November 22, 2013

Student Section

Today’s birthday: Mrs. Claudia Hopkins.

Mrs. Natalie Gunnell’s birthday is Saturday.

Rorie Bolton and Amy Martin’s birthdays are Sunday.








“Color Run” fundraiser for TCPS – 9:00am-10:00am







  • The menu choice for Friday will have four different things on it. They are…Pork chops, Ravioli, Spaghetti, and Sloppy Joes. Valley does not have a lot of any of these items. If a student orders, students can pick from the items when they arrive, although once a choice is gone, Valley will not make more of it. You will have a choice of pizza from the grill also, but that is all.
  • Make-A-Wish “Be A Hero” t-shirts are on sale for $10. All orders are due today. They can be worn with jeans on Dec. 12th for the Make-A-Wish reveal. See Hannah Henry or come to the office for order forms.
  • As part of homecoming week each grade will participate in a wall design competition. This will be 25 of the possible 80 points that go towards winning the spirit stick. Each grade will be given a 3ft x 8ft sheet of white paper that they will be able to decorate in accordance to the homecoming theme “When in Rome.” It is up to your grade to interpret this however they want. Work will begin on Monday, December 2 and will be judged Thursday, December 5. All designs MUST be done by then. Any questions ask Joseph Berry.
  • Senior Beta members: make sure to stop by Mrs Warnick's room to sign up for the beta convention events if you plan to compete. Deadline is Wednesday, Dec 4.
  • Photo Contest! Students, Teachers, and Parents the yearbook is having a photo contest of Fall Pictures. The picture can be of anything so long as there is a Fall theme to the picture. Pictures must be appropriate and must be taken by a student, parent, or teacher from TCPS. There will be a prize for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place photos.
  • Students there is only 2 weeks left to order your 2013-2014 yearbook during the $50 special after December 5th the price goes up to $60. Orders can be places online a there is also a link to the ordering page on our school website labeled “Purchase your Yearbook Here”. You don’t want to be left out so remind your parents to place their order today.
  • There will be a Blood Drive on Dec 3rd from 12:00 noon to 3:30pm @ TCPS. To sign up, please contact Mrs. Wilhite.


  • It’s Thanksgiving Break eve!!! Whoop! Whoop!
  • Homecoming week will be December 2 through December 6. The dress up days are as follows:

Monday – Redneck/ Camo Day

Tuesday - Twin Day

Wednesday – Color War (each grade will be assigned a color, and the students of that grade will dress from head to toe in this color. The seniors’ color is green, the juniors’ is blue, the sophomores’ is yellow, the freshmen’s is black, the eighth graders’ is red, and the seventh graders’ is orange)

Thursday – Animal Day

Friday – TCPS Spirit Day

Teacher Section

Pre-Approved Absences:

Emily Williams – Nov. 18th – 22nd

Luke Williams – Nov. 18th – 22nd

Bryce Lindsey – Nov. 18th – 22nd

Dallas Butts – Nov. 18th – 22nd

Camille Blaylock – Nov. 22nd

Alexis Littrell – Nov. 22nd

Samantha Turba – Nov. 22nd, after 4th period

Zach Turba – Nov. 22nd, after 4th period

Alli Maloney – Nov. 22nd, after 4th period

Sarah Frances Wolfe – Dec. 6th

Jack Gilmore – Dec. 16th through Dec. 19th