Branford Conservation and Environment Commission

P.O. Box 150

Branford Town Hall

Branford, Connecticut





Seated: Chairman Bill Horne, Commissioner Bob Davis, Art Howe, Chris Sullivan, Chet Blomquist. Eleanor Saulys

The meeting was called to order @ 7:50

Approval of February Minutes-Saulys moved to approve, seconded by Davis, carried unanimously.

Correspondence and Announcements

Horne handed out copies of the Fall & Winter Habitat and copies of the agendas and minutes for Planning and Zoning. The Annual Report was also distributed. Connecticut Town & City issues, letter from Connecticut Resources Recovery Authority thanking the Commission for Lindsay Mathew’s Green Dollhouse, which is now an addition to their collection. Horne read the letter into the record. An event upcoming will have loan of the dollhouse. State of the Town breakfast will be on April 12 from 7:30 a.m.-9:30 a.m.. Several members will attend.

Budget: Current fiscal year-Horne stated that he represented the budget on March 14, 2006.

Continuing Business

Permits for coastal projects-nothing to report..

Open Space Properties: Identification and Oversight-Horne stated that he has identified an area of interest near the Zuwalik property. Nothing further was reported.

Proposed developments and other building projects.-Horne reported that the Upson deal has been finalized; land has come to the Land Trust and deeds have been filed. He will ask for construction barriers along the property. Tinker Woods crushing operation has been approved and is moving forward.

Invasive plant control-Sully reported that he has not spoken to on invasive removal, but hopes to get something done by spring. Saulys suggested Branford Point as an area to do the invasives control. Sully stated that an aquatic invasives workshop will be held April 29 from 10-12:00 at the Agriculture Station.

Peter Kaminsky Memorial- Howe has the application for planting on the Green; Imperial/Japanese Dogwood variety has been suggested. The Commission considered planting the tree at the area of the Northbound pull off the Montowese St. Bridge (Branford River Gateway)


Select Committee for Open Space Acquisition-Horne reported that the Piper property (Boughton property) on the north side of Laurel Hill Road Part of the property is being sold. Fee in lieu of Open Space set aside was rejected. Commission will offer their input at the Planning and Zoning meeting regarding the set-aside. The Kaczynski property, 25-30 acres of salt marsh and upland on Helen Road is before ZBA for a variance (no frontage on a public road, Helen is a private Rd).

ATV Control- Success is continuing on citations in the Pisgah Brook area.

Phase II Stormwater Committee- Horne reported that the next meeting is next Tuesday, April 11th. Town of Branford Clean-Up Day. Horne will send out an e-mail to Land Trust members regarding the event.

Proposed Plan of Conservation and Development-Rasmussen has been working on it; a consultant may be hired and a public input meeting may occur.

Other Business for Discussion

20% by 2010 campaign - renewable energy electricity-Horne reported that the project has been approved by the RTM in March; 90 plus residents have signed up for renewable resources, 20 more are needed for the Town to qualify for a solar panel. Publicity help will be needed; a task force will be developed.

Blackstone Library E-Link proposal-nothing to report.

Website- nothing to report.

Tinker Woods- a verbal agreement has been reached between developer and Land Trust regarding restoration.

Queach property- Horne reported that a tentative agreement has been reached.

Commission appointments-Sullivan will draft a letter discussing the current Commission and how well they work together which will include statements from Commissioners on their accomplishments and on what each brings to the Commission.

Curagen-the property has been sold; Horne reported that the new owner came to the IWC wanting to build the bridge that had been part of the Curagen application. They were told by the IWC that they could not, that any site development would require a new application.

Motion to adjourn by Davis @ 9:05 pm. The motion was seconded by Sullivan and carried unanimously.

Respectfully Submitted,

Laura Magaraci

Conservation & Environment Commission Clerk.