NameVocab Section
SAT 9Quiz Date Wed., March 23rd, (A-Day) and Thurs., March 24th, (B-Day)
- ADULATION (ˌajəˈlāSH(ə)n) noun: excessive admiration or praise. The book was received with adulation by the critics.
- AMELIORATE (ah-MEE-lee-or-ayt) verb: To improve. Installing the new air conditioner will certainly ameliorate the working conditions.
- CAJOLE (kah-JOLE) verb: To persuade by pleasant words or false promises. The young mother tried to cajole the picky toddler into trying the squash casserole.
- CELESTIAL (seh-LESS-tee-ul) adjective: Having to do with the heavens; divine. The new astronauts will be the celestial pioneers for the next century.
- DEARTH (DERTH) noun: Shortage; lack. The current dearth of qualified applicants will make it difficult to fill the position.
- ENIGMA (eh-NIG-ma) noun: A puzzle; a baffling situation. Why such a bright student dropped out of school is a real enigma to us all.
- LASSITUDE (LASS-eh-tood) noun: State or feeling of being tired; weariness. Because of the depression over his injuries, Josh lapsed into a state of lassitude.
- LEVITY (LEV-eh-tee) noun: Lack of seriousness; fickleness. My mother scolded us for our levity during the church service.
- PUGNACIOUS (pug-NAY-shus) adjective: Eager and ready to fight. John’s pugnacious attitude made him very difficult to work with.
- SECTARIAN (sek-TAIR-ee-un) adjective: Pertaining to a group within a larger group that is limited by common beliefs or interests; narrow-minded. Will’s sectarian beliefs made it difficult for him to find acceptance from others at the university.
- TENET (TEN-et) noun: A principle, doctrine or belief held as a truth by a group. Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are basic tenets for Americans.
List 9 Quiz Date Wednesday, March 23rd, (A-Day) and Thursday, March 24th, (B-Day)
- Contemptuous (kənˈtempCHo͞oəs) -showing or feeling that something is worthless or lacks respect
- Indignant (inˈdiɡnənt)-marked by anger aroused by injustice; irate; furious
- patronizing(pātrəˌnīz) -treat with an apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority
- obsequious(əbˈsēkwēəs) -obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree; polite and obedient in order to gain something
- wry (rī) –ironic; cynical; sarcastic
SAT WORDS - Week 10Quiz Date Monday, April 11th, (A-Day) and Tuesday, April 12th, (B-Day)
1.CHASTISE (CHAS-tize) verb. To criticize severely. After the terrible loss the team knew the coach would chastise them.
2.DEVIOUS (DEE-vee-us) adjective. Lying; not straightforward; sneaky. Lauren was angry with me when I refused to go along with her devious scheme.
3.ECLECTIC (eh-KLEK-tik) adjective. Consisting of selections from various sources. Bradley had eclectic tastes in literature, and he read everything from Shakespeare to Superman.
4.INSIPID (in-SIP-id) adjective. Lacking interest or spirit. I fear that the essay I just finished is pretty insipid and boring.
5.OVERT (eh-NIG-ma) adjective. Not hidden; open. Dusty was caught in an overt act of shoplifting and couldn’t deny his guilt.
6.PARIAH (puh-RYE-uh) noun. An outcast. Anyone who broke the group’s code of conduct was treated as a pariah.
7.RELIC (REL-ik) noun. A thing or part that remains from the past. The relics of ancient cities give us an idea of the culture of past civilizations.
8.REPUGNANT (reh-PUG-nunt) adjective. Disgusting; loathsome; incompatible. The addict’s lifestyle was repugnant to his family and they refused to help him.
9.SHREWD (SHro͞od) adjective. Intelligent, clever, wise. Duncan said that he was a shrewd judge of character.
10.THWART (THWART) verb. To oppose directly; to block; to frustrate. The tight defense was able to thwart a touchdown in the last seconds of the game.
Tone List 10 Quiz Date Monday, April 11th, (A-Day) and Tuesday, April 12th, (B-Day)
- Disdainful(disˈdānfəl) – scornful; disrespectful; mocking
- Elated (iˈlāt-id) - joyful; ecstatically happy
- objective - an unbiased view-able to leave personal judgments aside
- reflective – insightful and thoughtful of the past or one’s life
- reverent-treating a subject with honor and respect
- sarcastic-sneering, caustic
- solemn-deeply earnest, tending toward sad reflection; sincere
- sullen - Silent and keeping to oneself because one feels angry; sulky; resentful
SAT WORDS - Week 11Quiz DateWednesday, April 27th (A-Day) and Thursday, April 28th(B-Day)
- Abhor (abˈhôr) verb: to hate; to detest. He was a man who abhorred violence.
- Accost (ə-kôst′) verb: confront; To approach and speak to, especially aggressively or insistently, as with a demand or request. When we accidentally walked on the grass, the grounds man accosted us immediately.
- Berate (bĭ-rāt′) verb: scold harshly. The customer berated the waiter about his food being cold.
- Concur (kən-kûr′) verb: agree. The doctor and nurse concurred that the child had chicken pox.
- Destitute (dĕs′tĭ-to͞ot′) adjective: poor; lacking. The missionary prayed for the destitute orphans, who lacked proper food and clothing.
- Dire (dīr) adjective: urgent; dreadful. The economy in Greece is under dire circumstances.
- Epiphany (ĭ-pĭf′ə-nē) noun: realization; a sudden insight. "He had a painful epiphany about the absurdity of the job and quit." Aleksandar Hemon
- Epitome(ĭ-pĭt′ə-mē); exemplar(ĭg-zĕm′plär′, -plər)noun: perfect example or model. David is the epitome of the perfect student because he is organized, mature, intelligent, and focused.
- Hubris (hyo͞o′brĭs) noun : arrogance; overbearing pride or presumption. William Shakespeare must have despised hubris since hubris is the tragic flaw of several of his characters in his plays.
- Quell (kwĕl) verb: suppress; to put down forcibly. The police were able to quell the violent protest.
- Vindicate (vĭn′dĭ-kāt′) verb: o clear of accusation, blame, suspicion, or doubt with supporting arguments or proof. The text vindicated the suspect of Jordan’s accusations.
Tone List 11 Quiz DateWednesday, April 27th (A-Day) and Thursday, April 28th(B-Day)
- Contrite: remorseful
- Disparagement: belittle
- Fallacious (fə-lā′shəs): attempting to mislead; untruthful; deceptive
- Pious: religious devotion
Vocab 9-11 Test on Monday, May 9th, (A-Day) and Tuesday, May 10th, (B-Day).