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Janet Walker
Osgoode Hall Law School of York University
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, Ontario, CanadaM3J 1P3— +
2007-presentFull Professor,OsgoodeHallLawSchool, YorkUniversity
2003-05Associate Dean, OsgoodeHallLawSchool, YorkUniversity
2002-06Associate Professor, OsgoodeHallLawSchool, YorkUniversity
1996-02Assistant Professor, OsgoodeHallLawSchool, YorkUniversity
1994-96Researcher, Litigation Department, Tory Tory DesLauriers & Binnington
1993-94Law Clerk to the Chief Justice of Ontario and Justices of the Court of Appeal
Visiting Positions
2001-presentForeign Research Professor in Private International Law, Faculté des sciences juridiques, Tunis II, Masters Program in Common Law (Course on Private International Law)
2008 Visiting Professor, Hauser Global Law Faculty, NYU/NUS Joint Program (Singapore - Course in Comparative Private International Law)
2007 Visiting Professor, Hauser Global Law Faculty, NYUSchool of Law(New York - Seminar in International Litigation)
2006Visiting Professor – Faculty of Law, University of Toronto (Course on Private International Law)
2006Visiting Professor – Faculty of Law, Haifa University, Israel (Course on Comparative Private International Law)
2002 Visiting Professor - Faculty of Law, MonashUniversity, Melbourne, Australia (Course on Conflict of Laws)
2000TH CooleyLawSchool, Inaugural Toronto Summer Program (Civil Procedure)
Qualifications and Activities
1998-presentMember of the Bar of Ontario and the Law Society of Upper Canada
2008Ontario Law Commission, Scholar-in-Residence
2006-presentAdvisor to the Federal Court and Federal Court of Appeal Rules Committee
2001-presentCanadian Panel of Arbitrators, International Chamber of Commerce
Case 11707/SPB/JNK (Sole Arbitrator); Case 12939/MS(Chairman); Case 13333/JNK/EBS (Co-arbitrator); Case 14579/EBS (Sole Arbitrator)
2007-presentWorking Group on Protocols for Parallel Class Actions, ABA Litigation Section
2006-presentILA Committee on International Litigation and the Interests of the Public: International Aspects of Group Actions
2007- 2008IBA Task Force on International Procedures and Protocols for Collective Redress
2004-06Uniform Law Commission of Canada: National Class Action Reform Project
2006Conference Co-Chair, 72nd Biennial Conference of the International Law Association (Toronto, June 2006)
1998-presentCounsel to members of the profession in the public and private sectors and expert witness in Canada, USA and Australia on questions of crossborder litigation an arbitration; expert witnessin various matters relating to conflict of laws, in particular with respect to the law of jurisdiction, forum non conveniens, the recognition and enforcement of judgments and application of foreign law
1996-98Counsel on matters of international dispute resolution to Tory, Tory, DesLauriers & Binnington
1996Assistant to the Honourable CL Dubin QC in “An Independent Review of the Canadian Medical Protective Association”
1993Panelist Assistant, Canada-US Free Trade Bi-national Panel
1991-93Research Coordinator, Province of Ontario Enquiry on Non-therapeutic Medical Procedures on Behalf of Mentally Incapable Individuals
American Arbitration Association—International Centre for Dispute Resolution, Panel of Arbitrators
American Law Institute (International Advisor, Transnational Rules Project 1998-2004)
American Society of International Law (Steering Committee, Private International Law Interest Group 2001-2003)
Arbitralwomen (Founding Member, Board Member 2008-2010)
Arbitration Association of Brunei Darussalam
Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto
Canadian Bar Association
Canadian Association of Law Teachers
Canadian Council on International Law (Board of Directors, 2004-08)
Chartered Institute of Arbitrators, MCIArb (Chair, Toronto Chapter)
China International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission (CIETAC) Panel of Foreign Arbitrators
International Association of Procedural Law (Council Member, 2007-present; Co-Chair, Toronto Conference)
International Bar Association
International Chamber of Commerce—Canadian Panel of Arbitrators (Marketing Committee, 2007)
International Law Association—Advisory Committee, Research (2002-08); Vice-President Canadian Branch;Conference Co-Chair, 2006 Biennial Conference
