For each slide in the presentation, find one suitable description in the list below. Copy the sentence from this Word document and paste it in the PowerPoint slide with the title that suits the description.
Learners given the opportunity to find and work with Information in an authentic and interesting way.
Learners encouraged to create their own knowledge based on what they have learnt, and to share it with others.
Learners develop the skills of working with others, making decisions together, solving complex problems with the assistance of others.
All members of the group need to work together to make sense of what is going on and complete the project.
Encourages collaboration between learners in the classroom and others in their own community
Through technology, learners are part of the global community.
Encourages the development of critical, creative, divergent and deductive thinking.
Learners solve problems through research, analysis & synthesis of information, and presentation of what they have learned.
Encourages learners to work with information in ways that encourage them to make their own meaning.
Learners discover for themselves before being given “correct answers.”
Learners encouraged to think beyond the first solution they come up with, to elaborate their ideas.
Attempts to deal with real world issues and situations
Learners encouraged to find solutions to problems facing the world today
Encourages learners to be active decision makers..
Allows focus on other modalities besides verbal/linguistic and mathematical/logical.
Assessment takes place continuously, not just at the end of a project.
Allows for formative assessment, so that learners can perfect their work.
Educator adopts multiple roles - mediator of learning, facilitator, coach, mentor, co-learner.
Relationship of trust and affirmation is key to successful project based learning.
For each slide in the presentation, find one suitable example in the list below. Copy the example sentence from this Word document and paste it in the PowerPoint slide below the description sentence.
Learners collect data about their neighbourhood, enter it in a spreadsheet, then draw graphs which indicate certain trends
Within a group, each learner is assigned a role, eg listener, note taker, task manager, etc.
Learners use email to contact an expert in the field they are researching.
Who would you choose to make a statue for: Mandela or Churchill? Why?
How would you solve this problem? A school has no Eskom power or Telkom phone line, but wants to have a computer lab
The learners discuss the tasks they have to do, and then set deadlines for each of the tasks.
A traffic survey project is submitted to the traffic authorities
The group assigns assessment scores to each of the members for their contribution to the group.
Learners are required to produce a musical item as part of a project
Educator assigns marks at three different stages in the project for how well the group has met the criteria at that point.
Educator gives a mark for how well a group manages to fix a problem in their initial submission.
Educator sits in with a group and listens to what the group discussion.
Learner shows Educator something “cool” she has just discovered that a computer programme can do.
Learners build a working model as part of a project.