Minutes of a meeting of the Barrowden Parish Council held in the Village Hall on Wednesday 16thJuly2014 at 8.00 pm


Mr D Lanning Chairman

Mr J Haddon Vice-Chairman

Mr N Pridmore

Mr T Blake

Mr M Rumbelow

Mrs G M Wilkinson Clerk

Mrs C Emmett County Councillor for the Ketton Ward

Six members of the public were present.

Councillor Lanning welcomed everyone to the meeting, and invited public participation.

Mr M Clarke asked what the current situation was regarding the proposed erection of the Jubileesculpture on one of the greens near the village pond, about which he had written a letter of objection to Councillor Rumbelow. A letter was received from Professor Noel Witts suggesting the Parish Council consider re-visiting the Jubilee sculpture decision, as he feels that they should have taken the VDS into account in their original discussion of the matter. Other Councillors agreed that they had not done this. CouncillorBlake said that he had written to the RCC planning department asking for advice,but he is still waiting for an answer. It was agreed to ask the Jubilee Committee to look at other possibilities for spending the money.

CouncillorHaddon asked Phil Wood about the sculpture which has appeared in the garden of the shop, whether it was permanent or temporaryand if planning permissionwas required. Mr Wood said that Steve Parks had put it in the garden, and that he would telephone the RCC for advice on these two matters.

The Parish Council meeting then commenced.


Mrs J Park

Professor N Witts

Mr G Conde County Councillor for the Ketton ward




Councillor Pridmoreproposed, seconded by Councillor Blake, that the minutes were correct, all agreed.


4.1 Grass Cutting

There was some dissatisfaction with the standard of cutting of the village greens so far this year. Also it was noted that there had been mistakes in the cutting of verges by Rutland County Council (RCC), possibly due to a change of contractors.

4.2 Speed Watch

New information from RCC suggested that speed humps are after all a feasible solution. It was resolved to ask RCC to put full width speed humps on Seaton Road into the next program of works (2015-2016). These would be similar to those on the approach to South Luffenham.

4.3 Flooding

Councillor Emmett had spoken to Dave Brown at RCC and this matter has been accepted as the responsibility of RCC Highways, and they are to survey all aspects of the problems in Barrowden.

4.4 Jubilee Sculpture

This was discussed at length and some members agreed with the suggestion that the Village Design Statement had not been adequately considered when it was first discussed, and this could be particularly relevant if it was placed in a prominent position, they felt that the decision made by the Parish Council in September should be reviewed.

The Chairman felt that the village had been openly consulted on the matter, with the full agreement of the Parish Council and because the voting was 115 for and 37 against, the Committee decided unanimously to accept that result, and he felt that, that decision should stand. It was agreed that further discussion will take place when the planning application process has been established. Councillor Blake would process this.

4.5 Allotment Waste Sign

The gate is now locked with an explanatory notice; no problems at present.

4.6 Recreation Ground Gate

Nothing to report, due to Councillor Parks absence tonight.

4.7 Closure of Crown Lane to Vehicles

The closure has been accepted by RCC, but the consultation process is not yet complete.

4.8 Grass Protection on Verges

RCC have agreed to go ahead with a trial of concrete cells (“Grasscrete”) on Church Lane.

4.9 Use of Recreation Ground

Councillor Rumbelow said that he had a few more ideas about further use of the recreation ground which included all weather table tennis and a court for volleyball, badminton,etc, which would suit all ages.

4.10 Village Walls

Councillor Pridmore said that he had spoken with Mr Pridmore at South Luffenham who said that he would inspect the walls owned by him and make them safe, but was not prepared to rebuild them.

4.11 Wakerley Bridge

It was reported by Councillor Haddon that part of the parapet of Wakerley bridge had fallen down. Rutland County Council hasaccepted responsibility and will repair in due course.

4.12 Finger Signposts

Councillor Haddon reported that these would be repaired and painted in the autumn.


Planning Procedures

It was considered that the circulation of plans is still not totally satisfactory, but Councillors felt that an online system using the Council’s own website could obviate these problems (see items 7-8).

Planning Applications

Two appeals are currently being examined by the Government inspectors, both concerning applications in Chapel Lane. By their nature, the PC can only submit comments on one of these:

Mrs Sandall, 13 Chapel Lane, demolition of existing dwelling and construction of three detached two storey dwellinghouses. Appeal APP/A2470/A/14/221/8808.

Mr & Mrs Plenderleith, 15 Chapel Lane, construction of detached garage andworkshop to the front of the dwellinghouse. Appeal 2014/0045/FUL.

