Oman College of Management & Technology

Department of Computer Science

Baraka, Oman

Tel. (968) 26893366

Fax (968) 26893068

803301 - Creative Technology Management

Course Code: 803301

Course Name: Creative Technology Management

Semester / Session: First – 2015 - 2016

Credit Hours: 3 Hrs

Course Prerequisites: None

Instructor: Muhammad Anwar Shahid



Class sections and Lecturers:

Sun, Tue and Thu: 01:30 to 02:30, Room No.: 226

Instructor Office Hours:

Sat., Mon., and Wed.: 09:30 to 10:30

Course Description

This course offers perspectives and frameworks that seek to understand how technological innovation and new business development can generate growth and economic value in established firms. To that end, it addresses issues pertaining to the discovery, development, and diffusion of technological advances and innovations as well as the design of strategies and organizational practices that lead to successful venturing outcomes. These issues include: How should established firms deal with disruptive technologies that may threaten their core business? How can mature organizations cultivate creativity and sustain an innovative climate? When alliances and joint venture strategies should be employed to develop and commercialize new technologies? The course will integrate both an academic and practitioner view of the challenges facing corporations involved in managing technological innovation and new business development as well as approaches to dealing with these challenges successfully.

Course Objectives

After completing this course students must be able to:

1.  To provide an understanding of the management aspects of technological innovation and the role of new product development in competitive business environments

2.  To provide students with current knowledge about the integration of business functions and practices with the processes of technological innovation, commercialization of new product, and the adoption of new product and process technologies.

3.  To provide students of varied background with a common body of knowledge about the ever-growing role that technological innovation, new products, and scientific advances play in the economy of the 21st century.

Learning Outcomes

After completing this course students must be able to demonstrate the knowledge and

ability to:

(1)  Describe closed and open processes of innovation.

(2)  Explain how innovations are diffused and adopted (or fail to do so).

(3)  Propose strategies for commercialising internal innovations.

(4)  Source and assess external innovations.

(5)  Evaluate how organizations support and foster innovation and creativity.

(6)  Understand, develop, and communicate business models that rely on technological innovation.

Teaching Methods

The course will be based on the following teaching and learning activities:

1.  Lectures

2.  Assignment

3.  Quizzes

4.  Case Report

5.  Class Presentation

Course Plan

Evaluation Plan

Modes Of Assessment / Score
First Exam (Theoretical) / 20%
Second Exam (Theoretical) / 20%
Participation / 10%
Final Exam (Theoretical) / 50%

* Makeup exams will be offered for valid reasons only. Makeup exams may be different from regular exams in content and format.


§  Attendance Lecture attendance is mandatory. Students are allowed maximally of 15% absentia of the total module hours.
§  Assignments are required to be solved independently to assist students in gaining programming skills and helping them to prepare to the practical exam.
§  Any given assignment must be worked out by the student himself.
§  Cheating is a religious and ethical crime and any case of cheating will be treated according to the university rules

Teaching Resources

Main Textbook: Von Stamm, Bettina. Managing Innovation, Design and Creativity, 1st. edition, (2003), John Wiley & Sons Ltd.