UNESCO Message of Support
Media Reform framework forum
17 August 2017, Ocean Bay Hotel, Gambia
- Honorable Minister of Information and Communication Infrastructures,
- Honorable Deputy Director of the Department of Information Services,
- Your excellency, European Union Ambassador to the Republic of the Gambia
- Your excellency, ECOWAS Ambassador to the Gambia
- President of the Gambia Press Union,
- Members of the Expert group,
- Professor of Kwame Karikari,
- Honorable representative of the National Assembly,
- Members of the media,
- Distinguished participants,
- Ladies and gentlemen,
On behalf of the Regional Director of the UNESCO Office for West Africa (Sahel), I would like to congratulate and commend the expert group and the Gambia Press Union for this very comprehensive and important Media Reform Framework that we are confident will contribute to the ongoing reform process intended to ensure the establishment of a strong and peaceful democracy in the Gambia and legislation as it concerns freedom of expression and access to information rooted in international human rights standards.
UNESCO’s work is rooted in the belief that all people should have the opportunity to access information and knowledge, and to express their ideas and interests in free, open and inclusive social environments. Knowledge and information have a significant impact on people’s lives and have the power to transform societies. Having a well-informed population with access to accurate and independent information from diverse sources is critical to boost understanding of and participation in democracy, good governance, and sustainable development. Independent, free and pluralistic media have a crucial role to play in this regard.
UNESCO is convinced that journalists and media workers, as practitioners of a specialized exercise of the right to freedom of expression, as covered by Article 19 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Article 19 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, play an important role in the building of knowledge societies and ensuring the free flow of information and ideas. Hence, they should be able to work in a free and safe environment as recommended by the UN Plan of Action on the Safety of Journalists and the Issue of Impunity.
In the Gambia in cooperation with the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructures, UNESCO is already supporting the implementation of the “Journalism and Media” project funded by the European Union Governance Programme, and launched in October 2016 to contribute to media reform and democratic governance in The Gambia through improving freedom of the press and the quality of information available to the population.
We remain committed to support the ongoing media reforms in the Gambia and reaffirm our availability to accompany both Government and civil society in implementing initiatives and developing tools promoting knowledge-driven media development.
Finally, on behalf of UNESCO I would like to commend the Government of the Gambia and more particularly the Ministry of Information and Communication Infrastructure for the impressive work done to ensure freedom of expression and access to information remain at the forefront of the New Gambia.
Thank you.