(revised for 2013 - 2014)

Contract Name:

Action Sought by School Board:XApproval of a Contract, Approval of an RFP to Solicit Services: Freelance Writer

Amount: $9100

Source of Funds: Title I

Length of Contract: 3-month extension to contract in effect 7/1/14 through 6/30/15, bringing effective date to 9/30/15

PSD Contact: Christina O’Reilly

In one numbered list, describe the deliverables of the contract and the projected impact upon or relationship to student achievement.

Provide a numbered list of every deliverable identified in the contract and summarize the contract’s overall relationship to student achievement.

(From currently effective 2014-15 contract)

Writer will work primarily on-site at PPSD under the supervision of the Director, providing writing, research, photography, special event and proactive news support to the Office, to schools and to other district offices as needed and as assigned by the Director. Typical duties would include, but not be limited to:

  1. Researching, interviewing and writing regarding positive news topics for PPSD and schools. Such writing might be used in the district’s internal newsletters, Connections (for parents) and District News Report (for staff). It might also be packaged by the Writer as a press release or other media pitch and sent by the Director to local news outlets or national/trade publications. (Note that the Writer would not be representing the district directly to media, but working behind the scenes to support the Director.)
  2. Writing event briefs or talking points for the superintendent or other administrators for school and community events or press conferences.
  3. Contacting schools, PPSD administrators and community partner organizations to solicit ideas for positive press or internal news opportunities, including awards, innovative partnerships and school or classroom activities.
  4. Providing copyediting and writing support to PPSD departments and principals on routine communications including newsletters and parent letters.
  5. Providing support to the Superintendent and other senior administrative staff as needed and as assigned by the Director.

In no more than three paragraphs, describe the accountability measures that will ensure that the vendor meets all requirements set forth in the contract and that the district is able to maintain a record of the quality of the services.

Every contract should include explicit language requiring vendor accountability, i.e. required program evaluation or the submission of a final report summarizing progress against each itemized deliverable.

(From currently effective 2014-15 contract)

Director will meet no less frequently than monthly with the Writer to review the quantity and quality of work submitted. Work output will be evaluated for appropriateness of both quantity and quality at this time by the Director.

In a short numbered list, describe spending breakdown by type of service.

If the contract includes multiple components, detail the total proposed contract amount by type of service, i.e. licensing fees, purchased services, professional development, technical assistance, supplies and materials, etc.

Fees for this consultant service are budgeted for the full 2015-16 year at the existing rate of $35 per hour. This extension, then, is pro-rated based on that amount and would allow for a maximum of $9100 in itemized billings.