THIS WEEK: March 1-7,2015
Today: / 9:30 a.m.10:45 a.m.
4:30 p.m.
5:50 p.m.
6:00 p.m. / Morning Worship Service
Sunday School, Adult Bible Study, Catechism, Coffee Fellowship, Library is Open
Choir Rehearsal
Song Service
Evening Service
Tuesday: / 7:00 p.m.
7:30 p.m. / Cadets
Opening Devotions and Snack:Tim Ipema; Closing Prayer: Nathan Bakker
Men’s Society
Wednesday: / 10:00 a.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m. / Heart to Heart / Little Lambs
H2H Snack: Henny Vreugdenhil and Barb Van Schouwen
Nursery:Charity Regnerus and Sarah Boer
Lesson 5 – Hoping for Something Better by Nancy Guthrie
Little Lambs:Read with Dr. Seuss
Council Meeting
Dorcas Society
Lesson material is in the basket by the mailboxes. Hostess: Millie DeBoer
Saturday: / 7:00 a.m.
7:00 a.m. / Men’s Life Breakfast
Men’s Life Bible Study
The March Oak Leaves will be distributed next Sunday, March 8.
Choir rehearsals begin today! Please consider joining us for this "spring" season--we welcome any singers in 7th grade and older to assist us. We will be preparing four songs that reflect on Christ's death and resurrection. One will be sung during the March 22 morning worship service, one on Good Friday, and two on Easter morning. You are welcome to sing with us if you are available for any or all of those services. Rehearsals are in the sanctuary on Sunday afternoons from 4:30-5:30 pm. Please speak to Marj Colvin if you have any questions.
Cadets will be in need of at least two Counselors for the 2015 – 2016 season starting this September. Any meninterested in becoming a Cadet Counselor please contact Wayne Lewis, Dale Frump or any current Counselor, if you have any questions, concerns, or more information concerning this need. Your Cadet Counselors.
All Oak Glen women are invited to join Heart to Heart on Wednesday, March 11 from 10:00-11:30 in the Fellowship Hall to learn more about the Divine Hope Women's Conference. Rev. Nathan and Paula Brummel will be making a presentation about the conference and will be available to answer any questions you may have about the conference itself or Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary in general. For more details on the conference see the related bulletin announcement. For questions about March 11 feel free to contact Laura Bruinsma.
Plans are in the making for the annual church picnic this summer!!! Please reserve the date of Saturday, August 1, from 3pm until 8pm on your calendars for us! We would love for you to join us for an enjoyable afternoon and evening of fun, food and fellowship! More details to come as we get closer to the date!
Communion Dates: April 3 (Good Friday), May 10, August 9, November 8 and December 31 (New Year’s Eve)
Ladies’ Night Out:
Tuesday, March 10, 6:30 p.m. at RED ROBBIN (Schererville)
Tuesday, April 14, 6:30 p.m. at CARRABBA’S Italian Grill (Schererville)
Tuesday, March 10 – Cadet Derby Race Night
Friday, March 13 – Youth Group Mexican Dinner Fundraiser
Tuesday, March 24 – Cadet Father/Son Night
Those with last names De Jong--Dykstraare asked to write our missionaries during the month of March.
Save The Date! Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary is having its annual Dessert Buffet fundraiser on Friday, April 17, 2015 at 7:00 pm at Illiana Christian High School, 2261 Indiana Avenue, Lansing, IL. There will be delicious gourmet desserts and coffee, and a variety of other goodies. More details to come.
Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary invites you to attend the Sunday worship service at the Danville Correctional Center in Danville, IL. The worship service begins at 8:00 AM. If you would like to worship with the men in Danville, you must send your information to Ron Ellens at or 815-514-3083. Worship for the prisoners at Danville will be on Sundays March 15 and 29. The deadlines for requests are February 25 and March 11 respectively.
El Pacto de Gracia is looking for 3-4 individual to each teach an English speaking children Sunday School class for 3-4 weeks each this summer in the months of June, July and August. There are 4-7 students in this class. The class will meet after the evening service from 6:45 to 7:15 PM in Chicago Heights. Lesson plan will be provided. Contact Ron Ellens at or 708-235-1111.
Mission News (continued)
Calling Reformed and Presbyterian Women! This summer Divine Hope Reformed Bible Seminary will open a Study Center at the Rockville Women’s Prison in Rockville, IN. Our first six-week session is scheduled from June 28 through August 8. Two classes will be offered on the Heidelberg Catechism. This extended women’s conference will occur on Mondays, Tuesdays, Fridays, and Saturdays. The seminary faculty, area ministers, and Reformed ladies will be teaching the classes. This is a tremendous opportunity to use your gifts to encourage and disciple women. Bake some cookies, volunteer to play the piano, sing a solo, give a speech, pray with the ladies, or lead a discussion group. For more details about available dates contact Nathan Brummel at 616-822-2397 or
Monday, March 16, 9 a.m.-12 p.m.--Providence Christian Academy invites you to attend an Open House from 9 a.m.-12 p.m. Make plans to stop in to see the classical Christian model in action, visit classrooms, speak with parents and teachers and enjoy some refreshments. All prospective Kindergarten students are invited to come and be a Kindergartener for the morning from 9 a.m.-11 a.m. While the students eat a snack and have craft and story time in the classroom, parents will be invited to attend a meeting to hear more about the school and how to prepare your child for Kindergarten. Enrollment information and applications will be available. Contact the school at with questions. All are welcome!
