7 15 SW Tenth Street
Topeka, KS 66612
785-234-4170 FAX
Teacher/Graduate Study in Education Scholarship
A person seeking educational-related advanced degrees or PhD programs in any accredited college in Kansas is eligible to apply.
To be eligible for the scholarship, a student will show need for assistance, have high moral and social standards, maintain a high scholastic record, be a resident of Kansas and be employed in an educational capacity by a Kansas public school system or seeking a post-graduate educational degree upon completion of a bachelors program.
Scholarships will be awarded each year as directed by Kansas PTA Bylaws and the Kansas PTA Policies and Practices permit.
The amount of the scholarship will be $500.00 for the program.
How Paid
The scholarships will be paid in one installment of $500 directly to the school.
Assurance of Funds
Scholarships are awarded once for the individual program. (Students attaining a Master degree may reapply for additional (PhD) programs).
The scholarship is awarded as a loan; repayment is made by teaching immediately after graduation, in a Kansas public school, accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education for the period of one year.
Should the student elect not to teach in Kansas, the loan must be repaid to the Kansas PTA with interest of 5% per annum (interest on $500 would be $25.00) beginning November 1 after graduation.
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Interrupted Training or Teaching
Unforeseen necessity for lengthy absence in training courses or required teaching period such as military service, illness or accident must be communicated in writing to the Kansas PTA.
Approved Institution
The applicant must select for his/her teacher education, a college or university in Kansas accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education.
How to Apply
Application forms can be obtained from the college or university the student is attending or plans to attend, the Kansas PTA Office or from the Kansas PTA website, www.kansas-pta.org. The application form seeks information on personal history, college transcript, proof of employment by a Kansas Public School District, a recommendation by a faculty member of the department of education or the applicant’s employer, and a personal letter from the applicant stating the reason for desiring a post graduate degree.
The completed application, recommendation, personal letter, and college transcript of grades must be forwarded to the Kansas PTA, postmarked by March 15.
The Kansas PTA will notify all applicants of acceptance or rejection of their application on or before May 25.
How Financed
The Post Graduate Teacher Scholarship is financed by:
1. Honorary Life Memberships in the Kansas PTA.
2. Scholarship gifts from individuals, associations, councils, or the State PTA.
3. Wall of Fame—display during annual State Convention.
Application Checklist
1. Application form completed and signed by applicant.
2. Official college transcript of grades.
3. A letter of recommendation from a faculty member of the department of education or a letter of recommendation from the student’s employer.
4. Personal letter.
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Teacher/Graduate Study in Education Scholarship Fund
To: Scholarship Trustee:
I hereby apply for a Teacher/Graduate Studies in Education Scholarship Fund at
______to begin ______.
(School) (Date)
1. Name ______Date of Birth ______
2. Permanent Address ______
(Street) (City) (Zip)
(Permanent Phone Number) (Current Phone Number) (Email)
Mailing Address ______
(Street) (City) (Zip)
Nearest Relative not living with you ______
______(Street) (City) (State) (Zip)
(Telephone Number)
3. School last attended ______(Year) ______
4. Name of Parent, Legal Guardian, or Spouse: (circle one)
Occupation of above ______Total income per year ______
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5. If you are the head of the household, list your occupation______
Income per year ______Number in home ______
Ages ______
6. Attach a small photograph or snapshot here (optional). Write name on back of it.
7. How do you plan to pay your expenses at college? ______
8. List other scholarships for which you have applied ______
9. Are you the recipient of any other scholarship awards? If so, please list ______
10. Which level of teaching do you plan to enter?
( ) Early Childhood ( ) Elementary ( ) Secondary
11. What course of study are you pursuing? ______
12. What honors have you received? ______
13. Name your extracurricular activities and hobbies ______
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14. What youth activities are you involved with/sponsor?______
15. When are you planning your course work?
( ) Full time ( ) Summer ( ) Fall ( ) Spring
16. What is your estimated time of graduation? ______
17. I understand fully that if I do not complete the educational-related advanced degrees or PhD programs and teach in a Kansas public school accredited by the Kansas State Board of Education for at least one year of scholarship award received, the award becomes a loan to be repaid to the Kansas PTA.
(Date) (Signature)
Return to: Kansas PTA
715 SW Tenth Street
Topeka KS 66612-1686
Return by: March 15 postmark
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Recommendation for Teacher/Graduate Study in Education Scholarship Fund
The Trustees of the Teacher/Graduate Study in Education Scholarship’s fund of the Kansas PTA desire information as requested below concerning the qualifications of
(Name of Student)
who is applying for a Teacher/Graduate Study in Education Scholarship. Information you give or cause to be given will be treated confidentially.
1. How long has the applicant been enrolled in your school? ______
2. On what do you base your estimate of the applicant? (Please check appropriate items)
( ) Personal acquaintance ( ) Report of Teachers
( ) Personal observance ( ) Casual acquaintance
( ) School records ( ) Other ______
3. Has the applicant (while in your school) maintained a definite and sincere interest in schoolwork? ( ) Yes ( ) No
4. How would you describe the applicant’s classroom abilities and management skills?
( ) High ( ) Average ( ) Low
5. Has the applicant participated actively in some recognized extracurricular activity at your school? ( ) Yes ( ) No
6. In your opinion, has the applicant an aptitude for teaching?
( ) Yes ( ) No
7. Check applicant’s mental ability:
( ) superior ( ) above average ( ) average ( ) below average
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8. Please indicate your personal rating of the applicant by appropriately placed check
Rating / ScholasticAbility / Personality / Leadership / School
Poor9. Remarks -- Please provide additional information regarding the applicant’s eligibility
for this scholarship on another sheet of paper.
Signed ______Title ______
School ______Date ______
715 SW Tenth Street
Topeka KS 66612-1686
RETURN BY: March 15th postmarked
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· A powerful voice for All children
· A resource for parents
· A strong advocate for public education