A Finance Committee, consisting of Richard Gozur Sr., Matthew Bowen, and Nora Montanez, met at 6:00 PM in the Board of Education Conference Room.
The regular meeting of the Campbell City Schools’ Board of Education was held at 7:00 PM in Room 310 at Memorial High School. President Tony Kelly presided and led in the Pledge of Allegiance.
The following members were present to roll call: Mr. Gary Bednarik, Mrs. Beth Donofrio, Mr. Richard Gozur Sr., Mr. Bill Valentino, and Mr. Tony Kelly.
The treasurer presented the minutes of the regular meeting held September 16, 2014, subject to any corrections or omissions.
I. Motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting held September 16, 2014.
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
II. RESOLUTION #2014-198: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the financial reports, payment of bills, and Then and Now Certificates, as presented in the treasurer’s report.
Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
III. RESOLUTION #2014-199: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the District’s Five-Year Forecast for submission to the Ohio Department of Education by October 31, 2014.
Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Gozur Sr.
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
IV. RESOLUTION #2014-200: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it approve the closure of the Class of 2014 Student Activity Account, with remaining funds being donated as follows:
Business Club $1,292.32
Class of 2018 $ 500.00
H.S.P. Fund $ 500.00
Mickey Soroka Trust $ 500.00
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
V. RESOLUTION #2014-201: It is recommended by the treasurer to the Board of Education that it accept the following donations:
$102.00 Canfield Fair Band
$100.00 Canfield Fair Library Media K-12
$100.00 Canfield Fair MHS Cheerleaders
$ 72.00 Anonymous Donations / Steak Fry Freshman Cheerleaders
$ 35.00 Cathy Berry MHS Cheerleaders
$ 30.03 Ohio State Penitentiary Back to School Supplies
$ 30.00 Gift Card Mitchell Lane Publishers Library Media K-12
$ 20.00 Anonymous Donation / Concession Band
$ 4.00 Dr. Michael Evanson Freshman Cheerleaders
$ 3.00 Jenea’Yan Berrios MHS Band
$ 2.00 Anonymous Donation / Steak Fry Freshman Cheerleaders
$ 2.00 Glennrick Herns Band
$ 1.00 Briana Watkins Band
$ 1.00 Benjamin Holbrook Band
Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Valentino
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
- Thank You from Emmalee Torisk
- Letter from Mahoning-Trumbull Air Pollution Control Agency
- Innovative Teacher Mini-Grant / Nicholas Glatzer / $1,500.00
A. Jane Buckingham / Grace Papini – Value Added
A. CEA – No report
B. OAPSE – No report; representation by Mari Ellen Bevak
C. General Public – Cathy Berry spoke regarding Cheer Classic in which our cheerleaders participated and did a great job. We should be very proud of how they represented our school.
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
VI. RESOLUTION #2014-202: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve a maintenance agreement with DataServ effective November 1, 2014 through June 30, 2015 at a cost of $16,450.00, to be paid from the General Fund. (The agreement is on file in the treasurer’s office.)
Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mr. Valentino
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
VII. RESOLUTION #2014-203: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve an agreement between Campbell City Schools and the Ohio Auditor of State for financial audit services for the fiscal year ending June 30, 2014 in the amount of $22,591.00. (The agreement is on file in the treasurer’s office.)
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
VIII. RESOLUTION #2014-204: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the proposed change orders with respect to the HB 264 Project where Johnson Controls, Inc. (JCI) will perform proposed change orders necessary, not to exceed $11,508.97 (Bid #1) and $4,225.10 (Alternate Bid #1). (Attachment #1)
Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Gozur Sr.
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
IX. RESOLUTION #2014-205: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it accept the irrevocable retirement resignation of the following certified personnel:
James Ferranti 27 Science Teacher / HS June 30, 2015
Mary Janek 30 Science Teacher / HS June 30, 2015
John Kraysets 22 6th Grade Teacher / K-7 June 30, 2015
Josephine Minnie 33 1st Grade Teacher / K-7 June 30, 2015
James Muntean 25 2nd Grade Teacher / K-7 June 30, 2015
Lisa Steigerwald-Kana 28 Music Teacher / K-7 June 30, 2015
Roxane Tarcy 18 Kindergarten Teacher / K-7 June 30, 2015
Mr. Bowen and Mrs. Montanez read the letters of retirement. All of the Board Members thanked the teachers for their years of service and dedication to the District and wished them well in their retirement.
Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
X. RESOLUTION #2014-206: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the disability retirement of ROBERT TRUSLOW, Technology Coordinator, effective October 17, 2014.
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Richard Gozur Sr.
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
Mr. Kelly and Mrs. Donofrio thanked Robert Truslow for his dedication and service to the District.
XI. RESOLUTION #2014-207: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it accept the resignation of the following certified personnel:
Sarah Estevez Registered Nurse at MHS September 22, 2014
Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mr. Valentino
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XII. RESOLUTION #2014-208: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it accept the resignation of the following supplemental personnel:
Frank Pinciaro Director of Athletics November 21, 2014
Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XIII. RESOLUTION #2014-209: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve a leave of absence without pay for Fitch Walter, Custodial Helper at K-7 School, effective October 29, 2014 through October 28, 2015. He will notify the Board of Education by September 29, 2015 of his intent to return on October 29, 2015.
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XIV. RESOLUTION #2014-210: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the appointment of the following certified personnel:
Deborah Tanner Registered Nurse November 10, 2014
(Pending Licensure)
Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Gozur Sr.