(a) To Consider New Planning Applications (still circulating)

1. Mr H Verest, 21a & 23 Main Street, to fell two laurels, fell one poplar, crown thin one beech tree. Removal of two limbs from one ash tree. Removal of one limb from one willow tree. Ref: 2014/0616/CAT. No details on plans as to why this work is requested.

2. Mr & Mrs Ashford, 12a Main Street, for single storey bedroom and garden room extension. Ref: 2014/0611/FUL. Application for tree work already been granted.

(b) To Minute Planning Applications Received & Parish Council Responses

1. Revised plans Mr & Mrs Ferrow, High House, 29 Wakerley Road, for construction of a detached garage with ancillary accommodation above. Ref 2014/0431/FUL.

No objections.

(c) To Report Results of Previous Applications from Rutland County Council

2. Mr & Mrs Ashford, 12a Main Street, to remove three conifer trees, one mountain ash tree and one Leylandii hedge. Ref: 2014/0537/CAT. No objections.

4. Mr RW Wood, 2 Luffenham Road, to fell one ash tree and reduce back one ash tree to one metre above previous pollarded cuts. Ref: 2014/0529/CAT.

Councillors were concernedthat an estate agent’s sale notice had been erected on the village green, the Clerk to contact for removal.

The yellow Planning notices can be taken down when the planning process is completed, RCC have informed us.


(a) To report balances

Bank of Ireland £18,880.95

Defibrillator fund £ 1,055.83

Tree fund £ 435.00

Recreation ground land £ 168.68

(b) Minute payments since last meeting

RCC Election Costs £1,792.16

CGD Contractors £180.00

John Haddon Hire of hall speed watch, £53 from Defib account £68.00

(c) To consider paying outstanding accounts

Parish Clerk’s salary & RCC admin charge + VAT £611.76

CGD Contractors £408.00

Councillor Haddon proposed, seconded by Councillor Blake, to pay these accounts, all agreed.


The chairman allowed item 7 to be discussed after item 8, as that was more logical.


Councillor Rumbelow reviewed current communication using the notice boards, village website, parish magazine, village email, etc, and outlined his proposals, based to a large extent on best practice guidance published by the National Association of Local Councils and the Local Government Association. His report included several recommendations, which will be discussed at a future meeting after Councillors have had time to read the full report. He also touched on branding, which would influence the appearance of the website and all letters, printed reports, newsletters, etc.

No representative from the magazine committee was present at the meeting, since there was not a reporter available. but in discussing whetherabbreviated minutes for the magazine should be provided by the Parish Council in future, it was suggested that the magazine committee would welcome this. No decision was made, as the minutes are usually needed within a couple of days of the meeting and this is a tight schedule for the Clerk, although it was suggested that this might not be a problem if the minutes were provided by a Councillor in the form of bullet points.


1. Mr I McBain, requesting permission to hold the annual village bonfire and fireworks display in the recreation ground on Saturday 1st November. No objections.

2. Mrs S Saunders, requesting a donation towards publishing a book about Barrowden covering the years of the Queen’s reign up to her Diamond Jubilee. It was resolved to make a donation, the amount to be decided when the total cost of the book was known.

3. Mr M Clarke, objecting to the proposed Jubilee sculpture.

4. The Chairman said that he has received a letter from Burghley Estate informing him that new gates had been erected on the entrance to the former farmyard 18 Main Street. The Parish Council is still concerned regarding the untidy state to the farmyard. Councillor Haddon was asked to pursue this with Burghley

5. Noel Witts reminding the Parish Council to discuss the proposal from Forest Holidays to erect 70 holiday cabins in Fineshade Woods, associated buildings and infrastructure and construction of new access road. Councillor Haddon felt that it was not close enough to affect Barrowden thatit would bring permanent jobs to the area, and hopefully bring trade to our Community shop and pub.

6. Mrs J Mitchell objecting to the Jubilee sculpture.


The verge cutting on Back Road was discussed in relation to gloworms, and the need to balance their protection against providing good visibility for traffic exiting Drift Close.

Councillor Haddon will speak to Linda Worrall for advice on best time to cut verges.

It was noted that some young trees had been planted on the grass area outside No 1 Cider Close.

Spire Homes to be contacted about an overgrown hedge in Tippings Lane.

It was agreed for the Chairman &Vice-Chairman to check on the overgrown vegetation on the Mill Lane footpath to the river and the path besides Treetops.


The next Council meeting should take place on Wednesday 10thSeptember 2014.

There being no other business, the Chairman thanked everyone for their attendance and the meeting closed at approximately 10.15pm.

..……………………………….……………….Chairman …………………………Date