To: BTA Members (BTA 14-02)

6 February 2014

Dear Member

2014 Annual General Meeting and Conference, 9-10 April

This year’s Annual General Meeting and Conference will be held at the Formby Hall Golf Resort & Spa, Southport, Liverpool L37 0AB on Wednesday 9 and Thursday 10 April. The Annual Dinner will be held on the Wednesday evening. A more detailed programme will be promulgated nearer the time, but outline timings are as follows:

Wed 9 Apr

1300 Welcome lunch


1430 Conference begins

1930 Reception

2015 Dinner and presentations

Thu 10 Apr

0930 Conference continues

1300 Close and lunch

1430 Golf competition

Please find attached the booking forms. The cost per delegate is £225 (plus VAT), which includes lunch on arrival, dinner, a single night’s accommodation, breakfast and lunch on the final day. An additional nights’ accommodation, including breakfast, is £99 (plus VAT) per person per night.

Details of the BTA Annual Golf Competition on the afternoon of 10 April are also attached.

All are strongly encouraged to attend this key event in the harbour towage calendar. It is requested that forms are returned to me by e-mail or postnot later than Friday 14March. I look forward to seeing you all.

Yours sincerely

Adrian Mundin

Adrian J Mundin MVO



2014 Annual General Meeting and Conference, 9-10 April

Formby Hall Golf Resort & Spa, Southport, Liverpool L37 0AB

AGM and Conference booking

Company …………………………………………………………………………………………

Contact name and e-mail .………………………………………………………………………

Full name of delegate
/ e-mail / Delegate package for 9-10 Apr / Additional nights’ accommodation? / Any comments / special dietary requirements
8 Apr / 10 Apr
Total………. delegates @ £225 each / £
Total ……….. additional nights @ £99 each / £
Sub Total / £
Plus VAT @ 20% / £
Please return to: Adrian Mundin
British Tugowners Association

30 Park Street

London SE1 9EQ


as soon as possible and not later than 14 March


Annual Golf Competition, 10 April

Formby Hall Golf Resort & Spa, Southport, Liverpool L37 0AB

Booking form

This year’s Golf Competition for the Sir William Crosthwaite Cup will be held at the Formby Hall Golf Resort, Southport Old Road, Formby, Southport, Liverpool L37 0AB on Thursday 10 April. Tee off will be at 1400 for an 18-hole Stablefordcompetition.

The competition will be followed by dinner at Formby Hall and accommodation is available (£99 plus VAT for B&B), if required. Please note that you may invite guests for the golf. If you intend playing, please complete the form below, indicating dinner and accommodation requirements. To add to the enjoyment of the event, any donated prizes would be welcomed.

Company ………………………………………………………………………………

Name / email / Handicap / Dinner
10 Apr? / Accom
10 Apr?
Please return to: Adrian Mundin
British Tugowners Association

30 Park Street

London SE1 9EQ


as soon as possible and not later than 14 March

The BTA is an Associate Member of the UK Chamber of Shipping