Minute for Committee Meeting, January 10, 2012


Cristina Ertze, Juliette Paton, Caroline Sommerville, Fraser White; apologies, Rosslyn Gray, Kirsty Robertson


1.  Committee vacancies: Following the vacancy of chairperson’s role, Moira stepped in nominally but, as an employee, is not permitted to fill a committee position. Kirsty will act as chairperson. A new constitution is due to be written in March formalising roles and the running of the group.

2.  Pamper Night has been held back a week and will take place on 21 January. Wider public outside BBTP membership welcome, and there will be no charge for entry but only BBTP members to receive the discounts for services offered by the visiting businesses. These will include a local jewellery-maker, art therapist, beauticians specialising in hand and neck massage, nails and make-up. A Buddhist nun will be offering an introduction to meditation. Food retailers to offer expertise in healthy eating. Those attending can bring their own bottle of alcoholic drink as no purchasing of alcohol in the venue allowed.

3.  Purchases for the event: Fruit, cucumbers, napkins, skewers, aromatic tea, juice, chocolate marshmallows, disposable plates and cups.

4.  Fridge for milk under Cool Milk scheme is here.

5.  Reminder to be sent out for the £100 draw to take place at Pamper Night. Also that toddlers session runs from 9.30-11.30 and Playgroup from 9.15-11.15, also reiterating that help from members in setting up and clearing away is needed, and appreciated. Could Playgroup members wait in corridor to be asked into hall to pick up their children.

6.  Valentine’s coffee morning (Saturday, 18 February) is to be a celebration of the 30th anniversary of toddler group and 45th of Playgroup. Following a piece in the Lanark Gazette, an original member got in touch to confirm she was one of those who started the group. With the working title ‘for the love of play’, this event will showcase the group with photos from over the years, and original members will be invited to attend. Baking to include a guess the weight of the cake competition. Local baker Biggar Flavour to be approached with request for donation.

7.  Pursuit of grants: Loaningdale fund to be added to list of potential funders. Floating member Fraser White has agreed to begin exploring these sources and will start the South Lanarkshire Council community funds application.

8.  Group funds are healthy at over £2,000 but with several large bills to be paid for the Christmas parties, and footfall at toddlers having fallen back before Christmas, fundraising is again the priority for the remainder of the 2011/12 session. Christmas presents for children cost £350, a good economy considering the group is larger than in previous years. Well done Juliette for keeping the cost down.

9.  Promoting participation among members remains a problem. Committee will name tasks in order to recruit for the 30th anniversary event. Informal meetings will also be held downstairs in the Gillespie Centre after toddlers to give members the opportunity to find out what they can do to help our events, and to catch up on committee meetings that they have not been able to attend.

10.  Request to Kirsty to supply Playgroup welcome info for members moving their children up to this stage.

11.  Consent form for photos: Cristina to supply so that we can use images from the group’s events.

12.  AOB: Next committee meeting, Tuesday, 7 February, 8pm

Biggar Babies, Toddlers & Playgroup • Scottish Charity SC002182
