Wychavon Strategic Partnership
Meeting notes: 28 March 2012, 10.15am
Committee Rooms Wychavon District Council, Pershore
Present:Michael Amies (Pershore Market Town Partnership/LSP), Chris Brooks (Wychavon DC),Maggie Collins (Worcestershire Partnership), Angela Fitch (Worcestershire Federation of Small Businesses), Dave Hemming (Wychavon DC & SW Community Safety Partnership), Frances Howie (NHS, Worcestershire),Ian Hughes (Rooftop Housing), Kate Jones (Children’s Centres), Cherrie Mansfield (Wychavon DC), Michael O’Brien (South Worcestershire College),Tracy Perkins (Wychavon DC), Carol Pratt (Wychavon Community Action Partnership), Dan Quinn (H&W Fire & Rescue),Shawn Riley (Evesham MTP/LSP), Audrey Steel (Chairman) and Josie Wilkinson (Wychavon CALC Area Committee)
Apologies:Bob Banks (WCC), Juliana Crowe (Rooftop Housing), Fred Davies (WDC), Andrew Ford (WDC Planning),Mark Jackson (St Richard’s Hospice), Inspector Sean Kent (West Mercia Police), Gerry O’Donnell (Evesham MTP/LSP), Richard Quallington (Community First) Phil Russell (H&W Fire & Rescue), Elaine Salter (Housing WDC)
Observing: Maria Horne and Stephen Forshaw (WDC)
Agenda item & key points/decisions
/Actions agreed
1.Welcome & introductions
Audrey welcomed everyone to the meeting and introduced Frances Howie who had replaced Karen Wright as the NHS Public Health representative. Round the table introductions were made. /2.Notes of the last meeting & matters arising
The notes of the meeting held on 1 February 2012 were agreed as a correct record.- Localism – New Homes Bonus and Neighbourhood Planning event taking place tonight. Community Right to Bid (Assets of CommunityValue) and Community Right to challenge event taking place on 23 April 2012, 6pm-8pm at the Civic Centre. Contact Mel Harris to book a place.
Presentations & strategic issues
3.WorcestershireCounty Council Early Help Strategy update (paper circulated with agenda)
Kate Jones, Children’s Centres, briefed us on the change to the timescales for “sourcing” the new arrangements for the Early Help Strategy. WyreForest will be the first to be commissioned, followed by Redditch, WorcesterCity, Wychavon, Malvern and Bromsgrove. This will be completed by the end of 2014.A multi-systemic therapy team for Dudley and Worcestershire is being developed, working with 40 families per year who have children aged 0 to 11 which should be in operation by September 2012. / Richard Keeble to give a presentation at next meeting.
Kate to find out how many of the 40 families are in Wychavon and what percentage this.
4.Worcestershire Viewpoint survey – latest results
Cherrie gave a presentation summarising a selection of the November 2011 Worcestershire Viewpoint survey results for Wychavon and by LSP area.Worcestershire Viewpoint is a partnership involving all Worcestershire councils, NHS Worcestershire and H&W Fire and Rescue Services. Two surveys are done per year that help organisations set priorities and plan services and projects. A mixture of people are on the Viewpoint panel and the partners are currently looking to recruit more.
The following conclusions were noted:
•happy with the local area
•public transport in top three areas for improvement
•cohesive, but not a strong sense of belonging
•less influence on decision making, but appetite to be more involved
•feel safe during the day, less safe at night
•great health
•a little less happy with the local area
•flood protection in top three areas for improvement
•less cohesive
•respect and consideration is a problem
•highest influence on decision making
•feel safe during the day, less safe at night
•good health
•happy with the local area
•affordable, decent housing in top three areas for improvement
•very cohesive and strong sense of belonging
•moderate influence on decision making, strong appetite to be more involved
•feel very safe
•good health
•highest levels of physical activity
The full report of the results is available on Worcestershire County Council’swebsite.
The Knowing Wychavon Communities March 2012 report can be viewed on the Wychavon website. Parish/Town Councils can obtain details via “Parish Matters” and Communicate. / All to share results within their LSPs/ organisations.
Frances to find out the national statistic for “How is your health?” question.
Operational Items
5.Action plans for the three area based LSPs (plans circulated with agenda)
We reviewed the action plans and a number of people gave feedback on them. Key points raised included:- The Evesham plan contains more for business in it. Businesses could get involved more when festivals and events are taking place by staying open later and there could be a lot of business sponsorship opportunities.
- Angela offered a directory of sponsorship opportunities on the FSB website.
- Good to see references to rural areas in the Pershore plan and actions on young and older people in the Droitwich area plan.
- Concern that there are gaps against a number of the Wychavon Community Strategy priorities in some of the plans.