Law Society of Upper Canada (non-practising member)
London Court of International Arbitration
Osgoode Society
The Advocates’ Society
Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners(Steering Committee, 2004-2006)
Community Service—Honours
1977-presentCanadian Forces Primary Reserve
2002Queen’s Golden Jubilee Medal
1989Canadian Forces Decoration (clasp, 1999)
2002DPhil, OxfordUniversity (Law – Conflict of Laws)
1993LLB, OsgoodeHallLawSchool
1982MA, YorkUniversity (Social Theory)
1979BA (Hons), YorkUniversity (Arts – Individualized Studies)
1995Viscount Bennett Fellowship
1995-96SSHRC Doctoral Fellowship
1994-96Overseas Research Students Award
1994JSD Tory Research and Writing Award
1993OsgoodeHallLawSchool Silver Medal
1993JSD Tory Research and Writing Award
1993Benjamin Laufer Prize in International Law
1993Christopher Robinson Memorial Scholarship
1993Matthew Wilson Memorial Scholarship
1993Cassels, Brock & Blackwell Centennial Prize in Lawyering Skills
1992McCarthy Tétrault Prize
1992Carswell Company Prize
1992Gurston Allen Prize
1992Prize in Conflict of Laws
1992The Honourable NW Rowell Scholarship
1991Clifton H Lane Memorial Prize in Property II
1991Bassel, Sullivan & Leake Prize in Civil Procedure I
1980-82Ontario Graduate Scholarship
1979SSHRC Special MA Scholarship
1979York Scholarship
1977, ‘78, ‘79York In-Course Scholarships
1976York Entrance Scholarship
1975Ontario Scholar
Books and Journal Issues
Civil Procedure (Toronto, Irwin Law, 2008) with Lorne Sossin, forthcoming
The Vis Book: A Participant’s Guide to the Vis International Commercial Arbitration Moot(Huntington, NY: Juris, 2007) Editor
Halsbury’s Laws of Canada: Conflict of Laws (Markham:Lexis Nexis Canada, 2006)
Castel & Walker: Canadian Conflict of Laws 6thedlooseleaf (Markham: Butterworths, 2005+)
The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials 6thed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 2005) General Editor
Private International Law: A Course for Magistrates, Magistrates’ School, Tirana, Albania (World Bank, 2003) (in Albanian)with Arta Mandro
Canadian Conflict of Laws5th ed, looseleaf (Markham, Butterworths: 2002) with J-G Castel
Special Issue of the Osgoode Hall Law Journal in Honour of Jean-Gabriel Castel, (2000) Guest Editor
The Civil Litigation Process: Cases and Materials,5thed (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1999) with GD Watson, W Bogart, A Hutchinson, J Mosher and T Pinos
A Practical Guide to Mooting (Toronto: Emond Montgomery, 1995) with S Williams
Looseleaf Casebooks
Canadian Conflict of Laws: Cases and Materials (1996, 1997, 1998, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008)
Transnational Litigation (1998, 2000, 2002, 2008)
International Business Transactions: Cases and Materials (1998, 1999)
Civil Procedure I (1997, 1998, 1999)
Refereed Journal Articles and Book Chapters
“Le droit international privé” in Éléments de common law canadienne – comparaison avec le droit civil québécois, A Grenon ed (2008)
“Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions — Suggested Answers” (2008) 46 CBLJ 450-69
“Getting the Best Seats in International Commercial Arbitration” (2008) ADRIC Journal 9-24
“Forum Selection Clauses and Unfair Jurisdictions” (2007) 1 Dispute Resolution International 187-198 with Stefan Rützel and Sylvia Wünsch
“New Trends in Procedural Law: New Technologies and the Civil Litigation Process” (2007)31 Hastings Int’l & Comp LR 251-94 with Garry Watson
“Castillo v Castillo: Closing the Barn Door” (2006) 43 Canadian Business LJ 487-500
“Agreeing to Disagree: Can We Just Have Words?” (2006) 25 Jof Law and Commerce153-166
“Preliminary or Summary Proceedings, Scope and Importance” in XII Congreso Mundial de Derecho Procesal, Volumen I, eds M Storme & C Gomez-Lara (México: Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, 2006) at 193-238, with Garry Watson
“The Role of Domestic Courts in the International Legal Order: A Tribute to Richard Falk” (2005) 11 ILSA J International & Comparative Law 365-370
“Coordinating Multijurisdiction Class Actions through Existing Certification Processes” (2005) 42 Canadian Business LJ 112-121
“Twenty Questions (about Section 23 of the Ontario Limitations Act, 2002) in J Ziegel, et al eds, The New Ontario Limitations Regime: Exposition and Analysis(Toronto, Ontario Bar Association, 2005) 95-121
