PO Box 3118
Apple Valley, CA92307
VVBBUA Application for Membership 2018 Season
Please return this completed form and your payment instrumentsto the VVBBUA at the above address. It is beneficial that the information requested be returned as soon as possible.
VVBBUA Fee Schedules:
There is a prompt payment discount structure for prompt payments, please take advantage of this savings!
Membership Fee Schedule / Prompt Payment Discount by November 15, 2017 / Payment by December 31, 2017 / Payments after December31, 2017Membership Fee(Amount 1) / $75.00 / $85.00 / $100.00
Sports officiating Liability Insurance / $35.00 / $35.00 / $35.00
Total Due (Amount 2) / $110.00 / $120.00 / $135.00
VVBBUA has Jr. High Baseball contests beginning in November 2017 and the regular High School Baseball games beginning March 2018. Therefore it is imperative that umpires interested in officiating these contests sign up early.
__Check here if you are interested in officiating junior high games (returning members only)
The 2018membership fee covers membership, mandatory sports officiating liability insurance is required and if a potential member does not have this, then they may purchase this as noted above, learning material provided by the California Baseball Umpires Assn. (CBUA), and both classroom and field instruction. Membership fee does not include uniforms nor assignor fees. Umpires are required to purchase their own officiating equipment in accordance with VVBBUA and/or CBUA uniform requirements.
Assignor compensation and fees: See fee schedule on Availability Sheet 2018Season
All fees must be paid prior to a schedule being assigned. There will be no exceptions. When you send your fees please send two payment instruments. The first one payable to the VVBBUA second one payable to Andy Zody.
Last day for applications and payment: February 20, 2018
Name: ______
Address: ______Apt. # ______
City: ______State: ______Zip code: ______
Home Ph.: ______Work Ph.: ______
Cell Ph.:______E-Mail Address:______
Have you ever been convicted of a felony? ______. If yes, Please contact Chris Moyer (760-887-5089).
__Check here if you havecurrent sports officiatingliability insurance and providethe information below.Pay Amount 1 to VVBBUA if you have liability insurance. Otherwise pay Amount 2.
Organization name (NFHS, NASO etc)Membership numberExpiration date
New members only: Please indicate your experience as a baseball umpire and indicate the name of the VVBBUA member who referred you to us:
VVBBUA reference______