/ St Paul’s R.C. Academy Parent Council /

St Paul’s R.C. Academy Parent Council Annual General Meeting

Minute of the above meeting held at 19:00 on Wednesday 21st September 2015 in St Paul’s R.C. Academy, Dundee.


Martin MacGregor / Chairperson
Teresa Little / Head Teacher
Claire Hosie / Parent/Secretary
Fiona Whitelaw / Parent
Carol Brighty / Parent
Fraser Christie / Parent
Richard White / Parent
Susan Johnston / Parent
Marie Shafi / Parent
Susan Ettle / Parent
HuriyeKaya / Parent
Leigh Selvey / Staff Representative
Kerry Whitelaw / Pupil Council Representative
Monsignor McCaffrey / Church Representative
Mandy McKenzie / Parent
1. / Welcome & Opening of Meeting (School Prayer)
Martin welcomed everyone to the meeting and led the group in the school prayer.
2. / Parent Council Chairperson Annual Report
Martin took the opportunity to highlight key aspects of the parent council activities this year as detailed in the chairperson’s report circulated with the meetings papers:
It has been a very busy year for the parent council supporting various events such as Celebrating success, Primary 7 Parents Information Evening and the Christmas Fayre.
The parent council have continued to support the parent council awards and presented three of these awards this year. Martin acknowledged that the awards need to be discussed at a future meeting to discuss how the pupils can engage more with the nomination process..
As a parent council we have been consulted on a number of issues impacting on the school in particular the consultation into the new school week.
Martin took the opportunity to formally note that Mr John Carroll had decided to retire at the end of last year and as result an interim head teacher has been put in place with a full recruitment process being undertaken in early 2017. Martin expressed his thanks to Mr Carroll on behalf of the parent council for his dedication and leadership within St Pauls. Martin welcomed MrsLitte to the school as interim head teacher and on behalf of the parent council offered his support to her.
3. / Parent Council Treasurer Annual Report
Fraser has prepared a report detailing the expenditure from the parent council funds which was circulated with the papers of the meeting. Fraser asked that the parent council agree to formally amend the authorised signatories for the parent council funds to reflect the up to date signatories. The parent council agreed and Fraser will commence this lengthy process. / F Christie
4. / Election of Parent Council Office Bearers for Session 2015/2016
Nominations for the roles of Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer were sought the parent council agreed that the current office bearers should remain:
  • Martin Macgregor was nominated for Chairperson
  • Claire Hosie was nominated for Secretary
  • Fraser Christie was nominated for Treasurer
Mns McCaffrey stated that Sherriff Kevin Veal has resigned from the parent council as the representative of the church due to his conflicting diary commitments. Mns McCaffrey will attend until a replacement is found. Martin expressed his thanks to Sherriff Veal for his commitment to the parent council since its inception and agreed to send a card and a gift on behalf of the parent council.
5. / Minutes from Previous Meeting (16/09/15) & Matters Arising
The minutes from the previous AGM were approved as an accurate record and there were no other matters arising that were not part of the agenda
6. / Review of Parent Council Constitution
As there were new members to the parent council it was agreed that the constitution be circulated and any changes required to be feedback to Claire and will discussed at the next AGM. / C Hosie
7. / Head Teacher’s Update
Teresa stated that she had prepared a short update based on her first few weeks in post, the report will be circulated with the minutes etc, key highlights of the report were:
The priorities identified in the current school improvement plan have been addressed and the plan has been updated to reflect this. Some of the developments within the plan have been implemented and are having a positive impact on performance.
The SQA examination results for 2016 demonstrate an improving picture with particularly good results in some department by many individuals. Work will continue with the subjects that were acknowledged as requiring development and support.
The school is now at full complement of staff and as previously mentioned Mrs Little is in post as interim head teacher until the full recruitment process commences in the new year.
The school week has commenced allowing more flexibility and choice in the timetable. All staff and pupils are beginning to adjust to the new timetable. Kerry Whitelaw reported a positive response from most pupils regarding the new timetable especially the early finishing times.
Teresa highlighted the many achievements attained by the pupils at the school and stated far too many to name them all, key achievements included sports awards in many sporting activities, number of musical awards and performances. Caritas awards for senior pupils and also the success of the Romanian Shoe Box Appeal and the Christmas Hampers for the elderly.
The school continue to support the Magamanutha project with this year a group of pupils travelled to India during the summer to experience the project first hand. A group of S3 pupils were trained as Anne Frank Ambassadors and delivered the exhibition in St Pauls and are now delivering this to the cluster primary schools. 6 of these ambassadors are travelling to Amsterdam to visit the Anne Frank House and museum. 2 senior pupils have been working with students from Abertay University and travel to Boston in October t present their work there.
8. / St Paul’s Christmas Fair
The proposed date of the Christmas Fair was 3rd December 2016 however it was highlighted that this was the same date as the St Andrews Christmas Fair..
9. / A.O.C.B
4th November 19:00
10. / Date of Next Meeting
  • 16th November 2016 – Date Changed to 10th November 2016
  • 18th January 2017
  • 15th March 2017
  • 20thSeptember 2017 (AGM)