim, J. 1848.,The condition and prospects of Ireland : and the evils arising from the present distribution of landed property … Dublin: Hodges and Smith. Held at Special Collections 8.J.21.
Smith, W. H., 1848.A twelve months' residence in Ireland, during the famine and the public works … London: Longman, Brown, Green & Longmans. Held at Special Collections 7.Z.27.
Content includes:
Byrne, S., 1879.Irish emigration to the United States : what it has been, and what it is. New York : Catholic Publication Society. Held at Special Collections 34.P.10/1.
Emigration from Ireland : being the third report of the committee of "Mr. Tuke's Fund" …,1884. London: National Press Agency. Held at Special Collections 44.U.9/3.
Locke, J., 1853.Ireland : Emigration and valuation and purchase of land in Ireland … Dublin: The author. Held at Special Collections 44.X.3/2.
Locke, J., 1865.Ireland's recovery, or, Excessive emigration and its reparative agencies in Ireland … London: John W. Parker and son. Held at Special Collections 44.T.13/7.
McKenna, C. B., 1930.The depopulation of Ireland.Dublin: Falconer. Held at Special Collections 34.P.6/8.
Maguire, J. F., 1869.America in its relation to Irish emigration : a lecture delivered at Cork and Limerick. Cork: D. Mulocahy. Held at Special Collections 44.P.10/7.
Torrens, R., 1839.Emigration from Ireland to South Australia.Dublin: J. Bernard. Held at Special Collections 44.W.4/9.
Sweetman, J.,1883.Recent experiences in the emigration of Irish families. Dublin: M.H. Gill and Son. Held at Special Collections 45.A.7/13.
Content includes:
Hughes, John B., 1914? Poverty in Dublin: a study. Dublin: Irish Messenger. Held at Special Collections 34.R.3/6.
MacSweeney, A. M., 1917.Poverty in Cork.Cork: Purcell. Held at Special Collections 34.R.3/7.
Martin, A. M., 1914.The problems of poverty in Ireland and their remedies.Dublin: Catholic Truth Society of Ireland. Held at Special Collections 34.R.3/8.
Sigerson, G., 1881.Report of the Medical Commission of the Mansion House Committee.Dublin: Browne and Nolan. Held at Special Collections 35.S.10/10.
Willis, T. 1845.,Facts connected with the social and sanitary condition of the working classes of the city of Dublin … Dublin: T. O'Gorman. Held at Special Collections 42.VV.9.
Content includes:
Dunn, J., 1805.Essay on the present state of manners and education among the lower class of the people of Ireland and the means of improving them.Dublin: Wm. Watson. Held at Special Collections 44.S.18/6.
Hincks, T. D., 1850.Education in Ireland in the nineteenth century : A letter to the Rev. Thomas Fitzwilliam Miller. Dublin: J. McGlashan. Held at Special Collections 44.Z.2/4.
An Irish Catholic [pseudonym of J. H. Doyle], 1880.An essay on education and the state of Ireland.Dublin: Gill. Held at Special Collections 42.M.7.
Organ, J. P., 1856.Adult schools : A letter addressed to the Commissioners of National Education in Ireland. Dublin: M. & J. Sullivan. Held at Special Collections 44.X.5/7.
The national system of education, Ireland : old objections in a new form.,1880. Dublin: Hodges, Foster, and Figgis. Held at Special Collections 35.E.4/4.
Parish minister [pseud.], 1851.The alternative: or, How are the poor to be educated? : Being an argument respecting the National Board, suited to the times. Dublin: Hodges and Smith. Held at Special Collections 44.Z.1/8.
Newman, J. H., 1852.Discourses on the scope and nature of university education: addressed to the Catholics of Dublin. Dublin: James Duffy. Held at Special Collections 43.GG.24
Wyse, T., 1835.Education Ireland : speech of Thomas Wyse in the House of Commons, on Tuesday, May 19th, 1835, on moving for leave to bring in a bill for the establishment of a Board of National Education, and the advancement of elementary education in Ireland.Dublin: Milliken. Held at Special Collections 44.U.11/1.
History of Medicine
General Medicine
Content includes:
Abernethy, J., 1809.Surgical observations on the constitutional origin and treatment of local diseases : and on aneurysms. London: Longman [etc.]. Held at Special Collections 28.A.9.
Boyle, R., 1725.The philosophical works of the Honourable Robert Boyle : abridged, methodized, and disposed under the general heads of physics, statics, pneumatics, natural history, chymistry, and medicine ... London: W. and J. Innys. Held at Special Collections 40.G.14 (Vol. 3 only).
Buchan, W., 1813.The domestic medicine; or, a treatise on the prevention and cure of diseases, by regimen and simple medicines ... Dublin:Robert Conolly [sic] Held at Special Collections 27.J.5.
Cullen, W., 1874.First lines of the practice of physic.Edinburgh: C. Elliot. Held at Special Collections 25.Z.1.
