This handbook will help answer some of the most frequently asked questions about the CGSA Club's Select program operations, philosophy, perspective, and expectations.
It is the desire of CGSA to sponsor as many select teams as possible; however, all final team formations will be determined by the number of available select level players as determined by the player evaluation process prior to each seasonal year. CGSA will not
seek to limit the number of teams forming in any select age group unless two or more CGSA teams exist in the lowest division of an age group at U-13 and above. (As teams move up and down through divisions, based on GYSA guidelines, this restriction will be
applied only when there has been a lack of movement by both CGSA teams from the lowest division). The CGSA Select Tryout Committee will determine a Minimum number of players to declare a Team. The process will be based on QUALITY not QUANITY of
Select players available after the Evaluation process.
The CGSA Select logo is our brand image and it is for the exclusive use of CGSA Teams. We encourage our teams to use the logo on signs, banners, T-shirts, uniforms, bags, warm ups, hats, etc.
All additional usage of the logo needs to be cleared by the Director of Coaching and Select Director.
CGSA is for the enjoyment, educational, and physical development of the players in the game of soccer. Cheering during the games by coaches, parents, and other spectators should be of a positive nature - supportive of all players, coaches, and referees. We expect our members to set high standards of sportsmanship at home games and especially when on the road.
The coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators as well as their own. Coaches need to remember that they are to set an example for their players. Unsportsmanlike conduct by any player, coach, parent or spectator may be punishable by
the actions of the CGSA Discipline Committee or GYSA Discipline & Protest Committee or Ethics & Grievance Committee.
The "Club" philosophy
All players within the CGSA Select program, regardless of which team they are part of need to understand that all decisions of the Club will be made with the best interest of the player in mind, within the context of the Club structure and Club Philosophy.
The Club's first concern is for the long-term development of your child's soccer skills under pressure, and there will be times players are instructed to do things parents do not understand. Player and team development will sometimes be given a greater priority than winning. Parents and players must understand this and conduct themselves in a manner consistent with a healthy team environment.
Assessments and Player Placement Player Evaluation and Selection
One of the many difficulties that young players face is understanding how others are assessing their talent and potential. How you perform under "game-like conditions" is the benchmark of how you will be measured. In addition, players would do well to remember that evaluation is an ongoing process, not just a 2 or 3-day event at the beginning of the season.
For evaluation and selection purposes, player performance will be evaluated by observing players under the pressures of training, scrimmages, games and, lastly, the annual assessments.
CGSA use an online evaluation system called ZoomReports. Each player will be send their evaluations (excluding tryouts) via this system. Once placed on a roster, an activation email will be sent to the primary email address. All evaluations can be viewed from this online system.
Academy and Select team assessments and tryouts are held twice per year and are open to all players. Each player will be given an equal opportunity to be fully evaluated in order to be played on the team best suited to the players’ abilities within his/her age group.
Those players not able to attend the scheduled will need to inform the Director of Coaching in advance of their absence in order to qualify to attend any supplemental or additional scheduled evaluations.
Spring assessments will only be held if the roster in question has open slots and are actively seeking player additions. This decision will be made by the Director of Coaching in cooperation with the coach of said team.
Each assessment will be designed and ran by the Director of Coaching and will be staffed by CGSA staff and other trainers if needed. The number of staff at each evaluation will be determined by the number of players attending the assessment.
Once a player has been invited to play for a CGSA Select team, he/she is required to commit to that team according to the guidelines as defined by GYSA. Should a player/parent request to play for a team other than the one for which they were invited, the Director of Coaching and the two team coaches involved will review the request and determine if the most reasonable resolution is placement on another team. This decision will be based on the best interest of the individual player and his participation in the Select Club.
The Player
As a player, you are CGSA's most important responsibility and most vital resource. We hope that you and your parents will choose that club which best meets your level of commitment and desire for competition. We further hope that you consider your goals and ambitions as a person as well as a soccer player. Once you commit to select level soccer, we expect you commit the time and effort necessary to bring about Self-improvement and to contribute to the goals of your team. In addition, we also expect you to support and abide by the policies of GYSA, CGSA and your team.
