Please select one option for each item below. During the current academic year, how often have you?:

Weekly / Monthly / Occasionally / Never
Physically visited a UVA library / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Attended/convened a Library class or event led by a Library staff member / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Consulted with, or asked a question of, a Library staff member / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Used physical Library materials (books, DVDs, print journals, etc.) / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Used online Library materials (ejournals or ebooks, digital images, etc.) / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Used Library-provided software, equipment, or technology / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Used Virgo (the online catalog) / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Used the Library's website (research guides, Libra, etc.) / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

Which libraries do you use on a regular basis? Select all that apply.

  1. Alderman Library
  2. Astronomy Library
  3. Brown Science/Engineering Library (Clark Hall)
  4. Chemistry Library
  5. Clemons Library
  6. Darden Graduate Business Camp Library
  7. Library Data Commons@Curry (Ruffner Hall)
  8. Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library (Campbell Hall)
  9. Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
  10. Arthur J. Morris Law Library
  11. Math Library (Kerchof Hall)
  12. Music Library (Old Cabell Hall)
  13. Physics Library
  14. Small Special Collections Library

What do you consider to be your primary library?

  1. Alderman Library
  2. Astronomy Library
  3. Brown Science/Engineering Library (Clark Hall)
  4. Chemistry Library
  5. Clemons Library
  6. Darden Graduate Business Camp Library
  7. Library Data Commons@Curry (Ruffner Hall)
  8. Fiske Kimball Fine Arts Library (Campbell Hall)
  9. Claude Moore Health Sciences Library
  10. Arthur J. Morris Law Library
  11. Math Library (Kerchof Hall)
  12. Music Library (Old Cabell Hall)
  13. Physics Library
  14. Small Special Collections Library

Prior to this survey, were you aware of the following Library services?

Yes / No
Library research subject guides / ❏ / ❏
Research Data Services (ex. data discovery and analysis, statistics) / ❏ / ❏
Makerspace services (ex. 3D printing, digital project scoping) / ❏ / ❏
Purchase request services / ❏ / ❏
Geospatial Services
(ex. maps, GIS, GeoBlacklight, etc.) / ❏ / ❏
Digitization services / ❏ / ❏
Space reservation services / ❏ / ❏
Libra (Institutional Repository) / ❏ / ❏
Audio or visual production services / ❏ / ❏
Special Collections services (ex. Rare Materials, Archives, etc.) / ❏ / ❏
Research and/or course-related consultation services / ❏ / ❏

Please rate your level of interest in using Library services for the following. A rating of "1" is "Not interested." A rating of "5" is "Very interested."

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
Discover and access new material in my field / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Get help creating or incorporating digital content / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Maximize the use of archives or other primary sources / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Create, analyze, and/or share data sets / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Connect with scholars/researchers in other disciplines / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Preserve my scholarly work for the future / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Make my scholarly work open to other researchers / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Understand or negotiate author agreements for my publications / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Explore new methods of digital scholarship / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

Please rate how the Library contributes to your academic work. A rating of "1" is "Not at all." A rating of "5" is "Very much."

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Enables me to be more productive / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Enables me to keep current in my field / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Enriches my teaching and/or learning / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Provides materials valuable to my work / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Contributes expertise valuable to my work / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Helps me work collaboratively with colleagues / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Prepares me for further education or a career / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Helps me make my work more accessible to others / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

Please list specific ways in which the Library could better contribute to your academic work.

Please rate how satisfied you are with the following. A rating of "1" is "Not satisfied." A rating of "5" is "Very satisfied."

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / Never used
Virgo, the online catalog / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library website / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library research guides / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Off-Grounds access / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library databases such as JSTOR, Web of Sciences, etc. / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library staff assistance / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Getting materials from another institution through Interlibrary Loan / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Collections in my discipline / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library workshops/classes / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library-sponsored events (ex. speakers, performances) / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

If you were to design your ideal library, how would you allocate the space? Please allocate 100 points amongst the following types of space:

  • Individual study/work space ______
  • Group study/work space ______
  • Physical collections (books, videos, journals, etc.) ______
  • Social space (lounge, coffee shop, etc.) ______
  • Library Services (Information desks, Help with Research, Data Services, etc.) ______
  • Production space (Makerspace, Audio-visual production, etc.) ______
  • Presentation practice spaces ______
  • Event spaces (auditoriums, theaters, exhibition spaces, classrooms, etc.) ______

How would you describe the current availability of the following types of spaces and furnishings in the library? A rating of "1" is "Too few." A rating of "5" is "Too many."

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Spaces to work/study in quiet / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to work/study in groups / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Comfortable furniture / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Configurable spaces / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Flexible and adaptable furniture / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to socialize / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to get help / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces for events / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to create / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to try new technology / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

How would you describe the current quality of the following types of spaces and furnishings in the library? A rating of "1" is "Poor." A rating of "5" is "Excellent."

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
Spaces to work/study in quiet / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to work/study in groups / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Comfortable furniture / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Configurable spaces / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Flexible and adaptable furniture / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to socialize / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to get help / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces for events / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to create / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Spaces to try new technology / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

Which of the following activities have you done in the last year (Select all that apply)?

  1. Looked for Library contact information
  2. Reserved a Library space
  3. Looked for Library hours
  4. Requested materials to be placed on reserve for a course
  5. Searched Virgo for books, videos, etc.
  6. Browsed a library's stacks
  7. Requested materials from LEO/ILL
  8. Searched Virgo for journal articles
  9. Requested help from a librarian
  10. Used physical materials (ex. books, DVDs, etc.)
  11. Used equipment (ex. a/v equipment, digital scanners, etc.)
  12. Accessed a database
  13. Attended a Library-led class/workshop
  14. Followed the Library's social media channels
  15. Visited a Library exhibit

Did you encounter a problem during any of these activities?

  1. Yes
  2. No

What problem(s) did you encounter?

Please rank (1-6) the following Virgo tasks in order of importance to you:

  • Finding and/or requesting articles already known to you ______
  • Accessing other Library sites (e.g. research guides, journal finder, etc.) ______
  • Finding and/or requesting videos, books, etc. already known to you ______
  • Discovering new books, videos, etc. ______
  • Using specialized searches (Digital Collections, Music, Video) ______
  • Discovering new articles ______

Thinking of the Library's digital collections in Virgo, please rate your level of satisfaction with the following aspects. A rating of "1" is "Not satisfied." A rating of "5" is "Very satisfied."

1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / N/A
Scope of textual materials / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Ability to search for textual materials / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Scope of images / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Ability to search for images / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Scope of audio-visual materials / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Ability to search for audio-visual materials / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

Do you feel the UVA Library should emphasize one of these two options over another? Use the sliders below to indicate your preferred strength of emphasis.

Pioneering services / Equal emphasis / Traditional services
❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Study space / Equal emphasis / Open stacks space
❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Digital / Equal emphasis / Physical
❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏
Library staff help / Equal emphasis / Self-service
❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏ / ❏

What do you value most about the Library?

How satisified are you with the Library overall?

  1. Very dissatisfied
  2. Dissatisfied
  3. Neutral
  4. Satisfied
  5. Very satisfied

Please add any comments you have about the University Library system. If you are referring to a particular one, be sure to specify which Library (Alderman, Astronomy, etc.).

First Name

Last Name


Email Address

2016 Library User Survey