
Parish Councillors / Dr. V. Rollins - / Representing Kirkby Mallory Ward
Mr. J. Newbury - / Representing Kirkby Mallory Ward
Mr. P. Chick - / Representing Peckleton Ward
Mr. M. Hill - / Representing Peckleton Ward
Mrs. A. Porter - / Representing Stapleton Ward
Mr. R. Spence - / Representing Stapleton Ward
The Parish Clerk / Mrs. V. Staps

19 membersof the public.

Councillor P. Chick was in the Chair.


An apology for absence had been received from County & H&BBC CouncillorRuth Camamile.


Councillor Newbury expressed an interest in the following Agenda items:-

6.2 (To become Item 7.2 – see ahead) - Planning Application - Section 119-Highways Act 1980-Footpath T82 (Part), Kirkby Mallory, Parish of Peckleton-Public Path Diversion Order 2012

6.5 (To become Item 7.5 – see ahead) - Planning Application - 12/00601/FUL-Erection of Wind Turbine – Chestnuts, Desford Lane, Kirkby Mallory.

7.1 (To become Item 8.1 – see ahead) – Correspondence-Enquiry regarding installation of ‘Warning Horse’ road signs, Desford Lane and Archers Lane, Kirkby Mallory.

18 The Proposed Police Attendance at PPC Meeting re Sandhole Spinney, Kirkby Mallory.

At this point, Councillor Newbury, having been identified as having an interest in certain items likely to be discussed during Public Question Time, was asked by the Chairman to vacate his seat as a member of the Parish Council, and to join those villagers present, as a member of the public.


The Chairman opened Public Question time by asking whether any members of the public had any items they wished to bring to the attention of the Council.

A number of residents from Kirkby Mallory addressed the Council with their objections to the Planning Application 12/00601/FUL for a Wind Turbine at Chestnuts, Desford Lane, Kirkby Mallory. The comments addressed to the Council were:-

  1. The size and height of the proposed Wind Turbine, being more than 100ft, was very large and would be intrusive and unacceptable.
  2. If this proposal was allowed it would set a precedent for many more installations and particularly for the very tall and larger commercial wind turbines.
  3. The installation of a Wind Turbine close to the village and neighbouring properties would adversely affect their value. Mrs Gould sighted documented evidence in support of this argument.
  4. The effect of ‘flicker’ from the blades of a Wind Turbines is a known health hazard and would have an unacceptable impact on residents for a considerable distance away from the Turbine. Mrs Gould made Councillors aware of research regarding this.
  5. The adverse health concerns Wind Turbines present to communities living within the vicinity of a Wind Turbine. Again Mrs Gould said she had researched this, and on smaller Turbines than the one proposed.
  6. The proposed Turbine would be unsightly and have a very bad visual impact on the landscape. The location is at anattractive part of countryside.
  7. The noise emitted is ’known’ to be too high; is intrusive, and constitutes a health issue. Mrs Gould said she had a lot of documentary evidence supporting this. Mr Gary Ball endorsed this view and added that the Village already has enough noise issues to contend with and another one should not be added.
  8. It was hoped that the Parish Council would support the resident’s objections because it was thought that an objection from a statutory consultee would carry weight at the Planning Committee. The Chairman said the Council’s position on this planning application would be discussed later in the meeting and as a separate Agenda item. The Chairman suggested that anybody with opinions or objections should contact the Planning Department, and make direct representations to them.
  9. Mr Ball asked if Councillor Newbury's appointment as the Council’s Liaison Contact with the Planning Authority compromised him and the Council. The Chairman replied that Councillor Newbury had declared his interest from the outset and had been excluded from all Council involvement regarding this matter. The Chairman also mentioned that although Councillor Newbury had been appointed to the Liaison position, as yet, there had been no activity, and the position was dormant.
  10. Mr Jason Newbury, as a Parishioner and the Applicant, and Ms Louise Smith, said that the application was for a domestic installation and was not of a commercial size. The output was rated at 15kw and it would have a mast 20m high, and 27m to the tip of the blade. This is very much smaller than some of the commercial units. Mr Newbury expressed the opinion that no one would be close enough to be affected by ‘flicker’, and that they had undertaken their own research to ensure that the project would be as environmentally friendly as possible.
  11. The Council was asked whether any other Wind Turbine applications had been made, and if so, what had been the outcome. The Chairman and Councillor Hill said that although a couple of years ago there had been a proposal to install three Turbines at Peckleton; as yet, no actual Planning Application had been made. Earlier this year a Planning Application had been made for the installation of a Wind Turbine in Desford Parish, and this application had been refused.

Jane Ball of Kirkby Mallory requested that the Council install a hard surface under and around the basketball net on the Kirkby Mallory playing field. This would make the equipment much more usable and practical. The Council agreed to consider this proposal when setting the budget for the next financial year.

