FUR~BABY LLC Pack Member Profile
Fur~Baby Member:______
Your Name: ______
Address:______City______, State____, Zip______,
Home Phone (___)______-______Work Phone (___ )______- ______.
Cell (___ )_____-______Other (___ ) ______-______
Email Address:______
If we can’t get in touch with you who can we call?
Name: ______Relation______
Home Phone ( ___)_____ - ______Work Phone (___ )____ -____CELL (___)___-______
Other person(s) authorized to pick up or discuss your pet in addition to above:
Name:______Phone( )_____-______Relation______
Name:______Phone( )_____-______Relation______
Current Veterinarian: This is where we will call for vaccine updates and questions
Name: ______Phone ( ____) ______-______.
Address:______City______, State___, Zip______
Name:______Sex: M / F Spayed/Neutered Y / NAge:______Birthday or Adoption:______Breed:______
Color:______Weight:______Micro Chip Y / N #______
Brand and Type of Food:______Food Allergies?______
Is your dog allowed to have treats? Y / N (if NO, why)______
Where did you get this dog?______How long have you had him/her?______
If you have not had him/her from puppy hood, what do you know of its prior history? ______
Please describe your dogs overall temperament:______
How does your dog react to other dogs? (Generally)______
Has your dog every participated in play at a dog park or another daycare? Y / N
If yes how location and dates______
Are they still attending the dog park or daycare? Y/N Most recent date______
Does your dog have any kinds of people or dogs he/she automatically fears or dislikes?Y / N
If yes describe:______
Has your dog ever bitten a human? Y / N. If yes date and details of the event.______
Has your dog ever been in a fight or bitten another dog or animal? Y / N
If Yes :Date______Location______
Describe details of event______
Has your dog ever escaped or attempted to escape by digging/jumping or climbing
fences? Y / NIf yes describe:______
Does your dog jump on people? Y / NIf yes describe:______
What known behavioral problems does your dog have?______
Does your dog have a circumstance or situation that he/she is frightened of? Y / N
If yes describe:______
Describe how you would calm the dog during this situation:______
Does your dog play with toys? Y / NWhat kind?______
Is your dog toy possessive? Y / NDescribe:______
Has your dog shared toys/food/water with other dogs before? Y / N
Describe any problems?______
Has your dog ever played on playground or agility equipment before? Y / N
Does your dog know any commands? Y / NDescribe:______
What do you do with him/her when you leave the home? ______
Does your dog have any health concerns that you are aware of? Y / N Describe Below:
Does your dog have any medical restrictions on his/her activities? Y / NDescribe Below:
Is your dog currently on any medication other than monthly flea/tick preventatives? Y / N
Type & Reason: ______
Has your dog ever had any major surgeries(other than spay/neuter) or health problems?
Does your dog have any allergies? Y / NDescribe______
Does your dog have any areas that he/she does not like to be touched? Y / N
Does your dog receive MONTHLY flea and tick preventative? Y / NBrand:______
Why do you think your dog will enjoy daycare, why did you choose daycare?
When would you like to start Daycare, how often______
How did you hear about us:______
Is there anything else that you believe we should know about your dog?
Your Name: ______Dog(s) Name:______
Please read each statement and initial, and then sign your understanding and acceptance below.
1. I understand Fur~Baby LLC has relied upon my representation that my dog is in good health and has not injured or shown aggression or threatening behavior to any person or dog in admitting my dog for services at their facility.
2. I further understand that Fur~Baby LLC, their owners, staff, partners and volunteers, will not be liable, financially or otherwise, for injuries to my dog, myself or any property of mine while my dog is participating in services provided by Fur~Baby Doggie Daycare. I hereby release Fur~Baby LLC of any liability of any kind arising from my dogs participation in any and all services provided by Fur~BabyLLC.
3. I further understand and agree that any problems with my dog, behavioral, medical or otherwise will be treated as deemed best by staff of Fur~BabyLLC in their sole discretion, and in what they view as the best interest of the animal. I understand that I assume full financial responsibility and all liability for any and all expenses involved in regards to the behavior and health of my dog.
4. I further understand that there are risks and benefits associated with group socialization of dogs.
I agree that the benefits outweigh the risks and that I accept the risk. I desire a socialized environment for my dog while attending services provided by Fur~BabyLLC and while in their care. I understand that while the socialization and play is closely and carefully monitored by Fur~Baby staff to prevent injury, it is still possible that during the course of normal play my dog may receive minor nicks and scratches from roughhousing with other dogs.
5. I understand by allowing my dog to participate in services offered by Fur~BabyLLC. I hereby agree to allow Fur~BabyLLC to take photographs or use images of my pet in print form or otherwise for publication and/or promotion.
6. I further understand that I am solely responsible, financially or otherwise, for any harm or damage caused by my dog to any person, animal, or property while my dog is attending any services provided by Fur~BabyLLC.
I agree to pay for such damages promptly when presented with the charges.
7. I understand that if my dog is not picked up on time or by a date specified I hereby authorized Fur~BabyLLC to take whatever action is deemed necessary for the continuing care of my dog. I will pay Fur~BabyLLC the cost of any such continuing care upon demand by Fur~BabyLLC prior to taking my dog home. I understand that if I do not pick up my animal, Fur~BabyLLC will proceed according to the guidelines provided by Delaware Statute Abandonment of animals by owner; procedure for handling. I also acknowledge that I will be fully responsible for all attorneys’ fees and associated costs if I abandon my dog.
Signature of Owner:______Date______
Fur Baby Representative:______Date:______
This is a required form for all participants receiving services.
First and foremost the safety and well-being of your pet(s) is of the highest importance. Insuring that your pet remains safe and well cared for is our first responsibility and as such we take it very seriously. We do our best to have our pet parents screen for pre-existing health conditions but some factors may be beyond our control. In the event that a medical emergency arises while a pet is at our facility or participating in a service that we provide, it is imperative that we are immediately able to get them medical treatment at the closest available facility. We will call ahead to the veterinary offices in closest proximity geographically to us to insure they can handle the emergency present. Your pet will be rushed to the closest available facility for treatment
and you will be notified. Our goal is to get your pet medical attention as quickly as humanly possible, and avoid any distractions may interfere with that process. For that reason it is a requirement to have our pet parents’ signs this form and to have an emergency contact on file that is authorized to make decisions on your behalf in the event that you are unable to be reached.
I authorize Fur~BabyLLC and the veterinary office to approve medical procedures and decisions that are needed on my behalf in the event that I or my emergency contact are able to be reached.
Up to the amount of $______.00 OR Any amount needed______
(Minimum Amount $200) (Initial)
I understand that in the event of a medical emergency, that Fur~BabyLLC at its sole discretion deems to need the immediate attention of a licensed veterinarian. I authorize Fur~BabyLLC to seek medical attention at the closest available veterinary facility. I further agree that I am financially responsible for any medical treatment my pet(s) receives while attending services provided by Fur~BabyLLC. I will promptly pay all cost associated with the services provided either directly to the veterinary facility or to Fur~BabyLLC.
Signature of Owner______Date______
Printed Name______
Veterinary Facility______Account #______
Your Account Information: How we will identify you to your vet’s office
Name: ______Phone (___) ______-______
Address:______City______, State_____, Zip______
Primary Emergency Contact: Authorized to make medical decision for your pet if we cannot reach you. If unable to reach either, Fur Baby will act as your contact on your behalf.
Name: ______Relation______
Home Phone ( ___)_____ - ______Work Phone (___ )____ -____CELL (___)___-______