“Crossborder Class Actions: A View from across the Border” (2004) MichiganState DCL LR 755-798
“The Great Canadian Comity Experiment Continues (2004) 120 LQR 365-369
“The Deconstitutionalization of Canadian Private International Law” (with Vaughan Black) (2003) 21 Supreme Court LR (2d) 181-201
“Foreign Public Law and the Colour of Comity: What’s the Difference between Friends?” (2003) 38 Canadian Business LJ 36-56
“Must there be Uniform Standards for Jurisdiction in a Federation?” (2003) 119 LQR 567-572
“Rule 17—Service Outside Ontario” in Watson & Perkins eds, Holmested & Watson: Ontario Civil Procedure (2003) 110+ pp
“Beyond Real and Substantial Connection: The Muscutt Quintet” in T Archibald and M Cochrane eds, Annual Review of Civil Justice, 2nded (Toronto: Carswells, 2003) 61-92
“Enforcement of Judgments in Canada” in T Eisenberg, ed, Debtor-Creditor Law: A Treatise (1911+) (2003) 37 pp
“The Utility of Principles and Rules of Transnational Civil Procedure” (2001-04) VI Uniform LR 803-818
“The Canmar Fortune: The Supreme Court of Canada Puts Jurisdiction Agreements Back on Course” (2003) 5 Canadian International Lawyer 144-148
“Canada's Position on a Multilateral Judgments Convention” in C Charmody ed, Trilateral Perspectives on International Law (3 ed, 2003) 127-155
“Enforcement of Judgments in Canada” in Eisenberg, ed, Debtor-Creditor Law: A Treatise (1911+) (2002)
“Beals v Saldanha: Striking the Comity Balance Anew” (2002) 5 Canadian International Lawyer 28-33
“International Dispute Resolution in the 21st Century: The Role of National Courts” Canadian Council on International Law, Looking Ahead: International Law in the 21st Century (2001) 95-110
“Rule 17—Service Outside Ontario” in Watson & Perkins eds, Holmested & Watson: Ontario Civil Procedure (2001)
“Restitution in Private International Law by G. Panagopoulos” (2001) 16 Banking & Finance LR 489-491
“Are we there yet?: Towards a New Rule for Choice of Law in Tort” (2000) 38 Osgoode Hall LJ 331-367
“Parallel Proceedings—Converging Views” in Canadian Yearbook of International Law (2000) 155-188
“Biomedical Experimentation with Children: Balancing the needs for protective measures with the need to respect children's developing ability to make significant life decisions for themselves” in D Weisstub, ed, Research on Human Subjects: Ethics, Law and Social Policy (Pergamon 1998) (with D Weisstub & S Verdun-Jones) 380-404
“Biomedical Experimentation Involving Elderly Subjects: The need to balance limited, benevolent protection with the recognition of a long history of autonomous decision-making” in D Weisstub, ed, Research on Human Subjects: Ethics, Law and Social Policy (Pergamon 1998) (with D Weisstub & S Verdun-Jones) 405-432
“Class Actions in Ontario: Fresh Prospects for Securities Litigation?” in Litigation Issues in the Distribution of Securities: An International Perspective (Kluwer, 1997) (with CF Scott) 455-488
“Interprovincial Sovereign Immunity Revisited” (1997) 35 Osgoode Hall LJ 379-397
“A Tale of Two Fora: Fresh Challenges in Defending Multijurisdictional Claims” (1996) 33 Osgoode Hall LJ 549-582
“Cuba: Will New United States Law Hurt Canadians?” (1996) 3 North American Corporate Lawyer 134-138 with G Creighton
“Should Businesses Fear Canadian Class Actions?” (March, 1996) Int’l Commercial Litigation 18-20 with B Leon
“Applying Morguard to Foreign Judgments” (September, 1995) International Commercial Litigation 37-39
“A New Model for Interprovincial Conflict of Laws” (1995) 2 Commercial Litigation 91-94
“Choice of Law in Tort: The Supreme Court of Canada Enters the Fray” (1995) 111 LQR 397-400
“Immunity for Extraterritorial Enforcement Measures in Canada: The Supreme Court Declines to Decide” (1994) 1 Canadian International Lawyer 17-23, 67, 73
“Military Justice: From Oxymoron to Aspiration” (1994) 32 Osgoode Hall LJ 1-32
“Personal Injury: The New Exception to State Immunity in Canada” (1994) 4 Internews 6-12
“Shawanaga Bound: The Ontario Court of Appeal Decides Hopton v Pamajewon” (1994) 53 Saskatchewan LR 161-171
“A Farewell Salute to the Military Nexus Doctrine” (1993) 2 National Journal of Constitutional Law 366-378
“A Comparative Survey of Conflict of Law Rules in Canada: Overview, Bibliography and Comparative Tables” for Civil Justice Section, Bijuralism Group, Department of Justice, 2005
Works in Progress
International Enyclopaedia of Laws, Private International Law: Canada(Kluwer)
