Chapters in books
- Onyukwu, O. E. and Eboh, E. C. (2010) “The Global Financial and Economic Crisis and the Transmission to the Nigerian Economy” in Eboh, E. C and Ogbu O. (eds.) The Global Economic Crisis and Nigeria Taking the right lessons and avoiding the wrong lessons; Enugu, El ‘Demak Publishers; Pp. 33 – 43.
- Onyukwu, O. E. and Amakom, U. (2009), ‘Economic growth and human security in the Fourth Civilian Republic’ in Abubakar, J. A. et al. (eds.) Conflict of Securities: Reflections on State and Human Security in Nigeria; London, Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd.; Pp. 159 – 173.
- Onyukwu, O. E. and Okoye, C. U. (2007) “Sustaining Poverty Alleviation Efforts through Inter-Agency Collaboration In Nigeria” in Omeje, K. C. (ed.) State-Society Relations in Nigeria: Democratic Consolidation, Conflicts and Reforms; London, Adonis & Abbey Publishers Ltd.; Pp. 176 – 203.
- Onyukwu, O. E., Ukeje S. and C. Agu (2007) “Banking Regulation and Reforms in Nigeria: The Consolidation Experience” in Omeje, K. C. (ed.) State-Society Relations in Nigeria: Democratic Consolidation, Conflicts and Reforms; London, Adonis & Abbey Publishers; Pp. 204 – 229.
- Onyukwu, O. E. and Okore, A. O. (2005) “Foreign aid and Africa’s economic development: An assessment of the role of intermediary management institutions” in Briggs, D. A. (ed.) Nigeria in World Politics: Trends and Challenges; Pp. 373 – 408.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2004) “Health Care as an economic commodity” in Okoronkwo, I (ed.)
Health Economics: Basic Issues and Processes; Pp. 29-46
- Onyukwu, O. E. and Okoronkwo, I. (2004) “The nature of Health Care and the case for agency relationship” in Okoronkwo, I (ed.) Health Economics: Basic Issues and Processes; Pp. 47-62
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2004) “Distribution of Health Care: Analysis of the equity and efficiency goals” in Okoronkwo, I (ed.) Health Economics: Basic Issues and Processes; Pp. 63-78
9.Onyukwu, O. E. and Omeje, K. C. (1999) “Sustainability in the grassroots reproductive health campaign” in Omeje, K. C. (ed.) Readings in Reproductive Health; Pp. 76-85
Journal Articles
- Onyukwu, O. E., and I. A. Ifelunini (2013) “An analysis of the Investment Challenge of achieving Sustainable Electricity Development in Nigeria by 2020”, Nigerian Journal of Legislative Affairs. (forthcoming). ACCEPTED FOR PUBLICATION
- Onyukwu, O. E., Nwosu, E. O. and Diejomaoh, I. (2011) “Monetary Policy and Output-Inflation Volatility Interaction in Nigeria: Evidence from Bivariate GARCH-M Model”, Journal of Economics and Sustainable Development, Vol. 2, No. 6 Pp. 1-19
- Onyukwu, O. E., Fonta, M. W. and Nwosu, E. O. (2011) “International Remittance Inflows and Household Welfare: Empirical Evidence from Nigeria”, Research Journal of Finance and Accounting Vol. 2, No. 3, Pp. 1-10
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2005) “Loan Security and Distress in Nigeria’s Banking Industry”. ESUT Journal of Social Sciences Vol. 2 Pp. 1-14
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2004) “Competing paradigms of development”. International Journal of Studies in the Humanities Vol.3, No.1, Pp. 239 – 247
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2005) “Notion of sustainability of development: evaluation of concept and its relevance to short term economic growth”; Nigerian Journal of Social Development, Vol.2, No. 2 Pp. 75 - 83.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2002) “Production relations and incidence of poverty in Enugu State”. Nigerian Journal of Social Development Vol.2, No.1 Pp. 82 - 86.
- Onyukwu, O. E. and Okpara, E. (2002) “Strategies for Maximal National Benefits from Deregulation of the Downstream Petroleum Industry in Nigeria”. The Nigerian Journal of Finance, Vol.1 No.2 Pp. 99 - 107.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (1999) “Emphasis of neo-liberal adjustment policies on relative prices and minimalist state: what prospects for long-term growth”. The Nigerian Journal of Finance, Vol.1 No. 1 Pp. 55 - 65.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (1999) “Informal sector and development in third world countries – A Comment”; Journal of Liberal Studies, Vol. 8 No. 1 Pp. 99 - 105.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (1999) “Shifting paradigm of capital internationalisation and third world response”; International Journal of Studies in Humanities Vol. 2 No. 1 Pp. 91 – 100.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (1999) “Some thoughts on Son Preference and Gender Equity with reference to Nigeria”. The Nigerian Social Scientist, Vol.2 No.2 Pp. 39 – 40.