Graves, R., 1848.Clinical lectures on the practice of medicine. Dublin: Fannin and Co. Held at Special Collections 48.U.6.
Gregory, J., 1788.Lectures on the duties and qualifications of a physician.Edinburgh: Printed for A. Strahan. Held at Special Collections 25.Z.20.
Pott, P., 1778.The chirurgical works of Percivall Pott. Dublin: Printed by James Williams. Held at Special Collections 25.Y.2.
Tanner, T. H., 1869.The practice of medicine.London: Henry Renshaw. Held at Special Collections 13.R.18-19.
Turner, D., 1736.The art of surgery : in which is laid down such a general idea of the same, as is founded upon reason, confirmed by practice… London: printed for C. Rivington. Held at Special Collections 6.D.4.
Medicine Ireland
Content includes:
An account of a medical controversy in the city of Cork : in which five physicians are engaged.,1749.London: Printed for R. Dodsley. Held at Special Collections 25.R.27.
Breham, E., 1807? Medical truths : addressed to the population of Ireland. Dublin: printed by R. Gibson. Held at Special Collections 34.X.5/1.
Corrigan, D., 1846.On famine and fever as cause and effect in Ireland; with observations on hospital location, and the dispensation in outdoor relief of food and medicine. Dublin: J. Fannin & Co. Held at Special Collections 44.R.18/4.
Houghton, J. W., 1879.New Dublin, or health in highways, byeways, & homes. Dublin: M.H. Gill and Son. Held at Special Collections 35.F.4/7.
Kirkpatrick, T. P. C., 1920.Edward Hill, M.D., Regius Professor of Medicine in the University of Dublin: a chapter in the history of the RoyalCollege of Physicians of Ireland. Dublin: printed at the University Press. Held at Special Collections 35.P.6/5.
Matheson, R. E., 1908.A review of the anti-tuberculosis campaign in Ireland : paper read before the Meeting of the British Association for the advancement of science. Dublin: printed by A. Thom. Held at Special Collections 35.I.9/5.
Mead, R. 1767.,The medical works of Richard Mead, M.D ... Dublin: Printed for Thomas Ewing. Held at Special Collections 25.A.16.
Smith, D., 1984.Dissecting room ballads from the Dublin schools of medicine fifty years ago.Dublin: Black Cat Press. Held at Special Collections13.U.19
Tweedy, H. C., 1884.State control for chronic inebriates : a paper read before the Public Health Sub-section of the Academy of Medicine in Ireland, February 14, 1884. Dublin: E. Ponsonby. Held at Special Collections 35.F.7/6.
Walsh, J. J. ,1905.The IrishSchool of medicine.Boston: s.n. Held at Special Collections 35.E.4/36.
Hospitals Ireland
Mostly pamphlets.
Barrington, M. ,1836.An address to the inhabitants of Limerick, on the opening of the Mont de Piete : or, charitabale pawn office, for the support of Barrington's Hospital, in that city. Dublin: William Holden. Held at Special Collections 44.X.6/6.
Boxwell, W., 1942.Historical sketch of the MeathHospital and CountyDublin Infirmary.London: S. Temple and Co. Held at Special Collections 5.G.1/1.
Childers, E.S.E., 1892.A description of the RoyalHospital, Dublin, with a short account of the ancient prioriers of Kilmainham.Dublin: Printed by Alex. Thom. Held at Special Collections 35.G.7/4.
General rules for the government of all the district lunatic asylums in Ireland: made, framed, and established by the Lord Lieutenant and Council of Ireland, March 27, 1843.,1843.Dublin: Her Majesty's Stationery Office. Held at Special Collections 44.W.5/10.
Curran, C., 1946.The RotundaHospital, its architects and craftsmen: a study. 2d ed., abridged. Dublin: At the Sign of the Three Candles. Held at Special Collections 39.I.2.
Grimbly, F., 1905.A guide to the Royal Hospital, Kilmainham, with a short introduction relative to the ancient priories of Kilmainham, and the foundation and history of the Royal Hospital. Dublin: printed at the Headquarters Printing Office. Held at Special Collections 34.M.9/1.
Hope, A., 1848. Memoir of the late James Hope, M.D : physician to St. George'sHospital, &c &c. London: J. Hatchard. Held at Special Collections 12.H.6.
Howard, J., 1789. An account of the principal lazarettos in Europe : with various papers relative to the plague: together with further observations on some foreign prisons and hospitals ... London: sold by T. Cadell and others. Held at Special Collections 26.J.7.
Nightingale, F., 1853.Notes on hospitals.London: Longman Green. Held at Special Collections 28.N.22.
The official catalogue of "Araby," grand oriental fête at Ball's Bridge, Dublin: in aid of JervisStreetHospital, May 14th ... 19th, 1894., 1894. Dublin: Brown & Nolan. Held at Special Collections 35.G.9/1.