Mid-America Reformed Seminary will host an evening class led by Dr. Cornelis Venema entitled, “What Happens after I Die?” The four sessions will address such questions as: What becomes of the believer in the state between death and the resurrection of the body? How are we to understand the “resurrection of the body?” Does the Bible teach that impenitent sinners will be eternally punished in hell? What will everlasting life be like in the “new heavens and earth?” Dates for the class are: March 5, 12, 19, and 26 from 7:30 – 9:00 pm. Please register by calling 219-864-2400.
The Men of A-Chord is pleased to announce a combined concert with the Illiana Christian High School A Capalla Choir for a “Harmony of Generations”. The concert will be on March 21, 2015. The program with begin at 7:00 p.m. at the First Christian Reformed Church of South Holland located at 16248 South Park Ave, South Holland, IL. Each choir will sing numbers separately and they will also join together as one mass chorus and sing several songs together will Justin Rich and Kathy Sliekers directing. There will be brass instrumental and plenty of audience participation in song. Make your plans now for a great evening of song and praise. Proceeds from a free will offering with benefit the Illiana Christian High School Choral Department. Join us for a Harmony of Generations. For information please see our website at or contact any member of the Men of A-Chord.
The Board of Lansing Christian School has unanimously decided to move forward with implementation of a Spanish Immersion program next year. We are targeting two kindergarten tracks for the Fall of 2015--English-based and Spanish-based. Spanish Immersion gives English-speaking students a reason to learn a second language--they have to because it is how they will talk and learn in the classroom. Call Cathye Richardson at 708-474-1700 to find out more or stop by for a visit!
The Harvest Thrift Center would like to thank all of its volunteers who so graciously give of their time and talents to support Calvin Christian and Lansing Christian Schools. Special help is needed for the Semi-annual Changeover from Winter to Summer clothes, which has been scheduled for Monday, March 16, at 9:00 a.m. If you are able and willing, please call the HTC at 708-868-6150 and let us know you are coming! A light lunch will be provided. Also, the HTC is looking to put together a three-person crew for Saturday morning furniture pick ups, as well as expand its Tuesday morning furniture crews as well. Some heavy lifting is required. Please e-mail the store at if you would like more information.
Thursday, March 26, 2015 11:30am - Bible league Volunteers invite you to their annual Spring luncheon at Teibel's Restaurant. An inspiring program will be presented by IIliana Chamber Singers under the direction of Mrs. Sliekers. An offering will be taken to provide Bibles for our South America Project and Prayer Reminders will also be available for purchase. Contact Annette Groenewold for tickets ($16 for chicken or $20 for fish) by Monday, March 16.
USHERS Today: Brain Huizenga, Rich Van Wolde, Roger Dykstra, *Jim DeYoung
Next Sunday: Dan Boss, Mike Bush, Paul Beezhold, *Jeff Evers
LIFT ATTENDANT Today: Kurtis Van Kuiken
Next Sunday: Noah Venhuizen
NURSERY Today: AM – INF: Kim & Jennifer Walstra
TDL: Janet & Katherine Bosma, and Rebecca Walstra
PM – INF: Paul & Penny Smit
TDL: Barb, Nathan, & Andrew Bakker
Next Sunday: AM – INF: Kathy & Kristy Sinwelski
TDL: Randy, Joanne & Dale Eenigenburg
PM – INF: Donna Vander Wall & Kayla Vander Zee
TDL: Susan Turner & Catherine Van Eck
GREETERS Today: Randy, Joanne, & Dale Eenigenburg
Next Sunday: Dan & Kim Ipema Family
PARKING LOT PATROL Tonight: Wayne Lewis
Next Sunday: Tim Naylor
SONG SERVICE Tonight: Jack Wieringa
Next Sunday: Bob Venhuizen
OFFERINGS Next Sunday AM: Chicagoland Prison Outreach
PM: Illiana Right to Life
Sunday, March 1, 2015 9:30 AM
“Two Impossibilities for Christian Believers”
Matthew 7:15-20; Lord’s Day 24
1. To Earn with Their Good
2. Not to Be Gratefully Good
Sunday, March 1, 2015 6:00 PM “Covenant Blessing for the Boys of Joseph”
Genesis 48
1. A Better Blessing
2. A Gracious Blessing
3. A Certain Blessing