MSCOD ADA 25th Anniversary Legacy Project
25th Anniversary Events Committee
1:00-3:00 pm
Golden Rule Building’s Basement Conference RoomNumber 2
Present: Rebecca Covington, Craig Dunn, Margot Cross, Mai Thor, Colleen Casey, Linda Lingen, Marie Koehler, Cindy Tarshish, Joan Wilshire, Jo Erbes
- Call to order
- Craig called the meeting to order. Joan and Linda approved.
- Introductions
- Approval of minutes
- Jean made a motion to approve the minutes and Linda approved.
- Approve agenda
- Joan made a motion andCindy approved.
- Developments with TPT
- Discussion of Legacy Fund project’s evolution and how the Theatrical Production and ADA History Committees merged intoone TPT Film Development Committee.
- Discussion of TPT’s potential role in videotaping andbroadcasting our tentative July 9th celebratory event and how TPT’s potential involvement might shape planning for that event, such as time-frame/agenda, space use and the day’s activities.
- Action item – Find out TPT’s time and space needs related to set-up and breakdown for the tentative July 9 event in order to better understand how TPT’s needs mightshape our decision-making and planning for that event.
- Action item –Invite Bill Hanley from TPT to the next Events Committee meeting.
- If MSCOD contracts with TPT, TPTwill create a 30-minute film related to the development of the ADA, its history and impact. If this happens, the committee can choose to incorporate parts or all of the filmat the tentative July 9th event.
- If MSCOD contracts with TPT, TPT could potentially tape a portion of the July 9 event and also broadcast an hour of said event live across the state of Minnesota. We would need to decide which hour of the event we would want to broadcast.
- Should we contract with TPT, they would have the capacity to do a “back and forth” live streaming between the larger Twin Cities-based event and simultaneous events at remote locations in the community, thereby creating more excitement and statewide cohesiveness around the ADA Legacy-funded event.
- TPT would provide all broadcasting support.
- The TPT Film Development Committee is planning a call for stories that will reflect the lives of people with disabilities before the ADA compared to now.
- Partnering with Communities in Outstate Minnesota
- Discussion of how doing so will involve an RFP process and will make funds available to communities dispersed throughout Minnesota. These communities would then plan their own celebrations.
- Discussion of the need to design a process to award these monies to achieve a representative distribution across the state of Minnesota and to set up criteria to use to award these monies. Criteria might include incorporation of live TPT feed from the tentative Twin Cities-based July 9 event as well as showing part or all of the potential TPT documentary.
- Speakers at event
- Discussion of potential speakers for the July 9 event included a review of information gathered about our preferred potential arts and entertainment, policy and sports guest speakers.
- There was some narrowing down of preferred speakers to continue to research and contact re: either the tentative July 9th celebration or other events to be scheduled leading up to July or during July.
- Top pick for policy speaker is Claudia Gordon, with second pick being John Hockenberry.
- Top pick for entertainment category is Michael J. Fox.
- Other celebrity figures mentioned in the discussion included Billy McLaughlin who could possibly fill in music on the video; the governor in July 2015 who could issue a proclamation; Bobby Silverstein as a possible leader of a breakaway session at the tentative July ninth meeting; Derrick Coleman as a possible closing speaker; and possibly beaming in Lex Frieden and Tammy Duckworth on other dates.
- Action:Colleen will continue to research and try to contact preferred potential speakers.
- Discussion included the need to choose speakers who reflect diversity in many ways (type of disability, generation, ethnicity, etc.) and can speak knowledgeably to the history and importance of the ADA.
- It was noted that policy speakers will depend in part on availability and also potential changes due to upcoming elections.
- Other Items
- Due to time constraints, the committee decided to save two of the meeting’s original agenda items—speakers leading up to July and event break-out sessions—for the next committee meeting.
- Next Meeting
- Tuesday, June 3rd, 1-3 PM
This work is funded in part with money from the Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund that was created with the vote of the people of Minnesota on November 4, 2008.