- The Children’s Centres are missing from the Evesham plan.
Information Items
6.Government’s apprenticeship grant for employers (papers circulated with agenda)
Mike O’Brien, SW College told us about the Government’s apprentice-ship grant for employers for 16 to 24 year olds. It is aimed at helping them offer young people employment through the apprenticeship programme, by providing wage grants to assist employers in recruiting their first apprentice which will then lead to a permanent job. It will start on 1 April 2012 until March 2013. Priority will be given to small businesses.Federation of Small Businesses will help to support and promote the scheme.
Carol said the voluntary sector is finding it difficult to get a suitable apprentice due to lack of suitable courses available locally.
7.Opportunity Vale of Evesham update (paper circulated with agenda)
David Manning, OVoE Project Manager, gave an update on progress with the project now that it is heading to the halfway point. He highlighted the many activities taking place:Health
- Gym membership
- Forest schools
- Customer journey mapping
- Public open space in Bengeworth
- Over 50s lunchclub
- Loft and cavity wall insulation
- 60 home energy visits
- Boiler project
- GP project
- Employed Ruth Heptinstall, Skills Development Officer
- Handy man project
- Go-on project
- Voucher scheme with SW College
- Best Fit project
- Childcare project.
A partners’ event is taking place on 18 April 2012 at 2.00pm at the Civic Centre. Contact Tracy if you wish to attend.
8.Enterprise Club
Angela Fitch FSB let us know about an Enterprise Club which is being run by the FSB in partnership with Job Centre Plus and Worcester City Council. There are six free sessions that take place fortnightly at the Guildhall in Worcester, and its aim is to assist people to start up their own business.9.Brief round the table updates (Droitwich and Pershore LSP reports circulated with agenda)
Pershore LSP – ten year celebration eventtaking place in late September at No 8 in Pershore.Evesham LSP – an application has been submitted to be a Portas Pilot. The Government announced the initiative following the review of Britain’s High Streets by Mary Portas. The LSP’sten year celebration is taking place on 13 April from 9.30-1.00pm at the Regal Cinema.
Worcestershire Partnership update- Board meeting took place on 12 March. AOHN co-ordinators attended to give feedback on champion’s visit, which was very positive. Info sharing was discussed. Another visit will take place October/November.
- Chris Allen – looking to do another assessment – potential sustainability of the projects.
- Three theme groups agreed.
- Placeshaping – Tom Curry – West MerciaProbation Service – Dave Hemming attended an IOM seminar last Monday. On 25 April an IOM workshop is being held at Bromsgrove.
- Green Deal – board supported.
- SW College – School of Enterprise - Facebook page
- FSB– would like to invite LSPs,college and any other business support to join them on a stand at the Three Counties Show. In the afternoon Caroline Spellman will be there.
- Health – NHS reforms gone through. Clinical Commissioning Group – how they would work more closely with communities.
- Worcestershire Localism Framework – County Council is currently consulting on this. The deadlineis early June.
Tracy to circulate details
10.Date & items for next meetings
Wednesday, 23 May2012 at 10.15am- Committee RoomsWednesday 25 July 2012 at 10.15am - Committee Rooms
Wednesday 19 September 2012 at 10.15am - Committee Rooms
Wednesday 21 November 2012 at 10.15 - Committee Rooms
Agenda items for next meeting to include:
- Worcestershire County Council Early Help Strategy
- Worcestershire Localism Framework.
Distribution list:
Michael Amies: Pershore MTP
Cllr Bob Banks: Worcs CC
Chris Brooks: WychavonDC
Brian Browne: Worcs CALC
Maggie Collins: Worcs CC
Fred Davies: WychavonDC
Cllr Pam Davey: Droitwich Area Partnership
Juliana Crowe, Rooftop
Andy Ford: WychavonDC
Carol Pratt: Wychavon Community Action Partnership
Dave Hemming: WychavonDC
Ian Hughes: Rooftop
Mark Jackson: St Richard’s Hospice / Kate Jones, Children’s Centre
Sean Kent: West Mercia Police
Gerry O’Donnell: Evesham MTP
Michael O’Brien SW CollegeRichard Quallington: Community First
Elaine Salter: WychavonDC
Gary Jay H&W Fire & RescueAngela Smith: Worcestershire Federation of Small Businesses
Cllr Audrey Steel: WychavonDC
Frances Howie NHS Worcestershire / For information:Fiona Narburgh: WychavonDC
Deborah Dale, Worcestershire Partnership
Helen Gray, Evesham CVS
3 LSP Managers
Sue RobertsGOWM
Kate Walton Pershore Volunteers
Cllr Lynne Duffy
WychavonDC Info. Pack
Website @ gov.uk/communityplanning
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