CNA ( National Confederation of Handicraft ) of Region Marche is looking

for partners to carry out plans supported by European Union.

CNA of Region Marche is looking for entrepreneurial organization, local institutions, development agencies, private organization with which to develop partnership connections to take part in Projects provide for European Union in the period 2007 – 2013.

Those institutions must be located in Countries adherent to European Union, in Countries candidate or potential candidate to E.U. or in Countries accepted by supported programmes of E.U.

C.N.A. : what is and which is its mission in the Region Marche and in Italy.

CNA , National Confederation of Handicraft and of Micro and Small Enterprises in the Region Marche, is one of the largest association in the centre part of Italy and of Adriatic Sea : areas in which are concentrated productive districts specialized in the production of furniture, mechanics, footwear, clothes, food.

The System CNA takes part to the challenges of the enterprises and of the entrepreneurs ; besides it’s a toll of their exploitation ; it works for affirmation of values of work, of any enterprises, of production, of social cohesion in the society, in State Institutions, in politics and in the panorama of enterprises.

CNA Marche has a well structured regional office, 5 provincial Associations, 64 offices located on the territory and about 400 employees.

It guarantees professional fiscal services, taxes service, work advice, economic management to more than 13.00 associated enterprises (handicraft, micro and small enterprises ).

Besides :

-from the 1st of January 2007 it has completed a structure ( deriving from the fusion of 4 security co-operative societies and a credit society ) to make easy the access to the financing tin favour of 15.000 associated enterprises ;

-through specific societies supplies advice an environmental legislation, for prevention, for safety in the places of work and for the development of certification of quality ;

-CNA Marche has at its disposal of Cenre of Studies ( Centro Studi ), called Sistema, that guarantees economic timely analyses that support any elaboration of strategies and any programmatic proposal of Confederation and contribute to the realization social-economic magazine Argomenti, which collaborate prestigious exponents of the national academic world to ;

-to CNA Marche refer more than 50 associations of road transport that count 1.800 enterprises. CNA Marche attends associations of construction and societies in the area of plant engineering with high specialization. CNA is partner of Services Centres of mechanical and furniture areas to supply initiatives to favour the technological innovation of enterprises ;

-CNA Marche tackles with regional and local Institutions and has contributed to let many economic laws approved ;

-it is counterpart of the Trade Unions in discussing and in signing Collective Work Contracts and it is present as an active subject in the bilateral corporation that gesticulate important contractual institutes of assistance : EBAM in the manufacturing areas and CEDAM for building area.

This is CNA Marche System, a large association for handicraft and for micro and small enterprises.

It is an interlocutor, whom looks for collaboration with enterprises in region Marche for.

In which initiatives we want to develop plans with partners.

In general we look for and we offer ourselves as partners in all those projects and initiatives that refer to development of competitiveness of enterprise’ system, to realize entrepreneurial culture and to favour birth, development and expansion of new undertakings.

Simply, we are looking for partnership in :

co-operation among micro and small enterprises ( PMI ) to develop nets that set to realize a better access in innovation process and towards development of projects calibrated on enterprises’ small dimension, favouring specialized sectors in our Region as furniture, mechanics, footwear, food industry ;

development of the defence of environment, analysis of bounds and abilities of micro and small enterprises ( PMI ) to adapt themselves and to reach higher standards than those defined by European Union ;

financial innovation process to let PMI an advantageous access to bank credit ;

modernization and efficiency of PMI in carrying goods and in the development of logistics ;

upbringing and formation ( Leonardo Programme ) ;

to transfer Know How to entrepreneurs’ Associations to Countries ( of a new adherence or candidate to be ), on delegation system, on social conversation, on development of entrepreneurial culture and on assistance in the creation of new undertakings ;

new Programme of Territorial Co-operation and particularly in the new Programme Crossing-borders Adriatic IPA, in Mediterranean Programme, in the Programme South-East SEES Europe.

Reference of our organization are the following ones :


PHONE OFFICE : +39 071 28 60 91 TELEFAX : + 39 071 28 60 928

President : Giuliano Drudi Manager : Silvano Gattari

People to contact for this activity :

- Emilio Berionni - e-mail :

- Marco Bilei - e-mail :