Player Movement During the Season
Player movement within the CGSA select program will only occur due to outstanding circumstances and will be evaluated following the steps outlined below:
- The coach who is looking at a player must notify and discuss the need for a player with the Director of Coaching.
- The Director of Coaching will notify the player's current Head Coach that a particular player has been identified as a candidate for player movement.
- The Director of Coaching will evaluate the player; taking input from both Head Coaches involved.
- Upon decision by the Director of Coaching the receiving coach shall notify the player and the player's parent of the potential move.
- Ultimately, the decision is left in the hands of the parents and the player. The responsibility for notifying the Director of Select Programs for all player movements will be with the rostered player’s current coach.
Playing Up
It is our policy to encourage players to play in their appropriate age groups as determined by the player's age on August 1st of any soccer year, and to provide adequate opportunities for all players to do so. It is the intent of this policy to allow for total player development at a natural pace. Although skill development might make "playing up" appear to be a good thing, it is our belief that all facets of a player's development: physical, social, psychological, and athletic, should be taken into consideration.
That being said, we also recognize the need for the opportunity to "play up" for certain players. In the event that a parent or coach feels that a child is ready to "play up" they must consult with the Director of Coaching and allow the DOC to ultimately decide what is in the best interest of the player. In no case, however, will any CGSA player be allowed to play in an age bracket in excess of 2- years-older than their age, or lesser limits as provided by GYSA and USYSA.
Playing Time
CGSA select teams train to compete at the highest levels possible and we are dedicated to the development of the player.
Furthermore, it is our belief that development is highly linked to the player's exposure to game situations. This means that playing time is critical to the player's technical and tactical development. Keeping this goal in mind, the coach determines playing time, but all coaches understand and support the GYSA rules and regulations as published in Law #3, paragraph 5440 which states:
"Each player must play a minimum of half of a match, if he/she meets practice and participation requirements to the coach's satisfaction.”
Conflict Resolution
To ensure that conflicts, problems, concerns, and violations of any of CGSA rules and regulations are properly and fairly addressed, we have established procedures and mechanisms to be followed. The following is the line of authority for resolution of all disputes:
- Trainer or Parent Coach
- Director of Coaching
- Director of Select Programs (For policy application and interpretation)
- Disciplinary Committee (For violations of the Articles of Incorporation, Operating Policy, GYSA or FIFA Laws)
- Board of Directors
- GYSA D & P or Ethics and Grievance Committee
Not until each level of authority has been given an opportunity to resolve the dispute should a player or parent proceed to the next level of authority, except in the case where the dispute is directly related to that level of authority.
Disciplinary and Select Program Team
Once a matter in question is referred to the Disciplinary Committee, the following procedures apply:
- Should any authority decide not to hear a dispute it may be immediately referred to the next level of authority.
- When making an appeal of an adverse decision, all information and correspondence must be directed to the next level authority within three (3) days (Sundays and holidays excluded.)
- The committee shall consider all pertinent information and may require personal testimony prior to making a decision; however, they are not required to do so.
- All decisions will be rendered in executive session and will be conveyed by the committee to the appellant in writing within seven (7) days.
- A personal phone call will also be made to the appellant within 24 hours of the decision.
- Decisions rendered by the Disciplinary Committee may be appealed to the Board of Directors with in 48 hours of receiving written conformation of the decision. The President shall then schedule an open hearing at which time all interested parties shall have adequate time to present their case before the Board of Directors.
- Those parties presenting a case shall include a spokesman from the Disciplinary Committee. Others wishing to present a case must indicate their wishes to do so at least fifteen (15) minutes prior to the start of the hearing.
Note: Special Exemption & Modifications
In the first year following the adoption of this policy, the following exemption will apply. Since the evaluation process will take place for the first time in any age group, and divisional alignment through the State is based on their record/ performance from the previous season, CGSA will not seek to limit the number of teams forming in any age group even if there are two teams in the lowest division of a particular age group. Review and modification or GYSA and USSF rules and policies may require modifications to some parts of this policy.