Conference Proceedings (PULISHED)
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2009) The nature and transmission of the global financial and economic crisis. Paper presented at the National Policy Symposium on Lessons of the Global Economic Crisis for Nigeria held at Transcorp Hilton Abuja on 18 June, 2009
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2001) “Sex Preference, Gender Roles and Human Capital Development” in Ogbazi N.J., Azikiwe U., and I. Ifelunni (eds.) Studies in Gender Discrimination in the 21st Century; Pp. 70-76
Conference Proceedings (Unpublished)
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2012) Microeconomic Determinants of Migrant Remittances to Nigerian Households. Paper presented at the CDAR/IIAS/CIRES-IDRC Regional Project Workshop/Conference held between 18 and 19 December, 2012 at the Ivorian Centre for Economic and Social Research, Abidjan, Cote d’Ivoire.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2012) Key issues in Planning and Budgeting. Paper presented at the Rivers State Workshop for Training of Budget and Planning Officers on Social Planning & Budgeting for Children and Women organised by UNICEF ‘A’ Field Office between 29th and 31st August, 2012
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2012) Managing the PEFA Assessment Process: Planning & Quality Assurance. Presentation at the Inception Workshop of Ogun State Public Expenditure Management and Accountability Review (PEMFAR) organised by the PEFA Consultants on 13th March, 2012
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2010) Understanding the Techniques of Monitoring & Evaluation. Two-day presentations at the Training Workshop for Interns at the Policy Analysis and Research Group (PARG) of the National Assembly, Abuja between 8th and 10th September, 2010
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2000) Developmental Effectiveness of Foreign Aid to Africa: A Critique of the Changing Role of Intermediary Management Institutions. IDS Monograph Series No.2
- Onyukwu, O. E., Omeje, K. C., Ugwuonah, G. (1998) Changing Cost and Value of Children in Nigeria: A study of parents’ perceptions and fertility responses in Abia State, PRFMU, NISER, Monograph Series.
Commissioned Works (Unpublished)
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2012) Ogun State PEMFAR Report for the Period 2008 – 2010. Report Submitted to the Ogun State Government. (with Olukayode Ogboye and Gboyega Aiyemomi).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2007) Enugu State Education Public Expenditure Review (1999–2005). Research Report Submitted to DFID/World Bank, Abuja, Nigeria. (with P. Bennell, and S. Oladeji).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2006) Resource Gaps Assessment of the Development Finance Department and Other Financial Institutions Department of the Central Bank of Nigeria for implementing the Microfinance Policy, Regulatory and Supervisory Framework for Nigeria. (with Swandip Sinha, Bassey Asuquo, Chibuike Uche, Timothy Effiong and Larry Osa-Afiana).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2006) Nigeria In Continental And Sub-Regional Integration In Africa. Part Report Submitted under the Desk Study Component of African Peer Review Mechanism (APRM) Study on Economic Governance and Management in Nigeria.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2006) Non-Agricultural Market Access (NAMA)Negotiations And Agreements: The Nigerian Interest. Research Report Prepared For the National Planning Commission (NPC), Abuja (with N. I. Ikpeze, P. C. Ekeocha, M. Nwafor and M. O. Oduh).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2005) The Nigerian Oil Industry and Ethnic Militias in the Niger Delta Region. Research Report Submitted to Social Science Research Council, WashingtonDC, USA. (with B. D. Umoh, and K. C. Omeje).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2004) Analysis of key Macroeconomic and Social Trends in Nigeria over the last Three Decades. Part Report Submitted under Study on Economic and Social Impacts of Oil Resources and Management in Nigeria by the World Bank Group (with C. Agu).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2003) Second Inception Review State and Local Government Programme in Nigeria (IR2). Research Report Submitted to DFID, Nigeria. (with C. Heymans, J. Mokgoro and C. Pretorius).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2003) Joint Inception Review of DFID Nigeria CAP. Research Report Submitted to DFID, Nigeria. (with C. Heymans, J. Mokgoro and R. Muatapha).
- Onyukwu, O. E (2003) Access to Justice Inception Review Report. Research Report Submitted to DFID, Nigeria. (with J. Barker, and R. Mustapha).
- Onyukwu, O. E (2003) Inception Review Report on Joint Wetlands Livelihoods Project (JWL). Research Report Submitted to DFID, Nigeria. (with T. Sarch, M. Amin-kano, D. Newman, B. Le Roith, A. Grema and A. Kidd).
- Onyukwu, O. E (2000) Rural Travel and Transport in South Eastern Nigeria: A Case Study of Uzo-Uwani Local Government Area of Enugu State. Report Submitted Under World Bank/Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development Rural Travel and Transport Study (RTTS). (with E. U. L Imaga, U. I. Ukwu, E. U. Ohachenu, K. C. Omeje, and B.D. Umoh).
- Onyukwu, O. E. (2001) Institutional Analysis of Bende Local Government Council of Abia State. Report Submitted Under the European Development Fund Programming Study on Nigeria.
- Onyukwu, O. E. (1999) Urban Basic Services in Onitsha Slums: A Situation Analysis. Report Submitted to UNICEF Under the UBS/CNSPM Intervention in Onitsha.
- Onyukwu, O. E (1998) Enugu State Poverty Study Report Submitted to the UNDP, Lagos. (with U. I. Ukwu, I. U. Offong, F. U. Nwakoby, G. E. Ugwuonah, K. C. Omeje, and B. D. Umoh).