School of Languages

School of Languages
Name : / Benya / Reg.No : / 06001743
Course : / Stretch 3 / Timetable : / M-F: 1 - 3:40pm
Start Date : / 28-Mar-16 / Finish Date : / 29-Apr-16
Fluency / A / Pass / Test Score / 92%
Accuracy / A / Fail / Periods
Attended / 51
Effort / B / Progress / A / Course Periods / 60
Teacher’s Comments:
Course Work:
Tenses: Present perfect, simple past, past continuous, present perfect continuous
Grammar and Functions: Too and enough with adjectives and nouns, is + infinitive, gerunds as subjects, reductions with to, since and for with pres perf, used to, how long with different tenses, reported speech, while and when clauses, experiences with pres perf
Vocabulary: Events and life experiences, opinions, customs, professions and skills, leisure and other activities, appearance, habits, kinds of stories, news topics, travel
Achievement and Recommendations:
Benya has performed well in our course. She is able to speak in an easy, fluent manner with reasonable confidence. Her writing also demonstrates an expressive mind that can correctly grasp the assignments and produce original and engaging work. Benya should continue building her vocabulary and progressing to more advanced grammar.
Teacher : / Edward K. / Date : / 28-Apr-16
Teacher’s Signature : / Head Teacher :
A = Excellent / B = Good / C = Satisfactory / D = Below Average / E = Unsatisfactory
Fluency: Ability to speak in a flowing and natural manner. Accuracy: Correct usage of grammar and word choice.
School of Languages
Name : / Natcha / Reg.No : / 16000952
Course : / Stretch 3 / Timetable : / M-F: 1 - 3:40pm
Start Date : / 28-Mar-16 / Finish Date : / 29-Apr-16
Fluency / B+ / Pass / Test Score / 95%
Accuracy / A / Fail / Periods
Attended / 57
Effort / A / Progress / A / Course Periods / 60
Teacher’s Comments:
Course Work:
Tenses: Present perfect, simple past, past continuous, present perfect continuous
Grammar and Functions: Too and enough with adjectives and nouns, is + infinitive, gerunds as subjects, reductions with to, since and for with pres perf, used to, how long with different tenses, reported speech, while and when clauses, experiences with pres perf
Vocabulary: Events and life experiences, opinions, customs, professions and skills, leisure and other activities, appearance, habits, kinds of stories, news topics, travel
Achievement and Recommendations:
Natcha scored highest on our final test. Her careful effort resulted in a clear understanding of both the reading passages and the various grammar points. In the rest of our course work she also completed her lessons accurately and was well engaged in all our activities. Natcha should continue building her vocabulary and progressing to more advanced grammar.
Teacher : / Edward K. / Date : / 28-Apr-16
Teacher’s Signature : / Head Teacher :
A = Excellent / B = Good / C = Satisfactory / D = Below Average / E = Unsatisfactory
Fluency: Ability to speak in a flowing and natural manner. Accuracy: Correct usage of grammar and word choice.
School of Languages
Name : / Nutthapon / Reg.No : / 11002750
Course : / Stretch 3 / Timetable : / M-F: 1 - 3:40pm
Start Date : / 28-Mar-16 / Finish Date : / 29-Apr-16
Fluency / B / Pass / Test Score / 83%
Accuracy / B+ / Fail / Periods
Attended / 57
Effort / A / Progress / B+ / Course Periods / 60
Teacher’s Comments:
Course Work:
Tenses: Present perfect, simple past, past continuous, present perfect continuous
Grammar and Functions: Too and enough with adjectives and nouns, is + infinitive, gerunds as subjects, reductions with to, since and for with pres perf, used to, how long with different tenses, reported speech, while and when clauses, experiences with pres perf
Vocabulary: Events and life experiences, opinions, customs, professions and skills, leisure and other activities, appearance, habits, kinds of stories, news topics, travel
Achievement and Recommendations:
Nuttapon has been a very positive member of our classroom. His hard work and accurate completion of assignments has set a good example for the other students. He engages well in all activities and can be depended on to be focused and responsive. Nuttapon should continue building his vocabulary and progressing to more advanced grammar.
Teacher : / Edward K. / Date : / 28-Apr-16
Teacher’s Signature : / Head Teacher :
A = Excellent / B = Good / C = Satisfactory / D = Below Average / E = Unsatisfactory
Fluency: Ability to speak in a flowing and natural manner. Accuracy: Correct usage of grammar and word choice.
School of Languages
Name : / Supachai / Reg.No : / 16001165
Course : / Stretch 3 / Timetable : / M-F: 1 - 3:40pm
Start Date : / 28-Mar-16 / Finish Date : / 29-Apr-16
Fluency / A / Pass / Test Score / 92%
Accuracy / A / Fail / Periods
Attended / 57
Effort / B+ / Progress / A / Course Periods / 60
Teacher’s Comments:
Course Work:
Tenses: Present perfect, simple past, past continuous, present perfect continuous
Grammar and Functions: Too and enough with adjectives and nouns, is + infinitive, gerunds as subjects, reductions with to, since and for with pres perf, used to, how long with different tenses, reported speech, while and when clauses, experiences with pres perf
Vocabulary: Events and life experiences, opinions, customs, professions and skills, leisure and other activities, appearance, habits, kinds of stories, news topics, travel
Achievement and Recommendations:
Supachai is a sharp student who demonstrates a quick grasp of all of our lessons. He engages well in all our activities and has a good work ethic when it comes to completing the assignments. Supachai should continue building his vocabulary and progressing to more advanced grammar.
Teacher : / Edward K. / Date : / 28-Apr-16
Teacher’s Signature : / Head Teacher :
A = Excellent / B = Good / C = Satisfactory / D = Below Average / E = Unsatisfactory
Fluency: Ability to speak in a flowing and natural manner. Accuracy: Correct usage of grammar and word choice.