Here is a list of all Banner forms that you should become familiar with in order to view and find information. You may or may not have access/security rights to edit these forms but you will need to know where to find the data located and kept on these forms. This is a resource only and does not need to be memorized. Please note the form name and description:

*These forms are in alphabetical order according to Banner form name

Form name / Description
Title: E-mail Address / PURPOSE OF FORM
The GOEMAL form is used to manage the email addresses that have been reported and loaded into the system. This form is also accessed in other forms as well.
Title: International Information / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used to manage international information pertaining to an individual including visa, passport, certification of eligibility, and nationality. This form will be most likely not be used for US citizens.
Title: Common Matching Entry / PURPOSE OF FORM
The purpose of this form is to ensure that duplicate ID’s will not be created. This form is a query form that searches for duplicates in the system.
Title:Common Matching Entry / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form appears automatically when a user tries to add a new identification record to the Banner database, unless the user has been excluded from the Common Matching process or the Online Matching Processing Enabled checkbox is cleared on the Institution Controls Form (GUAINST). Excluded users can still access GOAMTCH directly, or by selecting it from the Options menu while on an %IDEN form.
Title: SEVIS Transmittal History / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used to display the entire SEVIS record for a student or exchange visitor. After this data is sent to SEVIS and received, the status information should be updated to reflect the SEVIS approval or denial codes and messages. Once these updates have been made and the record is saved, the record cannot be changed. All updates must be done on the populating forms (SPAIDEN, SPAPERS, and GOASEVS) and a new record must be created. Records are stored in a sequence number order with the highest sequence number being the most recently created record. Additionally, all Banner codes are converted to a SEVIS equivalent code by the Create Record functions.
Title: SEVIS Information / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used to enter and maintain SEVIS required data. It consists of a key block, a Common Data block, a Student Data block, an Exchange Visitor Data block, and a Dependent Data block. In addition, after records are created, the user can create a complete SEVIS record using the Create Record options. This form should be used to enter and maintain current SEVIS data only. Historical records are maintained on the GOASEVR form. It is important to note that all Banner codes entered on this form must have a SEVIS equivalent value set up in the appropriate validation form or SEVIS records cannot be created.
Forms with dependencies include:
Nation Code Validation Form (STVNATN)
Major Code Validation Form (STVMAJR)
Relation Code Validation Form (SVTRELT)
Visa Type Code Validation Form (STVVTYP)
In addition, you must have either Creation Reason code or a Termination Reason Code in the Common Data block in order to create a SEVIS record.
Title:Common Matching Data Dictionary / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form allows you to review the data elements you want to use in the Common Matching process. The data dictionary contains all the available data elements that may be used in Common Matching rules and information about those elements.
Title:Common Matching Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form allows you to set up the rules that the Common Matching process will use to search the database to see if a person or non-person record already exists when a new record is being added to the database.
Title:Common Matching Source Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is required for Common Matching processing.
Title:Common Matching User Setup / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form allows an administrative user to assign a default Common Matching source code to users for online processing.
Title:Name Translation Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form allows you to set up rules that the Common Matching process will use when searching to see if a record already exists for the specified person.
Title:Non-Person Name Translation Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form allows you to set up rules that the Common Matching process will use when searching to see if a record already exists for the specified non-person. This would be helpful if, for example, a company is commonly known by its initials. The Common Matching process would then recognize records with either the name or the initials as belonging to the same entity.
Title:Common Matching Source Code Validation / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form allows you to set up a code that represents each source of new person and non-person records.
Title:Installation Controls / PURPOSE OF FORM
Use this form to maintain overall system information for the installation.
Title: My Banner Information / PURPOSE OF FORM
The User Defined Menu Maintenance Form (GUAPMNU) allows the user to build a personal menu. The personal menu can contain any combination of forms, jobs, menus, or Quick Flows. The user can create and change a personal menu at any time. After customizing a menu, the user can access it from the main menu of Banner2000 by pressing the Personal Menu name in the menu list or by selecting Personal Menu from the pull down at the top of the left window of the menu form. NOTE: When working in this form, the customized menu belongs to the ORACLE user ID currently logged into the Banner2000 system.
