This newsletter provides an update on the ‘second cycle’ HASS accreditation model and the Integrated Standards Project; themes arising from quality and accreditation work to date; resources and training possibilities; and a brief outline of associated work undertaken by CHP.
HASS Accreditation
First Cycle
The first cycle of HASS Accreditation was officially completed on June 30, 2010. Congratulations to the sector on its achievement.
135 organisations have been accredited or are in the process thereof. Another seven organisations will be undertaking their reviews this year or early next year.
What we have achieved is immense. The accreditation process has highlighted the sector’s unique strengths in advocacy and client rights.
Working with people experiencing or at risk of homelessness requires a level of specialist skill that is not always easy to define. Participation in processes such as accreditation assists the sector in being able to define, measure and sell its capabilities and achievements.
2nd Cycle
This is an important year for quality standards work in the sector! July 1, 2010 marked the beginning of 2nd cycle accreditation.
The DHS Integrated Standards Project is a key feature of 2nd cycle. It involves the streamlining of standards across the three DHS divisions: Housing, Children Youth and Families, and Disability Services.
What should services do about existing HASS quality work?
Organisations undertaking reviews, including mid cycle reviews to July 2012 should continue to prepare using the HASS accreditation model. As the DHS project develops, DHS will provide further information to support organisations that need to commence preparation in 2011 for post July 2012 review.
CHP DV Vic sector quality & accreditation meetings
These quarterly meetings give an opportunity for people leading quality and accreditation work to receive peer support, discussion and up to date information from DHS.
Meetings are held at Richmond Town Hall, Meeting Room 1, Bridge Road Richmond from 10am -1.30pm. The next meeting will be September 14 and another meeting on November 30.
Preparing for 2nd Accreditation reviews
The September 14 sector quality meeting will feature a one hour workshop on the preparation for 2nd external reviews with Lyndal McNamara, an experienced QICSA RC and former internal contact. Topics to be covered include an overview of review teams’ expectations of your organisation for a 2nd external review, outcomes from the previous review and completing the Quality Journal (QJ) for a second time. Hints for preparation of 2nd reviews will also be discussed.
Please rsvp to register your attendance at this sector quality meeting.
Towards a National Quality Framework
The National Quality Frameworkforpeople experiencing homelessness is also being progressed. The feedback from First Round consultations can be found at:
FACHSIA has been preparing an options paper as the basis for the 2nd round of consultations scheduled for later this year. CHP will respond to this options paper upon its release. CHP is excited about participating in this process and will seek further input from you. In the meantime our submission to round 1 can be found at:
Farewell Deb Western
Deb Western left DV Vic in mid July to pursue an academic career. Her wisdom and support in accreditation and good practice has been much appreciated and it is hoped in future our sector will liaise with her on research and evaluation work.
In the meantime CHP will send DV Vic information on upcoming training and workshops on accreditation and continuous quality improvement for distribution to the FV sector.
Upcoming Training - CHP
August 25 Outcomes Measurement
This workshop will feature three presenters from the sector who will discuss creating an outcomes framework for your organisation, client led outcomes measurement and Program Logic. Please register your interest in the workshop by contacting
CHP PESP is running a session on consumer participation through the BRIT/HACH training calendar on Friday November 12. See the training calendar for details.
Workforce Capability framework
If you have not seen them, it is highly recommended that you check out the workforce capability tools on the DPCD website. If you want to know more about the framework and how it can be used, and to download the cards and toolkit please go to:
Windermere Child and Family Services have developed a Skills Mapping and Appraisal Tool based on the framework in MS Access database format. It can be used to rate employees, self-assess and conduct skills assessment across organizations. Data can be stored over time for individuals, teams and organisations. It produces appraisal reports and graphs that illustrate the progress of a service, a team or an individual over time. And Much More!
Please for further details on viewing and trialing the product.
Pilot of Elder Abuse Prevention Training
Input from the homelessness sector is sought. DPCD has contracted Victoria University to roll out this training over the next 2-3 years. Please contact and your details will be forwarded to the contact person if you want to be part of the pilot training.
Quality work outcomes – sharing the wisdom
CHP is planning a sector half day quality forum in October and we are looking for people who would like to showcase their achievements. Please consider sharing your work with others across the sector at this event. If you would like to present please contact
Policy and Practice resources in relation to the HASS standards can be found:
Other training and resources
QICSA training can be found at contact QICSA phone 9479 5888.
VMIA Risk Management Training
September 15. Contact 9270 6870 or
Services insured with VMIA can download their software which some of our sector have found useful for risk management:
Infoxchange training calendar
VCOSS clearinghouse
Regards, Karen Sherry, Acting Sector Accreditation Project Officer, CHP 9419 8699
August 2010 HASS accreditation newsletter - two pages.
Karen Sherry, CHP