Louise Smith of Kirkby Mallory asked what had happened regarding her email to the Council regarding the installation of ‘Warning Horse’ road signs along Desford Lane and Archers Lane, Kirkby Mallory, to Peckleton. The Chairman informed Ms Smith that this matter would be discussed as a separate Agenda item later in the meeting.

Jane Ball of Kirkby Mallory mentioned that crossing the roads in and around Kirkby Mallory with children and a pushchair was not easy because there are insufficient dropped kerbs. The Council replied that this is a LCC Highways issue. Councillor Rollins said he thought that the Highways Department are expected to be doing work in Main Street, Kirkby Mallory, shortly, so may be that could be an opportunity for something to be done.

Robert Montgomery of Stapleton asked if HBBC had responded to the Council’s letter regarding lack of consultation on the Barwell SUE development. The Chairman said that this matter was due to be discussed fully, later on the Agenda.

Mr Gary Ball of Kirkby Mallory, and as a member of the Mallory Park Track Liaison Group, reported on the current situation. He commented that H&BBC have begun to monitor the Track against the Statutory Notice, and that they would continue to do so. Mr Ball expressed concerns about the traffic situation the Track causes within the village and particularly his feeling that no onein authority appears to take a lead or responsibility for this. HBBC; the Police and LCC Highways all appear not to want to get involved with, or tackle the village’s traffic problems.

The Chairman closed the Public Question Time after 20 minutes.

At this point Councillor Newbury re-joined the Council as a member of the Council.


Proposed by Councillor Porter, seconded by Councillor Chick and unanimously agreed that these Minutes be accepted as a true record of the meeting.


5.1.Japanese Knotweed – Peckleton Common

Councillor Porter said, that although her comments were not strictly concerning the matter of Japanese Knotweed, she had noticed that since the grass had been cut on Peckleton Common, it had shown up a possible problem with litter.

Councillor Hill said that he would investigate the matter.

5.2.The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations – Situation update

The Clerk reported that the Council had received a very complimentary letter of thanks from LOROS following the Council’s donation of £500 to LOROS as part of the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Celebrations.

The Clerk added that as a result of her request on behalf of the Council to the other three Parish Councils involved with the Celebrations, she had received a donation of £93.75 from Newbold Verdon Parish Council towards the cost of the Beacon and gas cylinders (as discussed at the previous meeting). An ‘official’ reply had not been received from the other two Parish Councils, but indications were that there would not be any further contributions.

At this point the Chairman took the decision to bring forward Item 12 on the Agenda (Mallory Park Motorsport – Situation update) to allow the representative from Triumph, Mr Trevor Barton, who was in attendance at the Parish Council Meeting, to speak to the Council and interested public, about the forthcoming Mallory Park ‘Triumph Live’ event.


Councillor Rollins reported that he understood that the Track were now attempting to keep within the ‘rules’ following the H&BBC enforcement of the Statutory Notice on 12th August 2012.

The Council were made aware that there had been a further ‘Village Meeting’ and that the outcome of this had been that they were not happy with the progress that had so far been made, and a proposal had been put forward to involve the Government Ombudsman.

At this point, the Chairman invited Mr Trevor Barton, a representative from Triumph to address the Council regarding the ‘Triumph Live’ Event which is to take place at Mallory Park from Thursday August 30th through to Sunday September 2nd 2012.

Mr Barton emphasised that he was not at the meeting to represent Mallory Park Motorsport. He said that the planning of the event had been taking place for the past year. Numbers at the event were likely to be in the region of 8,000, and Triumph had been working closely with Leicestershire Police to ensure that security levels will be extremely high, including security throughout the night. Any music was to end at 10.45pm.

Mr Barton explained the details of the Traffic Management Plan which had been commissioned by Triumph, and which was due to be finalised by the end of the week. It would include ‘No Waiting’ cones throughout the village.

Councillor Rollins raised the question of how much actual ‘racing’ would be taking place on the Saturday. Mr Barton replied that there would be some ‘qualifying’ events and displays, and two short races, equating to approximately 20% of the event.

The question of toilet facilities was raised, to which Mr Barton replied that ‘hundreds’ of toilets were being brought in, ensuring that there would be adequate provision.

Mr Barton commented that a Newsletter was scheduled to be sent out from the Track to the residents of Kirkby Mallory by the end of the week, which would have an input from Triumph.

Mr Barton told the Council that Triumph would very much welcome a ‘feedback’ meeting with members of the public, following the event.

The Chairman thanked Mr Barton for coming to speak to the Council and those members of the public present.

Mr Barton left the meeting.


7.1.12/00440/FUL-Change of Use to Bed and Breakfast Accommodation including the Erection of Chalet Accommodation (Retrospective)-The Oaks, Stapleton Lane, Kirkby Mallory

No objections were raised.