Pastoral addresses of the R.C. archbishops and bishops : to the clergy and laity of their communion throughout Ireland. 1826., Dublin: Printed by Richard Coyne. Held at Special Collections 44.S.15/4.
RotundaHospital., 1785? An abstract of the yearly income and expence of the Lying-inHospital, for ten years, ending 31st December 1784.Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/2.
RotundaHospital., 1785. An abstract of the accounts of the Lying-inHospital, for the year 1784.Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/6 and 26.L.15/9.
RotundaHospital., 1785. An abstract of the registry kept at the Lying-inHospital, from the 8th of December, 1757, ... to the 31st of December, 1784.Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/5.
RotundaHospital.,1785. General proposed establishment of the Lying-inHospital, from 1st November, 1785. Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/3.
RotundaHospital., 1785. Lying-inHospital, 1785 : Benefactions, since the incorporation. Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/8.
RotundaHospital., 1786. Form of title-page for pass-books for the hospital : Pass-book from the Lying-inHospital. Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/14.
RotundaHospital., 1786.To the proprietors of the forty-eight tenements surrounding the Lying-inHospital gardens, and to the Governors and guardians of the said hospital in Dublin.Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/10.
RotundaHospital., 178-? A statement of the expence of the new enclosure surrounding the Lying-inHospital gardens.Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 26.L.15/7.
Somerville-Large, L. B., 1944.Dublin's eye hospitals.Dublin: s.n. Held at Special Collections 34.H.14/13.
Whitworth Medical and Surgical Hospital., 1891.Report of the Whitworth Medical and SurgicalHospital, Drumcondra, with a list of subscribers and donors and statement of accounts for ... 1890.Dublin: by J. Falconer. Held at Special Collections 35.G.4/4.
Wodsworth, W. D., 1876.A brief history of the ancient FoundlingHospital of Dublin, from the year 1702, with some account of similar institutions abroad.Dublin: A. Thom. Held at Special Collections 35.F.2/11.
Medicinal Plants
Content includes:
Archer, T. C., 1865. Profitable plants : a description of the principal articles of vegetable origin used for food, clothing, tanning, dyeing, building, medicine, perfumery, etc. London: G. Routledge and Sons. Held at Special Collections 40.J.3.
Bentley, R. ,1880. Medicinal plants : Being descriptions with original figures of the principal plants employed in medicine and an account of the characters, properties, and uses of their parts and products of medicinal value. London: J. & A. Churchill. Held at Special Collections 42.C.11-14.
Notes on plants and cures[manuscript],. ca. 1820 Held at Special Collections UCD Add. Ir. Ms 5.
Wilde, W. R., n.d. The history of Irish medicine and popular cures [manuscript]. Held at Special Collections UCD Ms. 2a.
Health Spas
Content includes:
Flinn, D. E., 1895. Ireland: its health-resorts and watering-places. Dublin: Fannin & Co. Held at Special Collections 43.H.27.
Madden, T. M.,1892. Lucan spa and hydropathic as a modern health resort.Dublin: M. H. Gill & Son. Held at Special Collections 35.G.6/5.
Madden, T. M., 1874. The spas and their use : a medical hand-book of the principal watering places on the Continent : Belgium, Germany, Switzerland, France and Italy. 3rd ed. London: T.C. Newby. Held at Special Collections 42.V.5.
Ward, Lock & Company.,1885. Ward and Lock's pictorial and historical guide to Cork and its neighbourhood : with excursions to Bantry, Glengarriff, Killarney, and other places in the south-west of Ireland ... London: Ward, Lock, and Co. Held at Special Collections 40.I.25.(Glengarrif as a health spa).
Content includes:
Barry, E., 1727. A treatise on a consumption of the lungs : With a previous account of nutrition, and of the structure and use of the lungs. 2nd ed. London: printed for William and John Innys. Held at Special Collections 6.B.25
Kirkpatrick, T. P C., 1903.The control of consumption by the public health authority.Dublin: J. Falconer. Held at Special Collections 44.R.18/12.
Women's National Health Association of Ireland.,1908. Some important facts concerning the tuberculosis exhibition.Dublin: printed by Waller & Co. Held at Special Collections 39.E.3/6.
History of the Media
Special Collection contains early printed books including 26 books printed between 1450 and 1500, examples of continental printing from 16th century, examples of Irish and continental printing from 17th centuries onwards.
Material in Special collections can be used to facilitate interaction with the medium of the book itself. I would encourage staff and students to use the resources available in this repository as we have many fine examples of books from different eras which were used to disseminate information and to propagate certain viewpoints. Material from Special Collections could be used to illustrate points or themes within students’ research.
Irish revolution (Home Rule, Unionism, Conscription, 1916 Rising, War of Independence Civil War.
Many pamphlets on Home Rule, Unionism and on the Rising, War of Independence and Civil War. Almost 200 titles on home rule in Special Collections – mostly pamphlets. Over 100 titles relating to the Easter Rising and 1916 – mostly pamphlets.