WSAM BOD Meeting Minutes
February 19, 2016
Present: Erick Davis, Mark Murphy, Dave Beck, Greg Rudolf, Ryan Caldeiro
Absent: AtifMian
- Minutes of January 22, 2016 reviewed and approved without change by BOD
- Finance Report: Dr Murphy reported current balance $5,690.83. There have been no debits nor credits to the account since last reporting 1/22/16
- Survey Monkey: DrCaldeiro notes that 14 WSAM members have completed the Survey Monkey survey so far. Dr Davis agrees to remind WSAM membership to complete the survey using the ASAM group mailing list prior to the WSAM 3/10/16 meeting. DrCaldeiro agrees to present results and summary at 3/10/16 membership meeting
- Web Site: Drs Beck and Murphy are still actively involved with the assistance of DrSchiesser and Ann Welch to migrate the WSAM web site to another hosting company (BlueHost) from MediaTemple. A $149.00 payment was authorized to Ms Welch to hire an assistant to make the switch
- 990-EZ Form. Dr Murphy received a reply from the IRS regarding the 501c3 990-EZ form reply. The IRS has some requests for clarifications. Dr Murphy will ask his professional CPA to assess the cost and ease of replying to the IRS inquiry. The BOD will then consider whether to hire the CPA to make the requested reply.
- Education Committee: Dr Rudolf noted he has agreed to create and conduct a Webinar for about
50 CDPs focusing on ASAM PPC for Adolescents. He has also agreed to present to Skyline Highschool faculty/parents/students an educational program he has developed and given several times regarding substances of potential abuse. This is scheduled for May of 2016.
- Drs Beck, Rudolf and Caldeiro are attending ASAM meeting in April 2016 in Baltimore. BOD voted to share WSAM financial subsidy equally between Drs Rudolf and Caldeiro, as representative of WSAM. Dr Beck has previously benefited from this.
- Dr Davis agreed to create an agenda for the March 10, 2016 annual membership and business meeting. BOD members suggested having the general topic of opioid related clinical treatment and legislative/regulatory issues discussed, as these are topical and most likely of interest to members in practice. Dr Davis noted that 25 people have RSVP’s for the dinner meeting. A total of 28 persons can be accommodated for dinner. Dr Beck was authorized to invite up to two (2) persons attending the “Fundamentals of Addiction Medicine,” to the dinner gratis WSAM as an introduction to WSAM and recruitment effort. Dr Dickinson will be informed that he may tell the audience that three seats remain for the dinner for those who wish to attend but have not RSVP’s.
- Dr Davis agreed to complete the annual ASAM Chapters update form and file with ASAM by the due date of 2/29/16.
- Next meeting will be the annual membership/business meeting 3/10/16 at Tulalip Resort Hotel. All preparations have been finalized except business meeting agenda and three vacant dinner seats.