Tutorial 8 – Software Project Performance Tracking and Monitoring

Consider the following situation. The following table is extracted from a project plan that shows the number of activities, their durations and dependencies.

Task Id. / Duration (weeks) / Dependencies
A / 2
B / 3
C / 2
D / 3 / A
E / 2 / B
F / 1 / A
G / 4 / A
H / 5 / C
I / 2 / D
J / 2 / F, I
K / 2 / E, G, J

Q1.  Identify the critical path using the CPM or precedent network diagram.

Q2.  Draw an initial Gantt chart of the project.

Q3.  A serious unexpected event occurs which causes Task E to take 8 weeks to complete instead of 2 weeks. You notice this when the project is in week 2 where Task C is completed as scheduled. Revise your original CPM or precedent network diagram. Are there any newly formed critical paths?

Q4.  Draw the Timeline based on Q.2 in week 5 assuming that

  1. Tasks A, B, C and F is on schedule;
  2. Task D is delay by 1 week; and
  3. Task E is estimated to take 8 weeks to complete.

Q5.  Suggested ways so that we can shorten the critical path without affecting the actual delivery of the system if Task E is the coding of a particular module. Give your reasons and the pros and cons. (Group Discussion)

Q6.  Suppose that Task E is the hardware delivery and installation in the new office site. Suggest contingency plans for the project. (Group Discussion)

[Hint: You may or may not need this. For your information, Task F is the writing of Unit and Integration test plan; Task G is the writing of System Acceptance test plan; Task I is Coding; Task J is the Unit and Integration testing; and Task K is the System Acceptance testing.]