(Councillor Newbury had previously expressed an interest in the following Item)

7.2.Section 119-Highways Act 1980-Footpath T82 (Part), Kirkby Mallory, Parish of Peckleton-Public Path Diversion Order 2012

The Council had no further comments to make.

7.3.12/00522/FUL – Erection of Agricultural Building – Kirkby Lodge Farm, Bosworth Road, Kirkby Mallory

No objections were raised.

7.4.2012/0395/04 – Mallory Park (Motorsports) Ltd – Regularisation of Tipping of Inert Waste and Associated Activities – Mallory Park Race Circuit, Church Road, Kirkby Mallory (LCC Identity No. 2012/CM/0149/LCC)

It was noted that the Council had received a reply from LCC’s Planning Department stating that having taken into account all comments received and relevant planning issues, the County Council had decided to “grant permission conditionally and a decision notice has been issued”.

The Council had no further comments to make.

(Councillor Newbury had previously expressed an interest in the following Item)

7.5.12/00601/FUL-Erection of Wind Turbine – Chestnuts, Desford Lane, Kirkby Mallory.

The Chairman indicated to Councillor Newbury that as he had declared an interest in this Agenda item he was excluded from the discussion and any involvement in the item.

The Chairman reminded Councillors that members of the public had expressed comments to them about this planning application during the Public Question Time, and asked Councillors for their views.

Councillor Rollins expressed his concern about this application, and the possible adverse effects. He was also concerned that if the application was approved, it would set a precedent for any future application.

Councillor Porter said she had visited the site and was concerned about the impact such a high structure would have on the countryside at this rural location.

Councillors Hill and Spence said they had no comments, and had no grounds to express an objection to the application.

The Chairman asked the Council to vote as to whether or not they wished the Council to send any comments to the Planning Department of H&BBC regarding this application.

Two votes were in favour of sending comments, and three were for not submitting any comments.

Since the decision was for no comments to be made, the Chairman went on to the next Agenda item, but remarked that everybody had a right to make their own representations to the Planning Department.

7.6.12/00495/HOU – Extension and Alterations to Dwelling (Retrospective) – 42, Main Street, Kirkby Mallory.

No objections were raised.


(Councillor Newbury had previously expressed an interest in the following Item)

8.1.Enquiry regarding installation of ‘Warning Horse’ road signs, Desford Lane and Archers Lane, Kirkby Mallory

The Clerk had received a request (previously circulated to the Councillors) from Louise Smith, a resident living on Desford Lane, Kirkby Mallory, regarding the process she would need to follow to achieve the installation of ‘Warning Horse’ road signs along Desford Lane and Archers Lane, leading to Peckleton. Ms Smith had written that this single track lane is becoming increasingly hazardous to pedestrians, horse riders and drivers.

On making enquiries, the Clerk had been informed that the situation was not directly within the control of the Parish Council. The Clerk had passed the enquiry on to County Councillor Ruth Camamile who had subsequently asked the Traffic Management team at LCC Highways to consider the matter.

County Councillor Camamile had recently informed the Clerk that she had not heard anything further.

The Council requested the Clerk to ask Councillor Camamile whether she could investigate the situation further.

The Chairman had also indicated to Ms Smith that if she so wished, she could write directly to LCC Highways.

8.2.Dissolution of Boswoth Area Crime & Safety Forum / Resignation of Neighbourhood Watch Development Officer

Correspondence regarding both issues had previously been circulated to the Councillors.

It was noted that Mrs Judith Montgomery, the Neighbourhood Watch Development Officer, had resigned from her position when her existing contract had ended on the 31st July 2012. The Forum had also been dissolved on the same date.

The Council agreed that it would miss the valuable information and statistics which had been produced by Mrs Montgomery.

Councillor Rollins, a former member of the Forum, commented that the Chairmen of Newbold Verdon and Desford Parish Councils had indicated to him that they would like the Co-ordinator role to continue in some way, but he had not heard anything further from them.

The Chairman said that he would contact the Chairmen of Desford and Newbold Verdon, and the Neighbourhood Watch Scheme, to investigate the matter.


Copies of correspondence/advice from NALC, LRALC and H&BBC relating to this matter had previously been circulated to the Councillors.

It was noted by the Councillors that it is now incumbent on all Parish Councils to adopt a new Code of Conduct (as soon as possible after July 1st 2012), which must comply with the new legislation and contain the Nolan Principles and Pecuniary Interests. This could mean, if desired, using the NALC model Code as a template, or that of H&BBC.

After due consideration, it was proposed by Councillor Chick, seconded by Councillor Rollins and unanimously agreed, that Peckleton Parish Council would adopt the model Code ofConduct as sent to the Council by H&BBC. The Clerk would adapt this code in the name of Peckleton Parish Council and forward a copy to the Councillors and to the Monitoring Officer at H&BBC.