
Goals of the change request


In August 2012, International commenced a customer research project to understand customer and market behaviour in relation to how existing mail & parcel services were used and also gain reaction to options in terms on existing and proposed product names. The result of this research is a better understanding of how Royal Mail is positioned in the market and a view as to how to bring products to the market. As a result, Royal Mail is re-launching its International Product Portfolio on 31 March 2014.

In addition there are some changes required in the product set due to new Universal Postal Union (UPU) regulations, namely the need to format separate mail when it is presented to overseas.

This document outlines the key changes that customers who use their own system solution (COSS) to generate postage labels and/or raise orders in OBA via Web Services or CSV file uploadneed to make and is to be used in conjunction with supporting data files.

Associated Documents

OBA product requirements (Excel file)

Can be downloaded at:

ZOBA-Int (Excel file) – list of the available destinations and billing codes used in OBA

Can be downloaded at:

Downloadable files

The information in the link above will enable you to update your system, in conjunction with the information within this document. These documents will be available to download at

Thesefiles are only relevant to customers who integrate directly to OBA via Web Services or create csv files from their system to upload to OBA. If you only use your system to generate postage labels then these are not relevant to you.

Summary of key changes

Key changes

Existing international services / New international services
Airmail / International Standard on Account
Surface Mail / International Economy on Account
International Signed For as an enhancement / International Signed on Account*
NEW International Tracked & Signed on Account*
Airsure as an enhancement / International Tracked on Account*
Mixed Mail
Flats / International Business Mail
Packets / International Business Parcels
Destination Sort / Can be applied as an option to International Business Parcels & Mail
International Signed For / International Business Signed
NEW International Business Tracked & Signed
Airsure / International Business Tracked

*These products are products in their own right, and no longer add-on features to standard products.

  • International Business Tracked, International Business Signed and International Business Tracked & Signed will each be split into two product codes, the first for Business Parcels, and the second for Business Mail, covering letters and large letters. Here is an example:

Service / Product Code
International Business Parcels Tracked (previously Airsure) / MP1
International Business Mail Tracked (previously Airsure, covering Letters and Large Letters) / MTI
  • M-bags to be renamed International Business Parcels Print Direct
  • All Country Billed Products will have new destination billing codes based on the International Standards Organisation.

Change request elements

Key changes

Use the information outlined below in order to update your systems in line with our new portfolio. This information should be used in conjunction with the attached files on page 2. This details all changes. Please only select the changes relevant to your service usage.

As outlined in the above table, the majority of services are being renamed. Many product codes remain the same, however, some products will have new product codes – outlined below.

Change to using ISO country codes for country billed services. From 31st March 2014 our current and new country billed services, with the exception of Destination Sort, will use ISO three digit codes as their billing destination codes.

Full details of the product codes affected and the new structure for passing data to OBA can be found in the ZOBA file found in the section titled Associated Documents at the beginning of this document.

Please note that where we have created a new product, which is based on an existing service, then Royal Mail will automatically create access for customers using these services from launch of the new product portfolio. E.g. If you currently use International Signed For – product code MP5, then Royal Mail will automatically create access for the new product – International Business Parcels Tracked & Signed service – using product code MTA - allowing you to use this product from launch of the new services.