Title: Oracle Password Change / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used to change your Oracle Password.
The User ID logged on will be displayed. Enter the current Password, enter the new password in the New Oracle password field and reenter the new password in the Verify Password field.
Press SAVE to changed the Oracle Password. Press EXIT to cancel the change.
Title: QuickFlow / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form lets you enter the identifier and access the first form in the QuickFlow. When you exit the first form, the next form in the sequence is automatically accessed. This process continues until all forms in the QuickFlow have been accessed and exited. At this point, you can execute the QuickFlow again or exit to the location where you called the QuickFlow.
Title: Quick Flow Definitions / PURPOSE OF FORM
The QuickFlow Definition Form allows the user to define a QuickFlow. QuickFlow’s can only include forms. Begin by selecting a QuickFlow code. Click in the menu block. You can add forms by selecting them from list on the left side of the screen. The order of the forms in the QuickFlow is the same order that the forms appear in the block. Form names are validated against the list of forms that appear in the Banner2000 menu system.
Title: SSN/SIN Alternate ID Search / PURPOSE OF FORM
The SSN/SIN Alternate ID Search Form is used to search for the BANNER ID, when the SSN/SIN, Name, Date of Birth, or Change Indicator is known. This form is accessible from a specified grouping of forms that contain the ID field in the key block. It also has the ability to return the ID to the form which called it.
Title: My Banner Maintenance and Copy / PURPOSE OF FORM
The GUTPMNU form allows a personal menu of one user to be reviewed, modified, and copied to a personal menu of another user or several users. This form allows you to call a user who already has a personal menu created. You can view the personal menu, add objects to it, or remove objects from it. Once you are satisfied that the menu you are viewing is the one you want to copy to one or multiple other users, press the "users" icon in the center column of the form. A new window appears in the left column of the form showing the Oracle user ID's of people on your system. You can select (highlight) one or multiple users. You select users by highlighting one or more ID's with your mouse and then pressing the "copy users" icon in the center column of the form.
Title: Admissions Application / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is use to enter information that pertains to the application of a student. This form manages and controls all information concerning the student’s application, curricula choices, admissions checklist, and other valuable information.
A general person record must be created prior to keying in an application
Title: Admissions Decision / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used to enter admissions decisions. It may be called from the Admissions Application Form or may be selected from the Admissions Menu. The second page of this form provides a mechanism for the decision to be calculated automatically based on the rules of the Decision Rules Form (SAADCSN). The third page of this form is a summary of the student's data used in the automatic decision calculation. Once the applicant accepts the Institution's offer of admission, a student record is created by the system and the student is ready to register.
An admissions application must exist prior to a decision being entered. An applicant may accept only one offer of admission per term.
Title: Admissions Decision Rule / PURPOSE OF FORM
Use this form to enter criteria for system-calculated admission decisions. Student information entered in the Key Block is compared to admissions application data.
The remainder of the form is used to enter high school, high school subject, prior college, test score, and rating information to be compared to the student’s data.
Note: You should enter rules on this form before you calculate any admissions decisions.
When you first access this form it is in query mode. You must perform an Execute Query function to display data or perform a Cancel Query function to define new rules.
Title: Electronic Application Process / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Electronic Application Process Form displays admissions applications received electronically (for example, through the BANNER Web Admissions Application or via EDI), allows a user to perform required manual verification, performs system verification of data, and is also used to request that the information be moved from the holding tables to the permanent BANNER tables.
Title:Electronic Admissions Application Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Electronic Application Rules Form is used to define the rules which will be used when processing electronic applications. Rules fall into three major categories:
- Rules which control processing within the BANNER Web Admissions Application system. For example, there is a rule which specifies the number of outside interest slots which will be displayed in Web applications.
