Cutting Permit / Road Permit Information Sharing Summary
Kamloops Forest District
*This document is to be attached to all CP and RP submissions
File: ______Original Amendment
Licensee: / CP / Block:Road(s):
Affected First Nation / MOU/CA in place (Yes/No) / Referral Letter Sent (Date) / Follow-up call/letter/e-mail (Date) / Responses/Comments Received / Efforts made to accommodate First Nations Interests or rational for no further action
Licensee Signature (RPF):______Date: ______
Please Print Name: ______
Last updated August 30th, 2007Page 1 of 3
Have the terms of the MOU/CA been met with respect to CP/RP information sharing?
Yes No N/A
Comments Re: MOU/CA relevant to this application:
Was information received from the affected bands during FSP consultation related to this application in the proposed CP/RP area: Yes No
Give details:
For MFR Use OnlyRecommendation:Information sharing adequate ____
More information sharing required ____
Reviewed by: ______
Details / Rationale: ______
MFR Reviewer Signature : ______Date: ______
Adequate Information Sharing
The following is the minimum expectation of the Ministry of Forests and Range for information sharing efforts with First Nations.
Step 1: Referral package sent out to the affected bands detailing the proposed activity with sufficient maps of the area included. This initiates the 60-day referral timeline and asks for comment from the First Nation(s).
Step 2: Approximately 30-days after the initial letter is sent out and if no response is received to date, send a follow-up letter, e-mail or phone the affected First Nation(s) to ensure they received the package and ask if there is any comment and restate the timelines for response.
Step 3: If comments are received then meet with the First Nation(s) to discuss the proposal and their concerns and work to accommodate their interests.
Where a Memorandum of Agreement between licensees and First Nation(s) exists the Kamloops Forest District is assuming that:
- First Nations understand that the Forest and Range Practices Act is an attempt by government to delegate consultation to a third party, the licensee.
- The agreement contains provisions for regular meetings between the licensee and the First Nation.
- The licensee will present “high level” development proposals to the First Nation with a reasonable timeframe for a response from the First Nation.
- The First Nation will indicate which proposals are of concern to them, and ask for additional information on these proposals.
- The licensee will provide the requested information.
- The First Nation will indicate how the proposals affect them.
- There are opportunities for the parties to propose mitigation strategies, and to reach agreement on the final design.
- The agreement contains a dispute resolution process.
Where there are no formal agreements between the licensee and the First Nation(s) the Kamloops Forest District is assuming that:
- Licensees are forthright and fair with information presented to First Nations, and understanding in their expectations of First Nations’ capacity and desire to respond.
- Licensees are diligent in their efforts to meet with First Nations.
- All parties are aware that a lack of response from a First Nation does not equate to a lack of concern with the proposal.
Last updated August 30th, 2007Page 1 of 3