Q – Being a Conservative in Canada

Good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is ______from Feedback Research Corporation. We are conducting a study to find out your opinions about things are significant in society and in your life. Can I have about 10 minutes of your time?

YES – Thank you.

NO – Is there a better time when I can call you back? We really want to hear your opinion. [SCHEDULE APPOINTMENT]

1. First, which of the following best describe your age? (READ)

Les than 18 years of age 1 (THANK and TERMINATE)

Between 18 and 302

31 and 403

41 and 504

51 and 645

65 and over6


2. What concerns you the most these days? (ONE MAIN CONCERN - OPEN-ENDED)

3. In time of need, who do you turn to first for help? (READ IN ROTATION - ONE MENTION ONLY)






No one – I rely on myself6


4. Do you expect government to be of a lot of help, some help, little help or no help at all in helping you deal with (CONCERN in Q. 2)

Section - Values

Using a scale of 1-7, where 1 is “totally disagree” and 7 is “totally agree”, tell me how you feel about each of the following statements… (READ and ROTATE Q. 5 to Q. 22)

5. There is a right and a wrong and it is not all about individual perception.

6. When trying to find solutions to problems, it is a good idea to learn from what has worked in the past.

7. It is better to implement small changes than to try to change everything at once.

8. When trying to find solutions to economic problems, the private sector should be given a chance first before government intervenes

9. Private enterprise is the best way to solve Canada’s economic problems

10. Government action is the best way to solve Canada’s economic problems.

11. Often times, the good of the community has to take priority over the rights of the individual

12. Individual freedom is more important than social security

13. Often people who are poor have no one to blame but themselves

14. We all have a responsibility to look after those less fortunate than our selves.

15. Nothing is more important than family

16. Society is on a path of inevitable progress, where over time, everything will be better in the future than it was in the past

17. Marriage, by definition, can only take place between a man and women

18. Abortion is morally wrong

19. I believe in an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth

20. People holding different values and beliefs makes society richer and more interesting

21. Patriotism and a strong military are necessary to advance Canada’s national interests

22. Tolerance and moderation are what it’s all about to be a Canadian

Section – Democracy and Representation

Now, I would like to ask you a few questions about democracy in Canada.

23. First, would you say you are very interested, fairly interested, somewhat interested or not at all interested in politics?

24. Do you feel a sense of personal responsibility to improve how democracy is working in this country or is this an area that government should deal with on your behalf?

Personal responsibility...... 1

Government responsibility...... 2

DK/NA...... 3

25. Do you feel that the policies implemented by the federal government have a big impact, some impact, very little or almost no impact at all on your day-to-day life?

In general, would you say you are very satisfied, somewhat satisfied, not very or not at all satisfied with each of the following? How about… (READ and ROTATE)

26. The way the electoral system works in Canada

27.The way your elected representatives represent your values

28.The way we elect Members of Parliament in Canada

29.Your ability to have an impact on what governments do between elections

Very Satisfied

Somewhat Satisfied

Not very satisfied

Not at all satisfied


Section – The Role of Government

Do you think government should have a major role, a minor role or no role when it comes to (READ and ROTATE Q. 30 to Q.38)

30. Managing the economy
31. Preserving the moral fabric of Canadian society

32. Reducing the difference in income levels between those who earn a lot and those who earn less
33. Protecting property rights

34. Encouraging individual initiative

35. Regulating individual behaviour and morality
36. Preserving and promoting Canada’s official languages

37. Promoting Multiculturalism

38. Advancing freedom and democracy internationally

Do you think the following should be a the main priority ofgovernment, an important but not the main priority of government a minor priority of government orsomething that government should stay out of. How about… (READ and ROTATE Q. 39 to Q.43)

39. Fighting inflation
40. Protecting freedom of speech

41. Maintaining law and order
42. Protecting the environment

43. Creating new jobs

Section – Policies

READ and ROTATE Q. 44 to Q. 53

44. As you know, the federal Conservative government is expected to run a $56-billion dollar deficit this year. Given the current economic situation, do you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose this level of government spending?

45. Do you support or oppose the recent abolition of the long gun registry?

46. Do you think the federal Conservative government is doing too much, too little or just enough to deal with climate change?

47. Do you think we should have private hospitals in Canada or not?

48. Do you think the Canadian Armed Forces should leave Afghanistan as planned in 2011 or should our Armed Forces stay there until the war is over?

49. Should the federal Conservative government do more to reduce unemployment or should it focus on keeping inflation at its current low level?

50. Would you strongly support, somewhat support, somewhat oppose or strongly oppose reducing the level of corporate taxation as a way to stimulate economic growth?

51. Do you think the federal Conservative government should do more to regulate content on the Internet or not?

52. Based on what you know, do you think the federal Conservative government should do more to support embryonic stem cell research or are you morally opposed to such research?

53. Do you think the federal Conservative government is doing too much, too little or just enough to deal with the economic recession?

Thank you for your time so far; we are almost done. These last few questions are for statistical purposes only and are used to validate the survey.

54. People sometimes talk about left and right in politics. Based on what you know, using a 1 to 7 scale where 1 is extreme left, 4 is centre and 7 is extreme right, where do you position yourself on this political ideology scale?

55. In the last federal election, which party did you vote for? (READ)

Conservative Party...... 1

Liberal Party...... 2

NDP...... 3

Bloc Quebecois...... 4

Other...... 5

Did not vote...... 6

DK/Refused...... 9

56. What is the highest level of education you have completed? [READ LIST]

…High school or less...... 1

…College...... 2

…Undergraduate university...... 3

…Post-graduate university...... 4

[DO NOT READ] Refused...... 9

57. Which of the following income groups best describes your annual household income? [READ LIST]

…Less than $20,000...... 1

…Between $20,000 and $50,000...... 2

…Between $50,000 and $80,000...... 3

…More than $80,000...... 4

[DO NOT READ] Refused...... 9

58. Finally, to validate our survey, could you tell me the first three-digit of your postal code?

That concludes our survey. Thank you for you participation.

59. Gender

Male...... 1

Female...... 2

60. Province