Lesson plan

Key Stage 3 Year 9

Lesson number: 2 Date:

Time: 1 hour

Lesson title: Real Risotto

This lesson enables pupils to demonstrate food preparation skills when making risotto, i.e. vegetable preparation, using the hob, temperature control and cooking with rice. Pupils will also consider the effect of heat and cooking on rice.


Learning objective / Learning outcomes
To prepare and cook a main meal dish such as bacon and pea risotto or mushroom and spinach risotto. / All pupils will … / prepare and cook a main meal dish, such as bacon and pea risotto or mushroom and spinach risotto.
Most pupils should … / prepare and cook a main meal dish, such as bacon and pea risotto or mushroom and spinach risotto and explain the methods used.
Some pupils could … / Independently prepare and cook a main meal dish, such as bacon and pea risotto or mushroom and spinach risotto and explain the methods used.
To demonstrate the skills of preparing a range of vegetables, using the hob, controlling temperature, cooking with rice. / All pupils will … / demonstrate the skills of preparing a range of vegetables, using the hob, controlling temperature, cooking with rice.
Most pupils should … / demonstrate and explain the skills of preparing a range of vegetables, using the hob, controlling temperature, cooking with rice.
Some pupils could … / independently demonstrate the skills of preparing a range of vegetables, using the hob, controlling temperature, cooking with rice.
To demonstrate and apply the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking. / All pupils will … / list the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Most pupils should … / explain the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking.
Some pupils could … / describe the principles of food safety and hygiene when cooking and manage their implementation independently.
To investigate what happens when rice and other grains are cooked. / All pupils will … / state what happens when rice and other grains are cooked.
Most pupils should … / investigate and explain what happens when rice and other grains are cooked.
Some pupils could … / explain what happens when rice and other grains are cooked and how to achieve the best results.

Teaching and learning activities

Time / Activity / Resources and equipment
5 / Introduction
Explain to the pupils that they will be making risotto. Go through the objectives for the lesson.
Gather the pupils around a demonstration area, with your tray of ingredients and equipment. Ensure that all pupils have their apron on, hair tied back and hands washed.
Briefly talk through the recipe – note your expectations, for example:
§  Preparing the ingredients carefully and accurately;
§  Frying the onion and garlic;
§  Cooking the rice, stirring constantly;
§  Using the kettle and hob safely;
§  Being hygienic and safe when preparing food.
Demonstrate the key skills as necessary. If not, explain to the pupils that when the risotto rice is cooking, it needs to be stirred constantly as the stock is added. The stirring action helps the dish to develop its creamy texture. The rice should not become too dry, as it will easily burn on the bottom of the pan. / Ingredients
Recipes (see session 14)
25 / Main activity 1
Ensure that all pupils wash their hands. Allow them to start making their risotto.
During this time, circulate the room to ensure that pupils are preparing ingredients and using the kettle and hob safely. In this time, pupils should:
§  Prepare the vegetables;
§  Use the hob safely to cook the risotto rice;
§  Stir in the parmesan cheese and herbs/seasoning.
All risottos should be cooking on the hob - they take at least 25 minutes. The risotto is cooked when the rice is tender to eat. During the remaining time pupils should be washing up, cleaning work surfaces and putting away equipment.
40 / Bring the pupils together to investigate the effect of cooking on rice and other grains.
Ask the pupils:
§  What is the difference between raw rice and cooked rice?
§  What shape and size is the risotto rice you used compared to long grain rice?
§  What happens to rice when it is cooked? Why?
§  Why does brown rice take longer to cook?
§  How has rice been processed to make it ‘quick cook’?
If time allows investigate some other grains, including those they may be less familiar with, e.g. Quinoa, spelt. / Selection of rice and grains – raw and cooked.
55 / Plenary
Review the finished dishes with the pupils. Ask them to come up with ‘top tips’ for making a risotto.

Literacy and numeracy

Literacy / Numeracy
Require pupils to: / §  use Standard English confidently in a range of formal and informal contexts, including classroom discussion
Main activities:
Requires pupils to: / §  develop efficient reading and focus on the important features of a text. / §  use units of measurement to weigh and measure ingredients accurately.
§  measure/calculate time.
Requires pupils to: / §  use Standard English confidently in their own writing and speech.


Using Explore Food or another nutrition analysis programme calculate and evaluate the energy and nutrients provided by the dish you prepared and cooked.

© British Nutrition Foundation 2014 www.foodafactoflife.org.uk