Public Lectures
The HagueAcademy of International Law, Special Lectures: “Federalism, Regionalism and the Evolution of Private International Law” (July 2005)
Conference Papers
“Overlapping Multijurisdiction Class Actions in Canada” (November 2008) National Judicial Institute, Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan
“Judicial Jurisdiction in a Post-territorial Era” (October 2008) Private International Law Workshop, International Bar Association Annual Conference, Buenos Aires
“Teck Comincoand the wisdom of deferring to the court first seised, all things being equal” (October 2008) Consumer and Commercial Law Workshop, Winnipeg(15 pp)
“The UNCITRAL Model Law: Past, Present and Future” (August 2008)International Arbitration Conference Brunei and 2nd RAIF Conference, Brunei Darussalam, 12 pp
“Recognizing Multijurisdiction Class Action Judgments within Canada: Key Questions—Suggested Answers” (April 2008) National Judicial Institute, Class Actions Conference for Judges, Toronto 13 pp
“…there are parts of the world where things are badly wrong…’: Forum Selection Clauses and Unfair Jurisdictions” (October 2007) International Bar Association Conference, Singapore 8 pp
“What’s with Article III?—The nature of judicial authority and private international law” (May 2007) Faculty Workshop, NYU School of Law 30 pp
“Group Actions in Canada” (June 2006) Report for the 2006 Meeting of the International Law Association, Committee on International Civil Litigation andthe Interests of the Public, Toronto 16 pp
“Reciprocity and Bilateralism in the Enforcement of Foreign Judgments” (June 2005) Canadian-American Research Centre for Law and Policy (CARC) Commercial and Corporate Law across the Canada-United States Border, Windsor 8 pp
“The World’s Longest Undefended Border” (April 2005) Hamilton Law Association, First Annual Emerging Issues in Cross-Border Commercial Litigation Seminar, Niagara-on-the-Lake 8 pp
“Agreeing to Disagree: Can we just have words?” (March 2005) Vienna International Arbitration Centre: From the 1980 Vienna Conference to the Digest and Beyond: Cases, Analysis and Unresolved Issues in the CISG, Vienna 12 pp
“The Role of Domestic Courts in the International Legal Order: A Tribute to Richard Falk” (October 2004) American Branch, ILA: Worlds in Collision? International Law and National Realities, New York 7 pp
“Arbitrability: Are there Limits?” (October 2004) London Court of International Arbitration Symposium: The Promise of International Commercial Arbitration, Montreal12 pp
“Preliminary or Summary Proceedings, Scope and Importance” (September 2003) International Association of Procedural Law, XII World Congress, Mexico City, General Reporter (Common Law) 22-44 with Garry Watson
“Reverse Auctions: Canada’s Reserve Bid?” (September 2002) Osgoode Professional Development Program, Second Annual National Symposium on Class Actions, Toronto 5 pp
“Getting the Best Seats” (May 2002) Canadian Bar Association, International Section, Third Annual International Law Conference: Few Barriers or New Barriers, Ottawa 13 pp
“The Better Part of Harmonizing Jurisdictional Law” American Society of International Law, 2002 Proceedings 342-346
“Private International Law Briefing/Year-In-Review Recent Developments in International Tort Law in the British Commonwealth of Nations—Comment” American Society of International Law, 2001 Proceedings 294
“Parallel Proceedings: A Bird’s-eye View of the Jungle” (May 2001) Canadian Bar Association International Section, The Practice of International Law in the 21st Century: It’s Everybody’s Business, Ottawa 15 pp
“Multi-Jurisdiction Class Actions in Canada” (April 2001) Osgoode Professional Development Program, First Annual National Class Actions Symposium, Toronto 35 pp
“Beyond Big Business: Contests between Jurisdictions in a Vertically Integrated Global Economy” (November 2000) LSUC, Civil Litigation Forum, Toronto 24 pp
“The Revitalization of National Courts as Fora for International Commercial Dispute Resolution through the Hague Judgments Convention and the Transnational Rules Project” (October 2000) Canadian Council on International Law Annual Meeting, Ottawa 15 pp
“Canada's Position on the Hague Judgments Convention” (October 2000) Japan Association of International Law/American Society of International Law/Canadian Council on International Law, Third Trilateral Conference, Ottawa 24 pp
