Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Group (OHVAG)2015 APPLICATION
The Arizona State Parks Board appoints seven volunteer members to the Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Group
(OHVAG). OHVAG advises the Arizona State Parks Board on OHV issues and trends, the development and implementation of the Off-Highway Vehicle (OHV) Recreation Plan, project selection for expenditures from the Arizona Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Fund (ARS §28-1176) and Federal Recreational Trails Program (Motorized Portion) (23 U.S.C. 206). OHVAG typically meets for 3-5 hours, several times annually at locations around the State and members may participate on sub-committees or at selected OHV events throughout the year. Weekday availability may be required. Travel expenses may be reimbursed per state guidelines when funds are available.
Applicants must be an Arizona resident. No more than two OHVAG members may reside in the same county. Five of the seven members positions must be affiliated with an OHV organization. One member position must represent casual OHV recreationists or the general public. One member position must represent a sportsperson’s group identified as an organization representing hunting, fishing, or similar sportsperson outdoor activities. The Group strives to maintain diversity in the type of OHV users serving at any time. OHVAG members are recognized as leaders in responsible, safe use; champions for access and managed facilities; and proponents for environmental protection and user education. At present, the committee is seeking to fill three (3) positions by January 1, 2015. The selected candidates will represent, the affiliation requirements listed below.
Full Name:Prefer to be called:
Home Address:Business Address:
Home Telephone:Business/Cell Telephone:
E-Mail Address: County of Residence:
affiliation requirement -- (check only one box)
OHVOrganizationIdentify OHV organization:
We are currently seeking new members who are affiliated with OHV organizations, as the Sportsmen and Casual OHV User positions are filled. Preference is given to applicants who are members of motorcycle or 4x4 organizations to assure user group representation within the Group. Members may reside in any county in Arizona, but no more than one new member shall be from each of the following: Mohave, Maricopa, ApacheCounties.
application requirements – Electronic copies are acceptable
1.Completed application form.
2.A letter describing what you will bring to OHVAG and what you think OHVAG should accomplish
3.Briefly address the following:
•Education, training and/or experience
•Career highlights:Describe significant related experience, civic and professional activities, elected offices, prior organizational experience/leadership, and career achievements.
•Personal pursuits:Describe your primary interest and experience in motorized recreation, geographical areas within Arizona where you recreate, and any other volunteer experiences and relevant items about yourself.
4.A letter on official letterhead from an authorized representative of your affiliated OHV organization stating that you are a member in good standing and your organization supports your appointment to serve on OHVAG.
Completed Application, letter of interest, and organization support letter
ARE DUE SEPTEMBER 15, 2014 BY 5:00 P.M. AT:
Arizona State Parks
ATTN: Jeff Prince, OHV Program Coordinator
1300 West Washington
Phoenix, AZ 85007
602/542-6940 /