Tillamook Early Learning Center | Tuition Agreement
Please complete the following parent agreement. It is important that you understand our policies and by signing, you agree to the terms of this agreement. If you have any questions regarding these policies or your child, please consult the Director. It is our priority to provide the best care available for each child.
I, ______, understand that I will be billed for the care of my children.
A fee of $100/child is due upon enrollment. Re-enrollment feesare assessed each August for all children, except those that were newly registered in June or July of the same year.
Children will be accepted at any time space is available, based on our current rate schedule. In order to provide quality and appropriate care, it is imperative that each parent/guardian turn in a schedule and also verify that it is correct, once entered into the ProCare system. We accept schedules, in writing, at the center or via email to .
Monthly Statements are handed out via hard copy in the classrooms. After an appropriate time, if they have not been picked up, they will be mailed to the most current address on file.
○Check this box if you currently receive assistance from DHS- You must also complete the addendum re: the handling of DHS vouchers and DHS payment
○Check this box if you would like to receive your monthly statement via e-mail.
○My e-mail address is:______
Prepayment of anticipated schedule hours is required to receive care at TELCC..
PLEASE NOTE: On the 5th of each month, if you have not made a payment, your child(ren) WILL NOT be admitted to class. Payment and/or sufficient payment agreements will be required for your child to be readmitted.
Additional Charges
3 consecutive “No Shows” care will cease to be scheduled. Care can be resumed only after the parent or guardian contacts the director directly.If a child is in attendance outside of their scheduled hours, penalty rates will be applied.
Parent Involvement Opt-Out fees are posted to every account at the beginning of the month. They will be credited off once volunteer work has been completed. In order to be credited volunteer work must be preapproved for credit. If a family plans to participate in parent involvement they can chose not to pay the opt-out fee at the beginning of the month.
Parent Involvement
TELC is a parent run organization. We are always looking for volunteers throughout our organization; your help is needed in the classroom, office and on the board. Please speak to the Director about how you can help.
All parents are required to be involved with our organization, either through monthly volunteer work or monthly payment in the form of an “Opt Out” fee.
Policies and Procedures
Compliance with the policy set forth in the Parent Handbook is a requirement for continued enrollment at TELC.
The Oregon Immunization Law requires that all children entering public classrooms must have verification of current immunizations or have completed the state required education component and have a signed medical or religious exemption on file.
It is extremely important that children are kept at home when ill. If a child becomes ill at TELC, parents will be notified to pick up their child.The full scheduled day’s charges will be incurred when sick children need to be sent home and the child shall be excluded from care for 48 hours. Sudden illnesses will receive special considerations. It is imperative that families understand and follow the illness policies. A backup plan for sick days is recommended.
Termination of Enrollment
Care may be terminated by the parent/guardian by giving two weeks’ notice in writing, in advance of the ending date. TELC may terminate care for failure to pay tuition, 3 consecutive no shows and at the discretion of TELC as described in it’s policies. Payment is due for all amounts owed to TELC at termination of enrollment.
I understand the terms of this agreement and agree to comply.
Signature ______Date ______
Revision | March 2015