Context / Feature / Change type / Short description
New INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED & SIGNED service / New product has service code MTA and is based on MP5 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED SIGNED XTR COMP service / New product has service code MTB and is based on MP6 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED & SIGNED service / New product has service code MTC and is based on MP5 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED & SIGNED XTR COMP service / New product has service code MTD and is based on MP6 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED & SIGNED CTRY service / New product has service code MTE and is based on MP9 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS PARCEL TRACK&SIGN XTR CMP CTRY service / New product has service code MTF and is based on MP0 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED & SIGNED COUNTRY service / New product has service code MTG and is based on MP9 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACK & SIGN XTR COMP CTRY / New product has service code MTH and is based on MP0 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED / New product has service code MTI and is based on MP1 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED EXTRA COMP / New product has service code MTJ and is based on MP4 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED COUNTRY PRICED service / New product has service code MTK and is based on MP7 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL TRACKED EXTRA COMP CTRY service / New product has service code MTL and is based on MP8 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL SIGNED service / New product has service code MTM and is based on MP5 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL SIGNED EXTRA COMP service / New product has service code MTN and is based on MP6 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL SIGNED COUNTRY PRICED service / New product has service code MTO and is based on MP9 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL SIGNED EXTRA COMP COUNTRY service / New product has service code MTP and is based on MP0 / New product / Add new product and use the new International Signed LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR MAX SORT PRIORITY service / New product has service code PS7 and is based on PS1 / New product / Add new product and use the International Airmail LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR MAX SORT ECONOMY service / New product has service code PS8 and is based on PS1 / New product / Add new product and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS ZONE SORT PLUS PRIORITY service / New product has service code MTQ and is based on PS1
Amend format for parcels only. Destination codes will be ISO plus EU/ROE/NA/C&SA/ME/A&A/Far E & Aus / New product / Add new product and use the International Airmail LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS ZONE SRT PLUS ECONOMY service / New product has service code MTS and is based on PS1
Amend format for parcels only. Destination codes will be ISO plus EU/ROE/NA/C&SA/ME/A&A/Far E & Aus / New product / Add new product and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS MAX SORT PRIORITY service / New product has service code PS9 and is based on PS1
Amend format for parcels only. Destination codes will be ISO / New product / Add new product and use the International Airmail LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS MAX SORT ECONOMY service / New product has service code PS0 and is based on PS1
Amend format for parcels only. Destination codes will be ISO / New product / Add new product and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
INTERNATIONAL SIGNED ON ACCOUNT service / New product has service code OSA and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the new International Signed LABEL
INTL SIGNED ON ACCOUNT EXTRA COMP service / New product has service code OSB and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the new International Signed LABEL
INTERNATIONAL TRACKED & SIGNED ON ACCT service / New product has service code OTC and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTL TRACKED & SIGNED ON ACCT EXTRA COMP service / New product has service code OTD and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked & Signed LABEL
INTERNATIONAL TRACKED ON ACCOUNT service / New product has service code OTA and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked LABEL
INTL TRACKED ON ACCOUNT EXTRA COMP service / New product has service code OTB and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the new International Tracked LABEL
HM FORCES service / New product has service code BF1 and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the use the International Airmail LABEL
service / New product has service code BF2 and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the Domestic Signed For LABEL
service / New product has service code BF7 and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the Domestic Special Delivery LABEL
HM FORCES SPECIAL DELIVERY (£1000) service / New product has service code BF8 and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the Domestic Special Delivery LABEL
HM FORCES SPECIAL DELIVERY (£2500) service / New product has service code BF9 and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the Domestic Special Delivery LABEL
INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR MAX SORT STANDARD service / New product has service code PSB and is based on PS2 / New product / Add new product and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
INTL BUS PARCELS MAX SORT STANDARD service / New product has service code PSC and is based on OLA / New product / Add new product and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
Current CONTRACT AIRSURE service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is
INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED and use the International Tracked LABEL
Current CONTRACT AIRSURE PLUS COMP service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED EXTRA COMP service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED EXTRA COMP and use the International Tracked LABEL
Current INT CON AIRSURE COUNTRY PRICED service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED COUNTRY PRICED service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED COUNTRY PRICED and use the International Tracked LABEL
Current INT CON AIRSURE COUNTRY PRICED + COMP service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED EXTRA COMP CTRY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS TRACKED EXTRA COMP CTRY and use the International Tracked LABEL
Current CONTRACT INT SIGNED FOR service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED and use the International Signed LABEL
Current CONTRACT INT SIGNED FOR PLUS COMP service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED EXTRA COMP service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED EXTRA COMP and use the International Signed LABEL
Current INT CON SIGNED FOR COUNTRY PRICED service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED COUNTRY PRICED service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED COUNTRY PRICED and use the International Signed LABEL
Current INT CON SIGNED FOR COUNTRY PRICED + COMP service is changed to INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED EXTRA COMP CTRY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS PARCELS SIGNED EXTRA COMP CTRY and use the International Signed LABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - UNSORTED PRIORITY service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZERO SORT PRIORITY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZERO SORT PRIORITY and use the International AirmailLABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - UNSORTED ECONOMY service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZERO SORT ECONOMY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZERO SORT ECONOMY and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - UNSORTED PRTY MACHINE service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZERO SORT PRI MCH service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZERO SORT PRI MCH and use the International AirmailLABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - UNSORTED ECON MACHINE service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXD ZERO SRT ECONOMY MCH service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXD ZERO SRT ECONOMY MCH and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - ZONE SORT PRIORITY service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SORT PRIORITY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SORT PRIORITY and use the International AirmailLABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - ZONE SORT ECONOMY service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SORT ECONOMY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SORT ECONOMY and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - ZONE SORT PRTY MACHINE service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SORT PRI MCH service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SORT PRI MCH and use the International AirmailLABEL
Current INTL MIXED MAIL - ZONE SORT ECON MACHINE service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SRT ECONOMY MCH service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL MIXED ZONE SRT ECONOMY MCH and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
Current INTL FLATS - UNSORTED PRIORITY service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR ZERO SRT PRIORITY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR ZERO SRT PRIORITY and use the InternationalAirmailLABEL
Current INTL FLATS - UNSORTED ECONOMY service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR ZERO SORT ECONOMY service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR ZERO SORT ECONOMY and use the International 2nd Class LABEL
Current INTL FLATS - UNSORTED PRTY MACHINABLE service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR ZERO SRT PRI MCH service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL LRG LTR ZERO SRT PRI MCH and use the InternationalAirmailLABEL
Current INTL FLATS - UNSORTED ECONOMY MACHINABLE service is changed to INTL BUS MAIL L LTR ZERO SRT ECONOMY MCH service / Amended product / Name change & revised label / New name is INTL BUS MAIL L LTR ZERO SRT ECONOMY MCH and use the International 2nd Class LABEL