Amy Woodland PAC: January 17, 2017 Minutes:

1: Welcome/Call to Order: 6:39pm

  • In Attendance:Debby L., Steph R., Aaron T., Roxane B. Crystal S., Leah D. Romana S
  • Regrets:

2: Approval of last month’s minutes:

Crystal approves, Roxane seconded

3: Treasurer’s Report:

  • Gaming:7321.35
  • Regular:3974.28

$220.21 from Purdys rebate

4: Correspondence:

TM donated cupcakes to school.

Save-on-foods gift cards if purchased will give 5 percent to school PAC.

5: Principal’s Report:

Thanks from the staff, for the nice words and gestures, about Deanna’s passing.

There has been more art in the school this year.

Joe Tank about buddy bench, grounds keeping people about the tree and where we can dig the hole, Ramona has a bobcat, Marla Smith at RSSSrock has the rock picked out. Tree or flowers, Regal Maple tree? We do have the money sitting in trust. Installing these sometime in April/May.

Thanks for the support because now every classroom has doc cam and projector

New tables, doc cam, projector that will be in the library for a classroom setting.

22.5 teachers to hire from the 500k we are getting from the government.

Another report card in 5 weeks. Mid report card will be letter grades.

6: Teacher’s Report:

Thank you for the money from Leah Draper for the Kindergarten Wilderness Wednesday.

Leah would like to do a thing in June meeting to show where the money went.

Mrs. Draper’s class going to hook up with Highlands School on Feb 22 for ice fishing.

Ms. Radies replenished craft supplies, and she would like a yearly allowance for craft supplies ($1000? $750?)

7. Trustee’s Report:No Trustee present.

8: Business:

  • Christmas concert was great. Chimes were wonderfully received.
  • Cookbook, template approval, yes. Amanda C. volunteering for helping. Ready for Father’s Day.Template to go out by January 23, then it will come back by spring break (April 3rd.)
  • Green Christmas: A bit muddled about communication (gift allowance, tag allowance) needed more volunteers, bought more gift wrap, need more gift bags. Went well though. A notice that every child will be participating. 3 boxes to be used for swap and buy.
  • Carnival: March 10th Friday, March 9th for set up. Gym is booked. Games set up, pop corn set up, need 3 waves of volunteers, 6:30 to 8 open public. Minimum 16 x 3 volunteers needed. February 24st cut off for volunteers. Price to be set for public, prizes needed.
  • Movie night: Finding Dory, April 13th 530-9pm Gym booked. “Drive-in” movie by having kids in boxes.
  • Ramona would like to have a parent from each class to be a class representative to come to each PAC meeting to have amore parent voices.
  • Spring Swap and Buy: April 21st. Rent tables? Friday night 4p-7p, Leah would like a booth for kinders.
  • February 14th Treat: Roxane would like to do a cupcake walk, Roxane will make cupcakes. Afternoon in the gym. Raffle basket is going to happen 50 cents per ticket.
  • Constitutional changes will happen when Crystal gets approval from Debbie Theirren. Debbie has ideas, keynotes and would like to help.

10. Next Meeting: February 21st

11. Meeting Adjourned:7:55pm.