- Rules which specify default values for various data elements. These kinds of rules can apply to both Web and EDI applications.
- Rules which govern how data will be loaded into the permanent BANNER tables. For example, there is a set of rules which specifies whether application records will be created if one already exists for the person, term, level, major, or overall curriculum chosen.
Rows for this table are not intended to be added locally. Rules which will be used in system processing will be delivered by SCT, and users will need only to update the Rule Value to reflect local processing options.
Title: Quick Entry Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
Use this form to enter, build, and maintain values by term and/or level that will default to the Quick Entry Form (SAAQUIK) in order to speed the process of admissions and registration.
Title: Quick Entry / PURPOSE OF FORM
The intent of the Quick Entry Form is to provide a way to enter and register persons on the system with minimal effort. This form is combined with the General Person Identification Form (SPAIDEN), which allows a person to be added to the system along with addresses (optional). It can also create recruiting and admissions records at the user's option, and will automatically create a student record which is required for registration.
Title: Admissions Web Calendar Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used for controlling the calendar of applications in the Banner production tables. This calendar determines by term when an application can be viewed, when the status can be viewed, and when the most recent decision can be viewed. The level, campus, college, and admit type are optional variables in setting up the calendar.
Title:Electronic Applicant Web Default Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
This form is used to set up rules for the Web page configuration by the Web application type. The keys to the record are the Web application type and an effective term. The effective term code in the Default Curriculum block may be different than the effective term in the key. If the term and curriculum are entered on this form, the curriculum data will automatically populate the student’s application when the electronic application is created. The Web data section for curriculum does not have to be displayed on the Web application. If the section is displayed, the curriculum entered on SAAWADF will automatically be filled in.
Title:Web Application Customized Lists / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Web Application Customized Lists Form (SAAWADP) allows users to customize which test codes, requested materials, interests, and credit card waiver reasons will appear in the appropriate Web pull downs based on application type. For example, graduate schools can customize their Web application to show only graduate-related test codes such as GMAT and GRE.
Title: Web Application Section Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Web Application Section Rules Form is used to define the page sections which will make up each Web Admissions Application and the order in which the sections will be displayed. Optionally, if a section of an application includes address information, the address type expected in the address information should be entered.
Title:Electronic Applicant Web Calendar Rules / PURPOSE OF FORM
SAAWATR can be used to define calendars for the application types that have different schedules. Once this form is used for an application type, it must always be used.
Title:Web User Defined Questions / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Web User Defined Questions Form is used to define institution-specific questions which will be included in the Additional Information section of the BANNER Web Admissions Application. Institution-specific questions can be defined for as many Web Application types as an institution requires.
Title: Process Submissions Control / PURPOSE OF FORM
This report is used to calculate automated decisions based on institution rules. The process selects all application records that match the parameter values. If any of the applications have outstanding checklist items, regardless of their application status, they will not be processed and will have a message associated with them on the report. If all checklist items are received, then the process compares each applicant and/or application against the rules on SAADCSN.
Title: Process Submissions Control / PURPOSE OF FORM
This report is used to list the automated decision rules set up by the institution on the Admissions Decision Rules Form (SAADCSN).
Title: Electronic Application Verify/Load Process / PURPOSE OF FORM
The SARETMT form serves as the form that verifies and loads the information from all electronic applications.
Title:Web Term Display Control / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Web Term Display Control Form is used to specify the terms for which Web Admissions Applications can be submitted, and the calendar periods in which applications can be submitted for each term. The information on this form allows each institution to control when admissions applications can be submitted via the Web. Multiple date ranges are allowed for a specific term as long as the date ranges for each entry do not overlap.
Title: Source/Background Institution Year / PURPOSE OF FORM
The Source/Background Institution Year Form is used to capture yearly information about a source or background institution. Much of the information captured is not validated to allow for flexibility. All of the blocks are dependent on calendar year, providing a historical record of the information.