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
XV. RESOLUTION #2014-211: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the appointment of the following certified personnel to the position of Credit Recovery Teacher / Monitor for the 2014-2015 school year, beginning October 27, 2014 through January 16, 2015, at a rate of $21.00 per hour.
Melinda Fitzhenry Mary Janek Tula O’Neal
Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XVI. RESOLUTION #2014-212: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the following staff to work in the 2014-2015 OGT After School Intervention Program on an as-needed basis, based on enrollment. All costs shall be covered by State and Federal Funds. The dates and times for this program are listed below.
GRADES 11-12 / 10-13-14 TO 10-24-14 / 3:00 pm to 4:00 pm / M thru TH
Paul Kish
Andrew Timko
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mr. Valentino
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XVII. RESOLUTION #2014-213: It is recommended by the superintendent and administrative team to the Board of Education that it approve the appointment of the following individuals to the supplemental positions so indicated for the 2014-2015 school year. Salary per negotiated agreement.
7th Grade Girls Basketball Coach – JEFFREY JACKSON
Girls Intramural Basketball Coach – JOHN RYAN
Testing Coordinator – JOSEPHINE GALLETTA (BA 2 Scale / 35 days max.)
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XVIII. RESOLUTION #2014-214: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve LORRIN PICO as a substitute registered nurse for the 2014-2015 school year.
Moved by Mrs. Donofrio – Seconded by Mr. Bednarik
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
XIX. RESOLUTION #2014-215: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve the following home instruction tutors and/or classified substitutes for the 2014-2015 school year:
Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XX. RESOLUTION #2014-216: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve professional leave for the following individuals for the reasons so indicated:
JANICE BIEJ-TYCH 09-17-14 S.A.N.D. Meeting – Brecksville, OH
MARY JANEK 09-24-14 Student Behavior Workshop – YSU
BRADLY YEAGER 09-25-14 SPDG Meeting – Independence, OH
KAREN CARNEY 09-26-14 OESB Meeting – Columbus, OH
MARILYN MCCALLISTER 10-03-14 Guidance Counselor Adv. Bd. Mtg. – YSU
ALLISON POOLE 10/6-7/14 ELL Prof. Development – Columbus, OH
KRYSTAL ZOUMIS 10-13-14 DLT Meeting – In District
GRACE PAPINI 10-16-14 SLO Meeting – BOE Office
ELLA QUINN 10-16-14 SLO Meeting – BOE Office
CATHERINE SUESS 10-16-14 SLO Meeting – BOE Office
KRYSTAL ZOUMIS 10-16-14 SLO Meeting – BOE Office
KRYSTAL ZOUMIS 10-23-14 SLO Grading – In District
KAREN CARNEY 10/27-28/14 OESB Meeting – Columbus, OH
JANICE BIEJ-TYCH 11/6-7-14 NSLP Conference – Columbus, OH
MELINDA FITZHENRY 11-07-14 OMEA District 5 Honors Band – YSU
JANE BUCKINGHAM 11-13-14 OH Accountability Measures – Summit Cty. ESC
JANE BUCKINGHAM 11/18-19/14 Equity Practices / Leadership–Columbus, OH
ALAINA RAUBER 11-19-14 Transition Summit – MCCTC
MARY JANEK 12-16-14 Professional Chemistry Day – YSU
BENJAMIN HOLBROOK 02/5-6/15 OMEA Conference – Cleveland, OH
Moved by Mr. Bednarik –Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
XXI. RESOLUTION #2014-217: It is recommended by the superintendent to the Board of Education that it approve reimbursement in lieu of transportation for the students listed below for the 2014-2015 school year (unless otherwise noted) upon appropriate completion of application by said parent/guardian:
Hannah Stockslager
Gabriella Yargo
Moved by Mr. Gozur Sr. – Seconded by Mr. Valentino
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., and Valentino
Nays: Kelly
Building principals provided reports on updates and events in their respective buildings. Ryan Stowell and Jacquelyn were not in attendance. Curt Brown and Thomas Mesaros provided reports as well.
- NEOLA Policy Revisions:
1530 Evaluation of Principals and Other Administrators
2210 Curriculum Development
2430 District-Sponsored Clubs and Activities
2430.02 Participation of Community/STEM School Students in Extra-Curricular Activities
2510 Adoption of Textbooks
2520 Instructional Supplies
3220 Teacher Evaluation
5223 Absences for Religious Instruction
5330 Use of Medications
5336 Care of Students with Diabetes
5830 Student Fund Raising
6144 Investments
7540.02 District Web Page
7540.03 Student Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
7540.04 Staff Network and Internet Acceptable Use and Safety
8330 Student Records
8400 School Safety
8500 Food Services
8510 Wellness
8540 Vending Machines
8660 Transportation by Private Vehicle
9211 District Support Organizations
MINUTES – REGULAR MEETING – 10/28/14 (Continued)
The next regular meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, November 18, 2014 at 7:00 PM at Memorial High School in Room 310.
XXII. Motion to recess to executive session at 8:30 PM for:
Consideration of employment of an employee or official of the School District;
Consideration of discipline of an employee or official of the School District; and
Consideration of compensation of an employee or official of the School District.
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XXIII. Motion to return to regular session at 11:05 PM.
Moved by Mr. Bednarik – Seconded by Mrs. Donofrio
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
XXIV. Motion to adjourn at 11:05 PM.
Moved by Mr. Valentino – Seconded by Mr. Gozur
Yeas: Bednarik, Donofrio, Gozur Sr., Valentino, and Kelly
The foregoing is a correct record of the proceedings of the Board of Education regular meeting held October 28, 2014.
President Treasurer