DRAFT Approved 10/16/2017
Minutes of the Fall Conference
October 9, 2017
The TRTA District XI Fall Conference (name changed from Fall Convention at the 2017 TRTA Convention)was held on Monday, October 9, 2017 at the DecaturConference Center. Wise County RTA was the host unit. The theme for the Fall Conference was “Chisholm Trail Roundup.”
Following a light breakfast catered by the Decatur Conference Center,the Conference opened at 9:00 a.m. Wise County RTA President Rachel Gasperson welcomed the assembly (conference program attached.) The invocation was given by Pastor Allen Bates,Victory Family Church. The presentation of the Flagof the United States of America and the Texas Flag was conducted by the Wise County Veterans Group under the direction of Commander Ben Kitchen, who ledthe Pledges. Mayor Martin Woodruff welcomed Conference participants to Decatur. Dr. Judy Whitis, Decatur ISD Superintendent, provided a snapshot of the school district (attached.) Senator Craig Estes, SenatorialDistrict 30, recounted the difficulties faced by the 85th Legislature trying to resolve the TRS-Care fundingcrisis. TRTA District XI President Janie Bramlett introduced TRTA Secretary/Treasurer Marcy Cann who brought greetings from the TRTA officers and staff and reminded members to practice due diligence in making their health care decisions (attached.) Merita Zoga, TRS Assistant Director Governmental Relations, provided an overview of the TRS Trust Fund, the challenges for TRS-Care, and thetimeline for the Retiree Information Sessions. President Bramlett thanked Association Member Benefits Advisors (AMBA) Representative Jacob Dunham for providing funds for the breakfast; Jacob provided an overview of available member benefits (attached.)
Dee Ann Archer, First Vice-President Wise County RTA, gave instructions for claiming door prizes during the short recess. District XI Second Vice-President Pat Reinecker, assisted by Cathy Patrick (Secretary Hurst-Euless-Bedford RSE)and using the theme, “The Teachers Whom We Cherish,” conducted the Memorial Service (attached.) Wise County RTA President Gasperson introduced author and artist Ann Ayers who brought period photographs and many of her artworks to the Conference Center and told stories of the adventures ofranchers and rodeo cowboys and cowgirls of the region. Debra Wood (Wise County RTA) introduced Dakota Burns, The Singing Cowboy, who provided noontime musical entertainment. Jerry Howard (Wise County RTA)asked the blessing and called a recess for the luncheoncatered by the Decatur Conference Center.
At 12:30 p.m. President Janie Bramlett reconvened the Fall Conference for the semi-annual business meeting of TRTA District XI. Secretary Dr. Barbara Hryekewicz called the roll; 145 members from twentyof the twenty-one units were present. Copies of the minutes of the May 10, 2017 Spring Leadership Development Conference approved by Committee were distributed. Treasurer Pat Liocegave her report (attached) and the financial report. The balance on hand in the operating account was $40,681.38 and $9,347.28 in the money market account; the total amount of available funds was $48,043.72. The treasurer’s report was filed for audit. Audit Committee Chairman Irwin Mathews (Hurst-Euless-Bedford RSE) gave thereport; the financial accounts for 2016-17 were found to be correct in all respects and the treasurer was commended for her service. The Audit Committee report was adopted (attached.)
Past President Jack Knowles (Birdville ARSP), Chairman of the Nominating Committee, gave the committee report (attached.) Committee members, nominated and elected at the August 23, 2017 meeting of the Board of Directors and Local Presidents Council, included:Jack Knowles, Jo Ann Smith Haedge (Burleson Area RSEA), Mary Lou Thurman (Northwest RSEA), Jeanne Paull-Turner (Arlington RSEA), and Louretta Evans (Parker County RTA.) President Janie Bramlett conducted the election. The elected officers for 2018-2020 were: PresidentFrana Patterson (Palo Pinto County RTA),First Vice-President Pat Lioce (Burleson Area RSEA), Second Vice-President Pat Reinecker (Hurst-Euless-Bedford RSE),Secretary Dr. Barbara Hryekewicz (Fort Worth RSEA), and Treasurer Irwin Mathews (Hurst-Euless-Bedford RSE.)
Officer and Committee Chairmen reports were given by 1st Vice-President Frana Patterson (attached), 2nd Vice-President Pat Reinecker (attached), President Janie Bramlett, Member Benefits Myrtis Parker (attached), Informative & Protective Services Louretta Evans (attached), Community Volunteer Service Shara Fox, Legislative Jack Teddlie (attached), Historian Ann Kiker (attached), Retirement Education Sam Kiker (attached), and Technology Contact Pamela Elza (attached);TRTF Liaison Mary Birden’s report was received and filed.
New Business:
The Board of Directors made the motion to amend the Bylaws Article V. Officers, Section 3. Nominations and Election, A. Nomination.
“At the Spring Leadership Development Conference of odd numbered years the Nominating Committee shall be elected. The Nominating Committee shall consist of a Chair, who shall be the Immediate Past President of District XI, and four (4) members. Each of the five (5) members shall be from a different District XI Local Unit. Nominations to serve on this Committee shall come from the floor at the Spring Leadership Development Conference, and nominees shall be given the opportunity to decline or consent to this nomination (takes effect January 2018.)”
Rationale: Elected members of the Nominating Committee are primarily acquainted with members in their own local unit. The district immediate past president worked with all the local units in the district and had the opportunity to become acquainted withthe local leaders andbe aware of their strengths. This information can be very valuable in finding officers to serve District XI. The motion was adopted.
- The Spring Leadership Development Conference will be held on Wednesday, May 9, 2018 at the Region XI ESC. Host Units are Arlington RSEA, Grapevine-Colleyville ARSE, Johnson-Somervell RSEA, and Mansfield RSEA. TRTA Guest Speaker will be First Vice-President Patricia Macias.
- TRTA Convention (Apr 8-10, 2018) room reservations are now open at La Cantera Resort and Spa.
- President Rachel Gasperson announced that author Ann Ayers had copies of her book for sale.
Dee Ann Archer (1stVice-President Wise County RTA) led the audience in singing “Happy Trails to You.”
The Fall Conference was adjourned at 1:40 p.m.
Barbara Hryekewicz, Ph.D.10/16/2017
Dr. Barbara Hryekewicz, SecretaryDate Approved/Approved as Corrected
District XI Approval Committee
Janie Bramlett Frana Patterson
Janie Bramlett, PresidentFrana Patterson, First Vice-President
Pat Reinecker Pat Lioce
Pat Reinecker, Second Vice-PresidentPat Lioce, Treasurer