“Provisional and Protective Measures in International Litigation: Mareva and Grupo Mexicano - The Canadian Perspective” (April 2000) American Society of International Law Annual Meeting, Washington, DC, 2000 Proceedings 62
“Morguard at the Millennium: A Survey of Change” (January 2000) Canadian Bar Association of Ontario, From the Headlines: High Profile International Law Issues That Impact Practices of Canadian Lawyers (2000), Toronto 10 pp
“A Tale of Two Fora: Fresh Challenges in Defending Multijurisdictional Claims” (June 1995) Conflict of Laws: Key Recent Cases, Law Society of Upper Canada, Toronto 24 pp
Other Presentations
“Recent Developments in Canadian Conflict of Laws (October 2008) ZhongnanUniversity of Economics and Law; WuhanUniversity (October 2008)
“Drafting Effective Arbitration Clauses: Countdown to Success” Arbitration Primer for Corporate Counsel and Business Lawyers (October 2008) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto, Toronto
“The Flightless Cormorant and the Future of Collective Redress in Europe” (June 2008) Class Actions in Europe and North America, Florence
“International Arbitration: Fresh Ideas for a Changing World” (October 2007) ABILA International Law Weekend, New York, Moderator
“Jurisdiction to Grant Global Class Action Judgments and Settlements – dream or reality?” (October 2007) International Bar Association Conference, Singapore
“Hindsight: Pitfalls and Mistakes in Resource Disputes” (September 2007) International Centre for Dispute Resolution (ICDR) ADR after NAFTA, Toronto
“The Preclusive Effect of Judgments in Collective Actions:Implications for Jurisdiction and Appropriate Forum” (July 2007) ILA Committee Meeting, Paris
“Challenges to Jurisdiction and Non-Signatories in Arbitration” (June 2007) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto,Current Issues in Canada-US Arbitration Practice: A Canadian Perspective,New York
“Pathological Clauses: A Hallowe’en Primer” (Oct 2006) Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners (YCAP) Symposium, Montreal
“Initial Considerations in Drafting Arbitration Clauses” (September 2006) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto (ART) Arbitration for the In-House Counsel: Essentials for an Effective Arbitration Clause, Toronto
“When Transnational Contracts Come Before Domestic Courts” (May 2006) National Judicial Institute, Civil Law Seminar: Contract Law, Halifax
“Cross-Border Dilemmas: Multi-jurisdictional Class Actions” (April 2006) Ontario Bar Association, National Civil Litigation CLE Conference, Toronto
“Questions, Questions, Questions: Recent Developments in the Conflict of Laws” (March , 2006) Blake, Cassels & Graydon, Toronto
“The Conflict of Laws” and “The Constitution and Statutes of Repose” (November 2005) Ontario Bar Association,The New Ontario Limitations Regime: Exposition and Analysis,Toronto
”The Basic Elements “(October 2005) Arbitration Roundtable of Toronto (ART) Essentials for an Effective Dispute Resolution Clause, Toronto
“Fragmentation: Diversification and Expansion of International Law—Private International Law”, Panel Coordinator and Moderator (October 2005) Canadian Council on International Law 34th Annual Conference, Ottawa
“Recent Class Actions Developments in Canada and the US: National Class Actions” (October 2005) 35th Annual Consumer and Commercial Law Workshop, Toronto
“Jurisdiction and Foreign Parties: Developments in Muscutt, the Rules and Forum Conveniens” Osgoode Professional Development Centre (May 2005) Civil Litigation: The New Realities, Toronto
“The Real and Substantial Truth about Jurisdiction in Canada (April 2005) Canadian Bar Association, National Civil Litigation Conference, Toronto
“Choosing the Right Seat” in Negotiating and Drafting Effective Arbitration Provisions in Commercial Agreements (October 2004) Osgoode Professional Development Program, Toronto
“Recent Developments in Recognition and Enforcement of Arbitral Awards” discussion leader with James Redmond (October 2004) 3rd Annual ICC Symposium, Montreal
“Designing the Right Arbitration Agreement: What goes in and what stays out”, discussion leader with Luis Sarabia (October 2004) Young Canadian Arbitration Practitioners, Montreal
International Commercial Arbitration Committee Working Session (Chair) (August 2004) International Law Association Biennial Conference, Berlin